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Saturday, July 20, 2024

Different entities continue to stress the political problems in Oromia

 Different entities continue to stress the political problems in #Oromia and end the suffering of the people.

In the horn of Africa, the special angel of America Mike Hamar said that he is working to solve the problem of peace in Oromia region.
The wars and the death of thousands, war crimes and kicking of humanity, the displacement of millions of civilians and hunger, the attacks that have taken place in Oromia for the past 6 years.
The conflict between Oromo Liberation Army /OLA/ and the PP government has been going on for a long time, hiding from the world has caused a lot of danger on the future of Ethiopia.
The war that has been going on between the government and Oromo Liberation Army for a long time in the largest region of Ethiopia has been hidden from the eyes of the people and social media.
The federal government and Oromia regional government are blamed for the crimes committed against innocent citizens.
In the past six years, youths, farmers, teachers, students, government workers, Abba Gedaa, political parties and others have been jailed without justice.
Some of them were released from prison and killed. Oromia special force police has killed Oromo youth in Addaba'i. Farmers houses are burnt by government force because they are suspected as the supporters of Oromo Liberation Army.
It is said that all these crimes are hidden from the eyes of the social media and the international media has made the problem in Oromia worse.
There is a large civil war that has reached the people.
The United States has stated that more than 1 million people are displaced from their homes and property due to war.
Many citizens have been killed, imprisoned, stolen property and displaced.
Even though the two parties/OLA & PP/ were in Tanzania for discussion, they finished without agreement has increased the suffering of the people.
Civilian parties, political parties, politicians, members of parliament, religious leaders and Gada have been requesting to stop this war that is following the war that is following in the region.
There is a call for those who are fighting each other to stop shooting for the sake of the people .
The chief officer of KFO and political analyst Jawar Mohammed posted a short writing on his social media page, said that the two bodies should stop shooting and return to reconciliation.
The American government has asked that the war that is going on in different parts of the country should be stopped and the discussion of reconciliation must continue including Oromia and Amhara soldiers.
American special messenger Mike Hamar said he is working to stop the war going on in Oromia and Amhara and start discussion between those parties.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Human right commission (HRC) urges end to conflicts causing widespread rights violations in Ethiopia

 In its 3rd Annual Human Rights Situation Report, covering the period from June 2023 to June 2024, the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission (EHRC) said armed conflicts remain a significant cause of human rights violations across the country, resulting in civilian casualties and displacement. 

The report noted that internally displaced persons, particularly vulnerable groups, continue to face challenges in accessing basic necessities and services.

According to the report, a key development during the reporting period was the resolution of the two-year war in Northern Ethiopia through a peace agreement between the Ethiopian federal government and the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF). While hostilities have ceased,  the report notes that the region continues to grapple with the long-term effects of the war. Civilians face ongoing challenges in accessing basic services, healthcare, and education.

In Oromia, EHRC’s report noted ongoing tensions and conflicts have led to civilian casualties and displacement. The EHRC recorded incidents in several zones, including North, South, West, Southwest, and East Shewa. The report also highlights an increase in kidnappings for ransom affecting in Oromia.

The implementation of the State of Emergency which remained in effect for ten months, had significant impacts on human rights, EHRC’s report stated, highlighting widespread issues with arbitrary detentions. 

In Addis Abeba, detainees were held in non-standard facilities, including schools, under poor conditions. The Awash Arba detention center, known for its extreme heat and remote location, faced criticism for limited access to family visits and medical care.

Restrictions on movement have affected all focus regions. Road blockades and security checkpoints have disrupted transportation, impacting economic activities and access to services.

The EHRC projects that by the next fiscal year, up to 10.8 million people could face critical food insecurity across the affected regions.  

Healthcare services have been significantly impacted, with restricted mobility, damaged infrastructure, and migration of healthcare professionals leading to declines in service quality and availability. The report pays special attention to the rights of women and children in conflict-affected areas.

The EHRC’s report concludes with a series of recommendations aimed at addressing these challenges. These include calls for the immediate release of individuals held in arbitrary detention, reform of laws and policies that adversely affect human rights, and improvements in the treatment of individuals in custody.

The commission emphasizes the need for peaceful dialogue and inclusive transitional justice processes to address the recurring cycles of conflict and widespread human rights violations across all focus regions.