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Sunday, August 25, 2024

WFP struggles to ensure safe and timely food deliveries to millions in Ethiopia amid conflict, inflation, and financial shortfalls

 The World Food Program (WFP) has expressed concern over the increasing challenges it faces in ensuring safe and timely food deliveries to Ethiopia’s most vulnerable populations.

According to the UN agency, these challenges are exacerbated by the ongoing conflict, rising inflation, and a widening funding gap for humanitarian efforts.

In its latest country brief, published on 23 August, 2024, the WFP highlighted Ethiopia’s dire food crisis, warning that the situation could deteriorate further without increased aid during the peak needs period from July through September 2024.

It further emphasized that the possibility of more severe outcomes is a stark reality if support does not intensify during this critical time.

WFP indicates that a staggering 15.8 million individuals across Ethiopia are in dire need of food assistance in 2024, primarily attributable to the ongoing drought.

However, the agency emphasized that the deteriorating security situation, particularly within regions such as North and Oromia, is giving rise to access challenges, jeopardizing the safety of its staff, and negatively impacting its operations.

A recent report by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) also disclosed that 14 kidnappings of aid workers for ransom have occurred in 2024.

In its recent Food and Nutrition Security Update, WFP further highlighted that the depreciation of the birr, resulting from recent macroeconomic measures, is anticipated to have an immediate adverse effect on impoverished households.

‘The introduction of free-floating exchange rates and the subsequent depreciation of the birr are expected to exert an immediate detrimental impact on poor households,’ forecasted the UN agency. ‘Elevated food prices constitute one of the primary factors contributing to acute food insecurity by restricting economic access to food.’

In the aftermath of the recent government’s implementation of comprehensive macroeconomic reforms, the country, particularly the capital Addis Abeba, has witnessed a marked increase in prices for a variety of consumer goods, prompting a crackdown on businesses accused of price gouging and hoarding.

Beyond the security challenges and escalating food prices, the WFP has indicated that a funding gap is hindering the scale of its operations, limiting its ability to reach more vulnerable segments of the population.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

The attack on Oromo people continues - Deadly attacks leave 15 dead in Oromia’s Horo Guduru Wollega Zone

 At least 15 individuals were reportedly killed in an attack by an armed group in the Abe Dongoro district of the Horo Guduru Wollega Zone, Oromia region, last week.

 Abdeta Tesfaye, a resident of Abe Dongoro, disclosed that on last week,  August, 2024, at approximately 8:30 AM, an attack took place in a location known as Miriga while people were traveling to the market.

“The assailants, identified as members of amhara extrimists, killed five individuals and wounded two others,” he recalled. “Traders fled the scene as soon as the gunfire erupted.”

Abdeta further reported that among those killed were two women: Hawi Kabada and Warkine Beyena.

He also mentioned a subsequent attack on the same day in Charu village, where eight people were killed by members  and individuals wearing uniforms resembling those of the Oromia Police.

Ahmed Ali, a resident of Haro Shote village in Horo district, reported  that an attack perpetrated by a “ armed group” occurred in the village on 09 August, 2024, resulting in the fatalities of two individuals. He further disclosed that multiple people remain unaccounted for.

Ali provided an account of another incident that transpired on 08 August, 2024, in Hanafare Darge village at a location known as Kata. During this event,  extremists group intercepted two buses en route to Shambu City, proceeded to pilfer mobile phones, clothing, and monetary possessions from the passengers, and inflicted no physical harm.

The security situation in Western Oromia, particularly in the Horro Guduru Wollega Zone, continues to deteriorate due to ongoing armed conflict.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Over 15 students held in Shashamene without court appearance amid OLA allegations

 More than 15 students have been detained at Shashemene Police Station for up to two months without appearing in court amid allegations of connections to the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA)

Kuni Dida  a friend of one of the imprisoned students who is pursuing an accounting course at Rift Valley University’s Shashemene Campus, informed that over 15 students, primarily from the Borana zone of the Oromia region, are currently detained at the Shashemene Police Station, commonly known as 81.

The source claims that the other detained students attend higher education institutions, such as Paradise College in Shashemene City, which is situated in the West Arsi zone of the Oromia region.

Additionally, the source disclosed that a student from Addis Ababa University who was traveling to the Borena zone via Shashemene is among those detained.

“The majority of these detained students reside in Shashemene city,” he disclosed. “They were arrested at different times, with some being detained for nearly two months.”

The names of some of the detained students include Yakob Godana, Guracha Abba Gudo, Culu Kenasa, Tulu Nama Duri, Halkano Jirma, Wako Dhenge, Kanu Jirmo, Abayo Galma Halake, Lami Bacha, and Abaduba Kuli Jilo.

According to the witness, the students were imprisoned based on recommendations from the Borana Zone Police Department regarding their alleged connection with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA).

The source further explained that these students are active on social media platforms such as Facebook and TikTok, but they are not involved in politics and have no affiliation with any political party. “None of the students have appeared before a court, and their families have been unable to communicate with them since their imprisonment.”

Firaol Bacha, a family member of one of the detained students, shared  that his brother, Lami Bacha, was detained on 01 June, 2024. According to Firaol, Lami was a second-year computer science student at the Rift Valley University campus in Shashamane.

Firaol further explained that prior to his detention, the police have intimidated his brother, threatening to imprison him if he does not cease his activities on TikTok. “Additionally, a friend of Lami’s, who did not even have a TikTok account, was also arrested alongside him.”

Firaol recounted that the local police in Shashemene informed his parents, who traveled from the Borena zone, that an investigation was ongoing and evidence was being collected.

“However, no evidence has been presented by the police since last Friday,” he added. “Furthermore, the committee responsible for reviewing the case had not yet convened as of last week.”

Kalicha Jirma, a brother of another detained student, Halkano Jirma, informed  that his brother was arrested in Shashemene on 07 June, 2024, and is currently being held at the Shashemene Police Station.

He added that Halkano was studying surveying at Rift Valley University College in Shashemene.

“Until yesterday, he had not been brought before a court,” Kalicha indicated. “We have no information regarding the reasons for his detention; the police only state that they are conducting an investigation.”

A recent United Nations report has highlighted the troubling human rights situation in Ethiopia throughout 2023, particularly in  Oromia. The most frequent violations included arbitrary arrests and detentions, followed by civilian killings, torture, enforced disappearances, and attacks on civilian property.

The report documented 366 civilian deaths in the Oromia region, where clashes between government forces and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) continued throughout the year. Among those killed in Oromia, 46 were women.