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Saturday, June 28, 2014

Declaration of Unity of the OLF

It is with great pleasure that we announce to our people and the supporters of our struggle for freedom the good news that, based on the accord they made in Kampala, Uganda, in November 2012, the two organizations of the Oromo Liberation Front (OLF) known as OLF Shanee Gumii (”OLF National Council”) and OLF Qaama Ce’umsaa (”OLF Transitional Authority”) have resolved our differences and agreed to combine our two leaderships, unify our members, merge our organizational structures and inaugurate a reunified OLF. Although OLF has encountered many obstacles during the last forty years, there was no time when it has stopped the struggle that it was established to lead. No one can deny the fact that the national struggle led by the OLF has scored many victories and made many significant achievements that have taken the Oromo people a long way toward the national goal of independence. Among these great achievements is the level of political awareness of our people.
At the same time, we witness that the Oromo people are being targeted for extinction more than any time before. Oppression has reached intolerable levels making our people to rise up in defiance of tyranny, protesting peacefully in all corners of Oromia. But, as witnessed in the killings of students and others in many places in Oromia, the TPLF regime is responding violently to their lawful demands. Defying enemy atrocities, imprisonment, and torture the young Oromo generation are making it known to the world that they will not tolerate humiliation and oppression anymore and that they will make the necessary sacrifices to liberate their people and homeland from alien oppressors. The OLF extends its condolences to families who lost their beloved sons daughters and expresses its admiration for the courage and bravery they have shown by the young Oromo generation to defend their people’s legitimate rights. As the vanguard of the Oromo struggle for freedom, we re-iterate our determination to continue the struggle until our people become masters of their destiny.
The re-unification of the two organizations of the OLF is a great step that will strengthen the Oromo struggle for freedom. United under one leadership, we are resolute to realize the principal objective of our struggle, namely the liberation of our people and the independence of our homeland Oromia. There is no question about the popularity of the goal of OLF-led liberation struggle among the Oromo people. Therefore, it is with determination that we pledge to make the necessary sacrifices, withstand the challenges ahead and carry through the Oromo national struggle to the ultimate goal of independence.
We are well aware that there are Oromo nationals who are organized separately under other names to advance our people’s legitimate rights. We will do all we can to coordinate our efforts with them to achieve the common goal. The OLF leadership states its decision and commitment to continue to work and conclude the ongoing talks with other forces committed to the same goal. Hence we call on all Oromo organizations that uphold our people’s right to self-determination and independence to join us in carrying out this sacred mission.

Documentary Video: IOYA | International Oromo Youth Association | Presents

View Short Documentary Here []
What “the government of Ethiopia doesn’t want the world to know”:
‪#‎FreeOromoStudents‬ Social Media Campaign to begin this weekend by the International Oromo Youth Association
Kulani Jalata
June 26, 2014
On April 25, 2014, a reported 47 peacefully protesting students were gunned down by federal security forces in Ambo, Oromia region, Ethiopia.
“The government of Ethiopia doesn’t want the world to know about what has been happening with the [Oromo] student protests, that federal forces have used violence against the students, that there have been mass arrests of students, that there are allegations of beatings and brutality. The government doesn’t have any incentive to have outside forces to do an investigation. So there are certain barriers to spreading the word.”
These are the words of Amy Bergquist, a human rights attorney at Advocates for Justice, in a newly produced documentary by the International Oromo Youth Association (IOYA). During April and May of this year, Oromo[1] university students across Oromia, Ethiopia, organized peaceful demonstrations against the “Integrated Development Master Plan”, a government plan to expand the capital into the state of Oromia. The capital city’s municipal expansion into Oromia would invariably result in mass evictions and the displacement of millions of poor farmers. When students decided to peacefully protest the expansion plan, they were met with bullets, as reported by BBC (video), Al Jazeera, and the Guardian. Leslie Lefkow, Human Rights Watch’s deputy Africa director stated, “Ethiopia’s heavy handed reaction to the Oromo protests is the latest example of the government’s ruthless response to any criticism of its policies. UN member countries should tell Ethiopia that responding with excessive force against protesters is unacceptable and needs to stop.” On May 6, 2014, Ethiopia was summarily grilled at the United Nations Human Rights Council’s Universal Periodic Review regarding its human rights violations against Oromo student protestors.
While it is true there have been “barriers” as Bergquist notes to documenting the protests and the Ethiopian government’s violent response because of the absence of free media in Ethiopia, diaspora Oromo communities organized worldwide protests in May and created a website to raise awareness about the Oromo student protests. Now, the International Oromo Youth Association is embarking on a social media campaign, starting this weekend, to continue advocating for the rights of the Oromo students that were not only gunned down and killed, but that were also imprisoned and are currently languishing in Ethiopian prisons known for torturing prisoners of conscience and their inhumane living conditions (BBC, U.S. Dept of State). Below is IOYA’s documentary on the Oromo protests, including eyewitness accounts from Peace Corps volunteers Jennifer Klein and Josh Cook. Jennifer and Josh had been working in Ambo on a health project when the protests began in Ambo and security forces responded: “Every few minutes, we were hearing gun shots. Sometimes we would hear what sounded like an explosion followed by a round of 30 or 40 gunshots. Sometimes there were gunshots within a block or two of our house…the gunshots were so close that it frightened both of us a lot.” Not only did Josh and Jennifer bear witness to the massacring of students that day as well as the loading up of buses and trucks of protesting students by police officers to be shipped to prisons, but they also witnessed Ethiopian police officers follow two of their neighbors into their home while the protests were taking place across town and shoot them to death. “That’s when Jen and I were very frightened,” Josh said. “We couldn’t believe that the police would enter somebody’s private home and shoot them in their home. It was awful.”
The Ethiopian government’s response to the Oromo student protests is only the surface of the Ethiopian government’s repressive and violent approach to governance and politics. In 2005, unarmed Oromo students protesting against fraudulent election results were also met with violence and live ammunition, political imprisonment, and torture, and for years, Human Rights Watch has been reporting the government’s use of surveillance, arbitrary detention, and torture to severely restrict freedom of expression, association, and assembly.In the documentary, Josh notes that people in Ethiopia today are “not allowed to say anything” in critique of the government, otherwise risking imprisonment. “People have absolutely no voice at all.”
View Short Documentary Here []
Amane Badhasso, the current president of IOYA, says that the purpose of the IOYA campaign on the Oromo student protests is to raise global awareness and to ask for the immediate release of thousands of Oromo students currently being held in detention and very likely being tortured for simply protesting against the Integrated Development Master Plan. “We want to show the world that a government’s disregard for basic human and constitutional rights is unacceptable,” she says.
[1] The Oromo are the largest ethnonational group in Ethiopia, constituting almost 40% of the population.

Friday, June 27, 2014

ድርብ አኃዝ ዕድገት ወይስ ድርብ ድህነት?


በኦክስፎርድ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የዓለምአቀፍ ልማት ትምህርት ክፍል ሥር የኢኮኖሚ ጥናት የሚያካሂደው የኦክስፎርድ የድህነትና የሰብዕ ልማት ማዕከል (The Oxford Poverty and Human Development Initiative (OPHI)) ሰሞኑን ባወጣው የ2014 የጥናት መረጃ ደሃ ከሚባሉት አገራት ዝርዝር ኢትዮጵያ ከመጨረሻው ሁለተኛ መሆኗን ገለጸ፡፡ የጥናቱ ዘገባ ኢህአዴግ በየጊዜው ከሚያቀርበው የዕድገት ስሌት ጋር በግልጽ የሚጋጭ መሆኑ ተነገረ፡፡
በዓለማችን በሚገኙ 108 በማደግ ላይ ባሉ አገራት በየጊዜው ጥናት የሚያካሂደው ማዕከል ጥናቱን በሚያካሂድበት ጊዜ 10 መለኪያዎችን እንደ ግብዓት እንደሚጠቀም ይናገራል፡፡ እነዚህም በሦስት ዘርፎች የተጠቃለሉ ናቸው – ትምህርት፣ ጤና እና የኑሮ ሁኔታ፡፡ በተለይ በኑሮ ሁኔታ ሥር ኤሌክትሪክ፣ ጽዳት፣ የሚጠጣ ውሃ፣ የንብረት ባለቤትነት፣ ወዘተ በግብዓትነት ተወስደዋል፡፡
በዚህ ዓይነት እኤአ ከ2002 እስከ 2011 ድረስ ያለውን መረጃ በማጠናቀር በወጣው ዘገባ መሠረት በኢትዮጵያ ውስጥ ከ100 ሰዎች መካከል 87ቱ ድሃ ተብለው የሚጠሩ ሲሆን 58ቱ ሰዎች ግን መናጢ ደሃ ተብለው የሚጠሩ መሆናቸውን ይናገራል፡፡ ድህነቱ በገጠር እጅግ የከፋ እንደሆነ በመጠቆም ከ100 ሰዎች ውስጥ 96ቱ ደሃዎች እንደሆኑ፤ በከተሞች አካባቢ ግን ከ100 ሰዎች መካከል 46ቱ ደሃ ተብለው የሚጠሩ መሆናቸውን ያስረዳል፡፡ ከዚህ በተጨማሪ በአጠቃላይ የአገሪቷ ክፍሎች ከ100 ሰዎች መካከል 31ዱ በቀን ከ20ብር በታች በሚገኝ ገቢ እንደሚኖሩ ጠቁሟል፡፡
ድህነቱ የከፋባቸው “ክልሎች” ብዙም ልዩነት እንደሌላቸው የሚያሳየው የጥናቱ ዘገባ ከሁሉም ግን ሶማሊ በደሃነት ቀዳሚ ነው፡፡ በጥቂት ነጥብ ልዩነት ኦሮሚያ፣ አፋር፣ አማራ፣ ቤንሻንጉል ጉሙዝ በቅደም ተከተል ተቀምጠዋል፡፡ በእነዚህ አምስት ክልሎች ከ100 ሰዎች ውስጥ 90 እና ከዚያ በላይ የሚሆኑት ደሆች መሆናቸው በጥናቱ ተዘርዝሯል፡፡
የ108 በማደግ ላይ ያሉ አገራት የድህነት መለኪያ ዝርዝር የያዘው ዘገባ በግልጽ እንደሚያሳየው የመጨረሻዋ ደሃ አገር ኒጀር ስትሆን ከዚያ ቀጥላ ኢትዮጵያ ነች፡፡ እስከ 10 ባሉት የመጨረሻ አገራት ውስጥ ማሊ፣ ቡርኪናፋሶ፣ ላይቤሪያ፣ ጊኒ፣ ሶማሊያ፣ ቡሩንዲ፣ መካከለኛው አፍሪካ እና ጊኒ ቢሳው ከ3 – 10 ደረጃ ላይ ይገኛሉ፡፡
በየጊዜው የኢትዮጵያ ዕድገት “ድርብ አኻዝ” እንደሆነ ለሚናገረው ኢህአዴግ ይህ ዓይነቱ ዓለምአቀፋዊ ዘገባ የከፋ ተጽዕኖ እንደሚያሳድር በአስተያየት ሰጪዎች ዘንድ ይነገራል፡፡ በተለይ “ምርጫ” እየቀረበ ባለበት ወቅት ይህ ዓይነቱ በታዋቂ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የሚመራ ማዕከል የወጣ የጥናት ዘገባ የሚያመጣው ተጽዕኖ ከፍባለ ሁኔታ ለመጠቀም ተቃዋሚ ፓርቲዎች በቂውን ዝግጅት ማድረግ እንደሚገባቸው እነዚሁ ወገኖች ይናገራሉ፡፡ ኢህአዴግ የማይስማማውን ማንኛውንም ዓይነት ዘገባ “የልማት ጸሮች” ያወጡት፣ “የአሸባሪዎች እጅ ያለበት”፣ “የኒዎ ሊበራል አቀንቃኞች ዘገባ”፣ “የኪራይ ሰብሳቢዎች ምኞት”፣ ወዘተ እያለ እንደሚያጥላላውና እንደሁኔታው የተለመደውን “ማጣፊያ” በኢቲቪ ወይም ሌሎች ድቃይ “የሚዲያ” ክፍሎች ላይ እንደሚያቀርብ ጎልጉል አስተያየት የጠየቃቸው በኢትዮጵያ የከፍተኛ ተቋም ምሁር ገልጸዋል፡፡
ይህ የኦክስፎርድ ማዕከል ይህንን ጨምሮ በየጊዜው የሚያቀርባቸው የጥናትና ምርምር ውጤቶች በበርካታ ዓለምአቀፋዊ ድርጅቶች፣ በፖሊሲ አውጪዎች እንዲሁም የተባበሩት መንግሥታት የልማት ፕሮግራም (UNDP) እና ሌሎች ተመሳሳይ ተቋማት ጥቅም ላይ እንደሚያውሉት በድረገጹ ላይ አስታውቋል፡፡

17 Oromo Journalists Sacked by Ethiopian Government in the Wake of ‪#‎OromoProtests‬

Posted: Waxabajjii/June 27, 2014 · Finfinne Tribune |
(A4O, 26 June 2014) ORTO journalist are being falsely accused of providing information to diaspora news organizations like VOA, DW, Seif, Eri-TV (Oromo), Oromo Voice Radio and the newly inaugurated Oromia Media Network (OMN).
According to our sources, 17 Oromo journalists of the Oromia Radio and Television Organization (ORTO) have been forced out of their jobs as of June 25, 2014.
The journalists say they have received no prior notices and learned of their fates on Wednesday morning (June 25, 2014) when the security at the gate prevented them from entering the station’s compound located in Adama.
Members of the management informed the journalists that they could not help them as the decision to terminate their employments and the list of names came from the federal government.
This firing follows a 20-day re-indoctrination seminar given to journalists and reporters of ORTO and workers of the region’s Communication Bureau.
Main agendas for the seminar were the ongoing #OromoProtests and the upcoming election. Speakers at the seminar included Bereket Simon, Waldu Yemasel (Director of Fana Broadcasting), Abreham Nuguse Woldehana and Zelalem Jemaneh.
Names and departments/assigned roles of the 17 journalists fired from Oromia Radio and Television Organization (ORTO) are as follows:
Department of Technology and Development
1. Tilahun Megersa – reporter for the ORTO website
2. Bira Legesse – Afaan Oromo anchor
3. Bekele Atoma – Afan Oromo and English Reporter
4. Hamza Hussien – Afan Oromo & English report
5. Dereje Gonfa – Afan Oromo Reporter
6. Adis Tegegn – Amharic
7. Lisanewok Moges – Afan Oromo and Amharic news producer
8. Marga Hangasu – Sport program producer

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Gumaan Barattoota Oromoo Milishuu Mallasaa fi Bilisummaa Lammii Tarkaanfii Boonsaa Humni Addaa WBO Baha Shawaa Keessatti Fudhateen Baafame

Humni Addaa WBO Miseensota Koree Basaasota Wayyaanee Baha Shawaa Keessatti Iccitiidhaan Ijaaramuun Barattoota Oromoo Milishuu (Abdii) Mallasaa fi Bilisummaa Lammii dabalatee ilmaan Oromoo ajjeesisuu, hiisisuu fi yakki adda addaa akka irratti raawwatamu ajaja dabarsaa turan irratti tarkaanfii boonsaa fudhateen 3 ajjeese.
Waxabajjii 19, 2014 Humni Addaa WBO miseensota Koree basaasota wayyaanee namoota 15 of jalaa qabu iccitiidhaan ijaaramuun Baha Shawaa (Adaamaa, Bushooftuu, Mojoo, Hoolancitii) fi manneen barnootaa godinicha keessa jiran keessatti barattoota Oromoo fi sabboontota Oromoo basaasuun akka ajjeefaman, hidhamanii fi dararaman hoggana kennaa turan galgala keessaa sa’aa 8:25 irratti tarkaanfii magaalaa Hoolancitii keessatti basaasota korichaa kan damee Adaamaa walgahii dhoksaa geggeeffataa turan irratti fudhateen 3 battalumatti ajjeesuun gumaa barattoota Oromoo Milishuu Mallasaa fi Bilisummaa Lammii Caamsaa 16, 2014 magaalaa Adaamaa keessatti koree kanaan ajjeefamanii baasuu isaa oduun SBO dhaqqabe mirkaneesseera.
Barreessaan koree basaasota wayyaanee kan damee Adaamaa Tigirtichi Mazgabuu jedhamu kan dhiiga ilmaan Oromootiin dhihoo duroomee konkolaataa fe’umsaa 3 as kaluu kana bitate kanneen ajjeefaman keessatti akka argamus Humni Addaa WBO tarkaanfii kana fudhate beeksiseera.
Koreen basaasota wayyaanee Baha Shawaa keessatti barattootaa fi sabboontota Oromoo ajjeesisuu fi hiisisuuf dhaabbate namoota 15 of jalatti hammatee kun Tigirticha Kolonel Kibra-qaal jedhamuun kan hoogganamu yeroo ta’u, miseensotni koree kanaas Tigrootaa fi Amaarota Afaan Oromoo dubbatan akka ta’e oduun kun ni hubachiisa.
Basaasotni wayyaanee tarkaanfiin irratti fudhatame kun bakki isaan itti ajjeefaman magaalaa Hoolancitiitti kan argamu mana walitti qabaa koree basaasota wayyaanee kan damee Adaamaa Abbittii Kiflee jedhamuutti oggaa ta’u, Abbittii Kiflee walgahii dhoksaa kana irra turee yeroof tarkaanfii kana jalaa kan miliqe ta’us, yeroo isaa eeggatee kan hin oolleef ta’uu Humni Addaa WBO tarkaanfii kana fudhate hubachiiseera. Dubartiin deggertuu sirna wayyaanee taate basaasota wayyaanee dhiiga ilmaan Oromoo dhugan kanaaf ittisa ta’uuf yaalte tokkos tarkaanfii kanaan akka madoofte gabaafameera.

Friday, June 20, 2014

UN Special Procedures Urged to Visit Ethiopia to Investigate Crackdown on Oromo Protests

Today, The Advocates for Human Rights, along with Human Rights First, theInternational Oromo Youth AssociationOromia Support Group Australia, the Oromo Community of Minnesota, the Oromo Studies Association, and World Without Genocide at William Mitchell College of Law, sent a letter to six of the United Nations’ special procedure mandate-holders, urging them to request and conduct country visits to Ethiopia to investigate actions taken by the Ethiopian Government in response to student-led protests in the state of Oromia.
The request comes on the heels of last month’s Universal Periodic Review of Ethiopia at the United Nations Human Rights Council, where the Government of Ethiopia agreedto “grant full access to Special Rapporteurs and Special Procedures Mandate holders to visit the country, notably the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Education,” and to “accept the outstanding requests for visits from the special procedures” of the United Nations.

Thursday, June 19, 2014

UNPO Condemns Recent Crackdown of Oromo Student Protests by Ethiopian Government

Posted: Waxabajjii/June 19, 2014 · Finfinne Tribune |
The following is a statement from the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO):
Following last month’s violent answer of the Ethiopian armed forces against peaceful protesters in Oromia, UNPO expresses its support to the victims’ families. Urgent attention from the international community to the situation of the Oromo people in Ethiopia is required.
Over the course of the month of May, students in Oromia have been facing harsh repression by Ethiopia’s authorities. The peaceful student protests against the government’s planned education reforms, were met by excessive violence, causing the death of approximately 30 students and teachers. Reportedly, the youngest victim was only 11 years old. Ever since, international outrage spread, and in many cities solidarity protests were held. The Ethiopian Government has denied any responsibility, and is exercising a strict control over the local media.
By staging the protests, the students wanted to express their concern about the government’s project to expand the municipal boundaries of the capital city, Addis Ababa. This would imply that the Oromo students’ communities, currently under regional jurisdiction, would no longer be managed by the Oromia Regional State. In addition, the reform would include the displacement of Oromo farmers and residents. Considering their vulnerable status in Ethiopian society, this would make the situation for Oromo individuals even worse than it already is.
The discrepancy between the nature of the protests and the Ethiopian authorities’ reaction is extremely alarming, and gives further evidence of the human rights abuses to which the Oromo community is systematically subjected in Ethiopia. The Oromo suffer from severe discrimination, not only in terms of freedom of expression, as was the case in these recent events, but also in terms of basic human rights, cultural expression, socio-economic conditions and political representation.
Housing development in Ethiopia regularly happens at the expense of Oromo farmers, who are forced to give up their lands, with insufficient or no financial compensation in return. These acts of forced removal or land grabbing are mostly achieved through violent attacks and killings. Over the past few years, many reports stated that Oromo individuals had been killed by the Ethiopian Special Police Forces, including women and children. According to a recent report published in 2013 by Human Rights Watch, numerous Oromo political prisoners were tortured and executed in secret prisons in Oromia and Ethiopia.
UNPO strongly condemns the crackdown on the Oromo community and urges that those responsible are held accountable. UNPO furthermore calls on the Ethiopian government to stop violating the fundamental human rights of its citizens, and to respect and abide by the international conventions it signed and ratified.

Woyane is a dead and deadly regime walking

Ethiopians must be very attentive to safeguard the safety of our people and the integrity of our country from a dead and deadly regime walking. We must warn the officials and the cadres of the regime to abandon Woyane like their colleagues or ultimately pay for all the crimes of the Woyane. There would be no excuses not to abandon the regime and expect a safe haven to hide or run.
Ethiopians must be very attentive to safeguard the safety of our people
The defection rate of Woyane’s officials and cadres are increasing faster than ever. In recent news several individuals including the Deputy Communication Minster Ermias Legesse, the Federal Prosecutor Tewodros Behar, the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange Executive Director Anteneh Assefa, and the General Manager of the Endowment Fund for Rehabilitation of Tigray (EFFORT) Getachew Belay Wendimu is the sign of a dead and deadly regime walking.
The testimony of the former Deputy Communication Minster Ermias Legesse 1 2 3 / alone is sufficient to the extent of the crimes of Woyane to abandon it. Others choose to remain silent as cowards from telling what they know. They will be sought out as conspirators of the regime’s crime for the rest of their lives.
Things are not going well for Woyanes. Desperation is setting in among the officials and the rank and file of the cadres of ruling regime Woyane. They are searching for a place to run for dear life.
There are no armed oppositions surrounding them to surrender yet. There is no popular uprising to overthrow the regime yet. They are afraid of the same regime they have been serving most of their adult life going to use them as fall guys for its extensive crimes to buy time.
The inner circles of TPLF are scared to their pants from each other and are in a no-way-in no-way-out position the regime put them in. It is like being in hard place and a rock. The grandfather of Woyane Sibhat Nega is seen shuttling back-and-forth to calm down the Gangs of Adwa to stick with each other or else.
The ethnic puppets Woyane assembled and use to justify its crimes are in more crises than ever. Used and abused as front men by TPLF’s ethnic agenda, they sensed they are disposable to get out of the jam the regime got itself in to save face. Stuck from getting out of their predicament of serving the criminal enterprise of TPLF they are looking for escape route out of the reach of the regime’s assassins.

OROMIA SPEAKS The Oromo People’s National Struggle for Freedom is Not Against the Rights of Any Other People

Like the Oromo people, several other peoples in the empire state of Ethiopia have been under the yoke of Abyssinian colonialism since the creation of that empire in its present form. With ideological and material support of its allies, the Abyssinian regime conquered the southern peoples one after another, targeting one nation at a time. This sequential conquer helped them to re-enforce their colonial army with the resources and manpower of the already conquered people in their subsequent attacks on the remaining southern nations. This shows that the defeat of one people have facilitated the defeat of the rest of the southern people. In this regard, with its vast human and natural wealth, the occupation of Oromia had created a perfect opportunity for colonial army and opened a door for the occupation of the remaining southern nations. Such type of divide and attack strategy was a standard tactic used by all colonial powers, and as such, was not a unique Abyssinian tactic
After southerners were all conquered in such a way, our fate has been one and the same. The magnitude and type of colonial segregation the Oromos have experienced are very similar with the ones used on Somalis, Afars, Gedi’os, Gambelas and Bani-shanguls. We are all equally looted, brutally massacred, denied our human and democratic rights and all together are reduced to a secondary citizen. All these facts demonstrate that we southerners are linked by history and fate. Our common misfortune calls for our joint action to reverse it. We are colonized together and therefore we must be liberated together. This is the firm belief of the OLF and the Oromo people.
The truth being this, successive Abyssinian colonial regimes have been trying everything in their capacities to bury this fact. They did everything they could to apply the old colonial game of divide and rule and sow the seed of permanent animosity between the colonized peoples in the south. They designed several tactics that induce conflicts between colonized peoples. In places where they were successful, they have inflicted countless bloodsheds between neighbouring peoples. They did so between Oromos and Somalis, Oromos and Afars, Oromos and Isas, Oromos and Gedi’os etc. Their fear is obvious, if the oppressed nations unite, their joint action will crash their colonial regime in no time. More than the oppressed, the oppressors know the might of the united oppressed people. To eliminate that potential the oppressors have left no stone unturned.
As a apart of this general picture, the wayane have recently embarked on another wave of campaign of blackmailing the Oromo national movement. The effort is to turn other peoples, residing in Oromia, against the just cause of Oromos. They are disseminating a baseless fabricated cheap propaganda campaign telling the people that: if Oromos get to power they will swallow you, will expel you from Oromia etc. The fact that the current Tigray regime and the old Amara regime have both used the same propaganda shows that they are all the same when it comes to the Oromo question. They all know what they did to the Oromo people and so that they all fear from the Oromo people and its just cause. They want to depict its struggle as a monster to deny it any sympathy and support.

Monday, June 16, 2014

Stop the plunder of the Oromo people

Millions of Oromo farmers in Ethiopia are being displaced without receiving compensation for the land they lose. Protests are brutally faced with violence, torture and murder.

The farmers from the Oromo people around the capital Addis Ababa in Ethiopia losing livelihood and their culture when the government is now giving their land to foreign companies that want to invest in industry and other sectors, writes Badilu Abanesha
The farmers from the Oromo people around the capital Addis Ababa in Ethiopia losing livelihood and their culture when the government is now giving their land to foreign companies that want to invest in industry and other sectors,
By Badilu Abanesha  
 Norway (Aftenbladet) – Oromo are being deprived of their land and their ability to survive financially, and their culture is threatened. This happens at the boundaries of the capital Addis Ababa is substantially extended. Large areas are being given to foreign companies to establish manufacturing and service sectors at the farmers’ fields and orchards. The traditional inhabitants are losing their own food and are left to fend for themselves. If the government plan is completed, approx. 6.6 million people being driven from their homes without compensation.
Over 100 killed
There have been peaceful protests against these plans all over Oromia. Students at ten universities and large groups of people have protested against the plans, but their peaceful struggle has been met by brutal military police. There have been reports of shooting, detention and torture. Death toll rises with every passing day. Via various sources it has emerged that over 100 people have been shot and killed, while others are badly injured and thousands have been arrested. Oromo students have protested peacefully for over a month now, despite the killings and arrests by Ethiopian security forces.
Oromo are Ethiopia’s largest ethnic group with over a third of the country’s population. They have traditionally been oppressed by Amhara and Tigreans, which has been the dominant, state incomeand country’s leading ethnic groups in Ethiopia.
Stop remittances
The Norwegian people, the Norwegian government and other international organizations should condemn the Ethiopian government’s brutal attack on unarmed innocent civilians. We demand that the detainees will not be subjected to torture and ill-treatment. We require all innocent protesters arrested are released from prison immediately.
The Ethiopian government should immediately stop its movement by the original people from their own lands throughout Ethiopia.
We also believe that financial transfers to management in Ethiopia must be stopped while of government does not respect the fundamental and basic rights of its own people.
We worry about really what is happening in Ethiopia. It is difficult when we are not physically able to take part in their fight against injustice. Therefore, we have a great desire to pass on their plea for help to the outside world.

Our hearts bleed, and we have awakened the people so they can see what is happening and help the injustices and massacres stopped.

SBS-Radio Panel Discussion: the Addis Ababa Master Plan (#OromoProtests-...

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Ibsa ABO: Ajjeechaa Ilmaan Oromoo irratti Dhoksaan Hammarreessa Keessatti Barootaan Raawwatamaa ture Ifa Bahe

Ajjeechaa Ilmaan Oromoo Irratti Dhoksaan Hammarreessa Keessatti Barootaan Raawwatamaa Ture Ifa Bahe

Ajjeechaan jumulaa, hidhaa, hiraar, saaminsaa fi cunqursaan bittoota Itophiyaan ummatoota Itophiyaa irra gahu kan barootaan lakkaa’ame, wayyaa’uu hin dandeenye dhaalamaa as gahe dha. Hammeenyi raawwatamu kunis ijaarsa empaayera Itophiyaan asitti kan mudate qofa miti. Ijaaramuu Itophiyaa har’aan durattis Kaaba biyyattiitti kan bittootan raawwatamaa ture dha. Maaliif? gaaffii jedhuuf deebiin gabaabaan mootummootni aangootti kan dhufan seeraani fi hayyama ummataan ala tahuu irraa ti. Waan taheef bituuf, ummatni jilbeenfatee isaan jalatti akka bulu taasisuuf gara-jabinaan fixu. Jiilchanii, qor-qalbii cabsuun bittaa isaaniitti iggitii godhachuu barbaaddu. Aangoon hayyama ummataan alatti ykn seerawaa hin taane ammoo ummata biratti fudhatama hin argatu. Kanaaf hariiroon ummataa fi humna aangoo siyaasaa humnaan dhuunfate gidduutti uumamu kan ajajaa fi ajajamaan alatti kan biraa tahuu hin danda’u.
Abbootiin irree yoomiyyuu aangoo dhuunfatan turfatuun olitti dhimmi ittiin hojooman kan biraa hin jiru. Aangoo humnaan dhuunfatan turfatuuf ajjeechaa gara-jabinaa fi jumulaa, hidhaa, saaminsa, doorsisaa fi tooftaalee humnaa birootti fayyadamu. Empaayera Itophiyaa keessatti kan mul’ataa turee fi jiru kanuma. Empaayera Itophiyaa humnaa fi gargaarsa warra dhihaan uumanii humnaa fi gargaarsa warra dhihaan jiraachisan. Mootummootni hanga ammaatti mul’atanis kan ummatootaaf gara-laafina hin qabne, sirna cunqursaa tarkaanfachiisan tahuu irraa empaayera humnaan tolfatanii humnaan jireessan hiyyummaa fi boodatti- hafummaa hanga har’aatti keessaa bahuu hin dandeenye keessatti akka korkodamtee haftu taasisan.
Bittootni Itophiyaa aangoo humnaan argatan humnaan tikfatuuf jecha tarkaanfii fudhatamaa ture keessatti ummatootni Itophiyaa miidhaman danuu tahanis kan ummata Oromoo bittoota biratti diinummaa addaan waan ilaalamuuf dhumiinsi irra gahaa turee fi jiru suukanneessaa dha. Waxabajjii 10, 2014 Baha Oromiyaa naannoo Hammarreessaatti lafti investarootaaf kenname osoo qotamee tottolfamuu lafeen lammiilee Oromoo jumulaan mul’ate, hammeenya mootummootni Dargii fi Wayyaanee ummata Oromoo irratti raawwataniif ragaa qabatamaa tahuutti dabalee ajjeechaan dhoksaan raawwatamu marti dhokatee kan hin hafne tahuu mirkaneessa.
Lammiileen hedduu lafeelee ilmaan Oromoo mul’atan waan hin beekneef kan eenyuu akka tahee fi eenyuun akka ajjeefaman ummata odeessa gahaa hin qabneen gahuudhaan hubachiisuun barbaachisaa taha.

Thursday, June 12, 2014

Waraannii Wayyaanee Aanaa Gindabarat irra qubsiifamee jiru, uummaata sivilii irratti waraana banuun barattoota Oromoo kutaa 12ffaa Sadii ajjeese

Waxabajjii 12/2014 Waraannii Mootummaa Wayyaanee Godina Lixaa Shawaa aanaa Gindabarat Magaalaa Kaachiis irra qubatee jiru eda galgala sa;aatii 1:00 irratti waraana banuun barattoota Oromoo kutaa 12ffaa Sadii (3) ajjeese jira. Mootummaan Wayyaanee duula dugugginsa sanyii genocide uummaata Oromoo irraatti banee jiru jabeessuun itti fufee, Wayyaaneen humna waraanaa of harkaa qabu uummata Oromoo irratti bobbaasuun yeroo amma kanatti uummata sivilii irratti waraana banuun dhukaasee ajjeesa jira,
Addaatti barattoota Oromoo adamsee rasaasaan reebee ajjeessuu itti fufee jira, haala kanaan barattootni Oromoo kutaa 12ffaa bara kana xummuran sadii(3) kan barattootni 1ffaa barataa Damee Balchaa Baanee, fi 2ffaa barataa Caalaa Margaa fi 3ffaa barataa Baqqalaa Tarrafaa kanneen jedhamaan Ilmaan Oromoo mana ba'anii nagaan galuu dadhabanii rasaasa loltuu wayyaaneetiin reebamanii ajjefamanidha. galgala edaa kana waraana loltuun wayyaanee ilmaan Oromoo nagaa irratti baneen yeroo amma barattootni Oromoo kun wareegamanii jiru,dhukaasnii meeshaa waraanaa Magaalaa Kaachiisi dirree waraanaa guddaa fakkeessa bulee,
Tarkaanfii Gara jabinaa kanatti aaruun halkanuma edaa erga barattootni aajjeefamanii booda halkan keessa sa:aatii naannoo sa"a 6:00tti waraanaa wayyaanee fi Poolisota dhalootaan Oromoo ta'an kan aanaa Gindabarat magaalaa kaachiis keessatti argamanii fi Waraanaa wayyaaneegidduutti waldhabdeen guddaan dhalatee boombiin waajira poolisaa Magaalaa kaachiisii irratti dhoowofamuun poolisootnii fi waraannii wayyaanee madeeffamuun ibsame jira. gamaa lamaan irraa iyyuu hangi ajjeeffamee fi madeeffamee ammaf kan adda hin baafamne ta'uu maddeen keenya nuuf ibsan.
Tarkaanfii Suukkaneessa galgala edaa wayyaaneen uummata sivilii irratti waraana banuun fudhateen balleessa tokko malee barattootni Oromoo nagaan qurumsa biyyooleessaa kutaa 12ffaa bara kana fudhatan 3 ajjeefamuun uummata daran kan aarsee waanta'eef, uummaanni nuti reeffaa iyyuu hin barbaadnu, wayyaaneen waliitti qabdee nu haa fixxuu malee ilmaan keenya irratti duuna jechuun yeroo ammaa kanatti uummaanni Aanaa Gindabart Magaalaa kaachisii fi Abunaa Gindabarat FDG guddaa gaggeessa jira, daandiin konkolaataa Abunaa Gindabarat irraan gara magaalaa Kaachisiitti dabarsuu uummataan cufamee jira, fincila guddaatu gaggeeffama jira.
Injifannoon Uummata Oromoof!!
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Oromo struggle for identity and Freedom | Oromummaa fi Qabso Oromo Eenyummaa fi Birmadummaaf

By Ibsaa Guutamaa | June 9, 2014
The enemy is trying to erase Oromo identity as independent people to deny their claim over Oromiyaa. But gallant Oromo that have thirst for freedom are shaking the earth from mountains and valleys of their country. The enemy is a wobbling tooth that has no remedy except pulling it out. Oromoo Oromiyaa irratt mirga dhabsiisuuf diinni eenyummaa isaan akka ummata walaba tokkoott qaban haquun Oromiyaa irratt abbumaa saanii haaluu fedha. Garuu jagnooti Oromoo bilisummaa dheebotan gaarreenii fi sululoota biyya abbaa saanii keessaa lafa raasaa jiru. Diinni ilkaan raafame buqqisuu malee fala hin qabne. Garuu sana eenyutu shaffisaan godha?
But who will do that fast? Most national political organizations that claim Oromo names are avoiding concentrating on what they were supposed to do. Instead of daring to implement what they have been declaring, call for unity and merger and alliance seems to become their raison d’être. The objectives declared on their political programs are only for public relation purposes. That is why there is incongruity between their words and deeds. That is why the teetering Wayyaanee is causing undue damage when it could have been seen off long ago. We should not get bored to remind each other as to who we are, from where did we start and where did we reach and where we are bound to head? Oromo is one of the branches of Kuusaa or Kush. Kush, if not the oldest is at least one of the oldest cradles of human civilization. Without any doubt Oromo civilization branches out from this civilization. When one talks of being Oromo it will not be complete without mentioning this connection with the ancient civilization the traits of which it still manifests. The symbols, which surviving Gadaa Fathers use and their rituals are remnants of that civilization’s practices which in many places are now extinct. For the Oromo that is a reminder of the long way they travelled in history, the denials, treachery and hostility they encountered. It is such rich history that fuels Oromummaa in the search for lost land, identity, independence and freedom.After the downfall of the Kushitic Empire centered in Barabra (Nubia) it seems communication was lost among the different branches. The Oromo probably started a separate development after that and Gadaa system also started to take shape and replace the Candace system of governance. Oromo movements to the south have left footprints throughout the eastern half of Africa from north to south. Ancient Oromo (Oromdur) left behind from southward migration of part of the population were subdued and taken over by Habashaa and Adel forces until well-organized Oromo army returned and rescued them in the 16th century. That was the time when Oromummaa reached the highest level and shook the enemy. But later with internal and external pressures authority of Gadaa system started to wane. Finally for Gadaa in particular as a political system the death knell was sounded by the occupier at the end of the 19thcentury. Oromummaa also came under attack from which it was unable to recuperate until the 1960s.
Oromiyaa lost its land and independence to the colonizer. Without land the claim to be human remains hollow. The colonizer divided Oromiyaa into compartments called “Awuraajjaa” and distributed the land to its nationals and Oromo collaborators. It also dismantled the political, social and economic fabrics of Oromo society. National identity of any sort that could bind the nation was buried. It was a painful experience that was going to stay for more than a century. Under that situation it became easy for them to destroy Oromo culture, tradition and political organization. The types of abuse in all the Awuraajjaa were directed from the same headquarter subjecting them to similar agony that prepared them for common challenges. As mucha as they enjoyed all the good together they also tasted the most bitter together. Though much damage was done by the occupation it was not able to make them forget pain of subjugation and erase memory of their glorious Gadaa past from memory. Oromummaa transcended all obstacles to bind the nation once again.

Dararamuu Baqatoota Afrikaa Kan Yaman Keessaa Mootummaan Beeka

Jaallannee Gammadaa | VOA | Wax. 09, 2014
WASHINGTON, DC – Baqatoonni Afrikaa kanneen Yaman keessaa irratti dararaan gaggeeffamu tooftaa dhokotaan harkii mootummaa keessa jira jechuun gareen mirga dhala namaaf falmu Hiyumaan Raaytis Waach gabaasee jira.
Gareen kun gabaasaa isaa kanaan akka hubachiiseetti kanneen seeraan ala namoota deddeebisan baqattoota Afrikaa Yaman keessa jiran dararaa gara jabinaa irratti gaggeessuun firri isaanii lafa fagoo maallaqa akka ergu bilbilaan doorsisuu jedheera.
Maallaqa haala akkasiin argamu kana irraa aangawoonni mootummaa Yaman kan qoddatan ta’uu gareen kun yeroo duraaf saaxile.
Kanas aangawoota mootummaa biyyattiif kan ibsine ta’us ni haalan jedha gareen kun.
Yemen’s Torture Camps (Human Rights Watch)
Abuse of Migrants by Human Traffickers in a Climate of Impunity
The [following] report documents harms suffered by migrants, most from the Horn of Africa, who try to travel through Yemen on their way to Saudi Arabia for work. Human Rights Watch found that various Yemeni security agencies in the border town of Haradh, where dozens of camps exist, and at checkpoints, allow the human trafficking industry to flourish with little government interference.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Mass Grave of Oromos Executed by Govt Discovered in Eastern Oromia

According to sources, a confrontation between residents and Ethiopian government officials broke out on June 9, 2014, over a mass grave discovered at the former Hameressa military garrison near Harar city, eastern Oromia. The mass grave is believed to contain remains of political prisoners executed during both the Dergue era and the early reigns of the current TPLF regime. Among those who were executed and buried in the location was Mustafa Harowe, a famous Oromo singer who was killed around early 1990′s for his revolutionary songs. Thousands more Oromo political prisoners were kept at this location in early 1990′s – with many of them never to be seen again.
The mass grave was discovered while the Ethiopian government was clearing the camp with bulldozers to make it available to Turkish investors. Upon the discovery of the remains, the government tried to quietly remove them from the site. However, workers secretly alerted residents in nearby villages; upon the spread of the news, many turned up en mass to block the removal of the remains and demanded construction a memorial statue on the site instead. The protests is still continuing with elders camping on the site while awaiting a response from government.
In addition to the remains, belongings of the dead individuals as well as ropes tied in hangman’s noose were discovered at the site.
Lafeen ilmaan Oromoo bara 1980moota keessa mootummaa Darguutin, baroota 1990moota keessa ammoo Wayyaaneen dhoksaan kaampii waraanaa Hammarreessaa keessatti ajjeefamanii argame. Ilmaan Oromoo mooraa san keessatti hidhamanii booda ajjeefaman keessa wallisaan beekamaan Musxafaa Harawwee isa tokko. Musxafaa Harawwee wallee qabsoo inni baasaa tureef jecha qabamee yeroo dheeraaf erga hiraarfamee booda toora bara ~1991 keessa ajjeefame. Hiraar Musxafaarra geessifamaa ture keessa tokko aara wallee isaatirraa qaban garsiisuuf muka afaanitti dhiibuun a’oo isaa cabsuun ni yaadatama.
Baroota 1990moota keessas Oromoonni kumaatamaan tilmaamaman warra amma aangorra jiru kanaan achitti hidhamanii, hedduun isaanii achumaan dhabamuun yaadannoo yeroo dhihooti.
Haqxi dukkana halkaniitiin ajjeesanii lafa jalatti awwaalan kunoo har’a rabbi as baase. Dhugaan Oromoo tun kan amma as bahe, mootummaa kaampii waraanaa kana diiguun warra lafa isaa warra Turkiitiif kennuuf osoo qopheessuuf yaaluti. Lafee warra dhumee akkuma arganiin dhoksaan achirra gara biraatti dabarsuuf osoo yaalanii hojjattonni ummata naannotti iccitii san himan. Ummanniis dafee wal-dammaqsuun bakka sanitti argamuun ekeraan nama keenyaa akka achii hin kaafamneefi siidaan yaadannoo akka jaaramu gaafachaa jiran.
Hamma feetes turtu dhugaan Oromoo awwaalamtee hin haftu.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

በሀሮሚያ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች ላይ በቦምብ ጉዳት ያደረሱ ተጠርጣሪዎች በቁጥጥር ስር ዋሉ

በኦሮሚያ ክልል ሀሮሚያ ዩኒቨርስቲ በያዝነው ግንቦት ወር በቴሌቪዥን የእግር ኳስ ጨዋታ ይከታተሉ በነበሩ ተማሪዎች ላይ የእጅ ቦንብ ወርውረው በሰው ህይወትና አካል ላይ ጉዳት ያደረሱ አራት ተጠርጣሪዎችን በቁጥጥር ስር ማዋሉን የፀረ ሽብር ግብረ ሀይል አስታወቀ፡፡
ከተጠርጣሪዎቹ መሀከል አንዱ በፖሊስ ጥበቃ ስር እያለ ህይወቱን በገዛ እጁ ማጥፋቱን ግብረ ሀይሉ አክሎ ገልጿል፡፡
የብሄራዊ የመረጃና ደህንነት አገልግሎት ከፌዴራል ፖሊስ የጋራ የፀረ ሽብር ግብረ ሀይል ጋር ዛሬ በሰጠው መግለጫ ተጠርጣሪዎቹ አበበ ኡርጌሳ፣ኑረዲን ሀሰን፣ኒሞና ጫሊ እና መገርሳ ወርቁ የተባሉ የሀሮሚያ ዩኒቨርስቲ በተለያዩ ፋካልቲዎች ውስጥ የሚማሩ ተማሪዎች መሆናቸውን አስታውቋል፡፡
የጋራ የፀረ ሽብር ግብረ ሀይሉ ከኦሮሚያ ክልል ፖሊስ ኮሚሽን ጋር በመተባበር ባደረገው ክትትል በተያዙት አራት ተጠርጣሪዎች ላይ እስካሁን የተደረገው ምርመራ ተጠርጣሪዎቹ አደጋውን ባደረሱበት እለት ከቀኑ 9 ሰዓት ላይ በዩኒቨርስቲው ቅጥር ግቢ በተለምዶ ወለጋ ላውንጂ ተብሎ በሚጠራው ክበብ ጀርባ መሰብሰባቸውን መግለጫው አመልክቷል፡፡
መግለጫው በማያያዝም ተጠርጣሪዎቹ የቦምብ ጥቃት ለመፈፀም ማሰባቸውን፣ የእጅ ቦንብ መዘጋጀቱንና ከመሀላቸው አበበ ዑርጌሳ ጥቃቱን እንዲፈፅም መመረጡን በመግለፅ ፍቃደኝነቱ ካረጋገጡ በኋላ ኑረዲን ሀሰን የተባለው ቦንቡን በጃኬቱ ጠቅልሎ ለአበበ ዑርጌሳ ማስረከቡን አመልክቷል፡፡
የቦንብ አወራወር ቴክኒኩን ደግሞ ኒሞና ጫሊ ለአበበ ያሳየው መሆኑን መግለጫው ያመለክታል፡፡
እነዚህ ተጠርጣሪዎች በፈፀሙት ጥቃት አብዲሳ አደም ኢስማኤል የተባለውና የጀንደር ጥናቶች የአንደኛ ዓመት ተማሪ የነበረው ወጣት በደረሰበት ከባድ ጉዳት ሆስፒታል ከገባ በኋላ ህይወቱ አልፏል፡፡ ከ18 በላይ የሚሆኑ ሌሎች ተማሪዎች ደግሞ በፍንዳታው ከባድና ቀላል የአካል ጉዳት የደረሰባቸው መሆኑን ያሳወቀው የግብረሀይሉ መግለጫ በተጠርጣሪዎቹ ድብደባም ወደ 50 የሚጠጉ ተማሪዎች ጉዳት እንደደረሰባቸው አክሎ ገልጿል፡፡
እንደመግለጫው ከሆነ አበበ ኡርጌሳ ቦንቡን ከወረወረ በኋላ ይዞት በነበረው የፌሮ ብረት በአካባቢው የነበሩ ተማሪዎችን ደብድቦ ጉዳት አድርሷል፡፡ በአጥር ዘሎ ካመለጠ በኋላ ከተሸሸገበት ደቡብ ምእራብ ሽዋ ዞንም በተደረገው ክትትልና የህዝብ ትብብር በቁጥጥር ስር ውሏል፡፡ ቦንቡ ከተወረወረ በኋላ ቀሪዎቹም ተጠርጣሪዎች ካደራጇቸው ሌሎች ተማሪዎች ጋር በመሆን ከቦንቡ ጥቃት የተረፉ ተማሪዎችን በፌሮና በድንጋይ ደብድበዋል፡፡
ሁኔታዎች ተረጋግተዋል በሚል ግምት ወደ ሀሮማያ ዩንቨርሲቲ የተመለሱና በተለያዩ ቦታዎች ተሰውረው የቆዩት ኒሞላ ጫሊና ኑረዲን ሀሰን የተባሉ ተጠርጣሪዎች በቁጥጥር ስር መዋላቸውን መግለጫው አትቷል፡፡
በፖሊስ ጥበቃ ስር እያለ ራሱን በገዛ እጁ ያጠፋው አንዱ ተጠረጣሪ በድሬዳዋና በአዲስ አበባው ሚኒሊክ ሆስፒታል አስከሬኑ ላይ የተደረጉ ምርመራዎችም የሞቱ መንስኤ ራስን አንቆ መግደል መሆኑን ማረጋገጣቸውን መግለጫው አክሎ ገልጿል፡፡ 

Friday, June 6, 2014

Reminder from Wikileaks Ethiopia Files: Ethiopia Bombs Itself, Blames Eritrea or OLF

by Thomas C. Mountain | September 16, 2011
Recently released Wikileaks Ethiopia files expose how Ethiopian security forces planted 3 bombs that went off in the Ethiopian capital Addis Ababa on September 16, 2006 and then blamed Eritrea and the Oromo resistance for the blasts in a case that raises serious questions about the claims made about the bombing attempt against the African Union summit earlier this year in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
In a report from 2006 marked “Secret ; Subject: Ethiopia: Recent Bombings Blamed on Oromos Possibly the Work of GOE [Government of Ethiopia]” “Classified By: Charge [d’Affairs] Vicki Huddleston”, “An embassy source, as well as clandestine reporting, suggests that the bombing may have in fact been the work of the GoE security forces.” (Cable reference id:‪#‎06ADDISABABA2708‬.)
At the time, the western media reported the Ethiopian National Intelligence and Security Service (NISS) claims that the bombs were “part of a coordinated terror attack by the OLF [Oromo Liberation Front, the oldest national liberation movement in Ethiopia] and Sha’abiya (Eritrea) aimed at disrupting democratic development”.
The Wikileaks report goes on, “a typically reliable information source” who “contacted Post to report that” the bodies of three men found at the bomb sites “had been picked up by police a week prior, kept in detention and tortured. He said police then left the men in a house and detonated explosives nearby, killing 3 of them.”
This exposes the history of how the Ethiopian regime has planted bombs and then blamed Eritrea and the Ethiopian resistance. The lies that make up the official version of this alleged terrorist attack raises serious questions about the credibility of the recently released report by the UN via its US State Department affiliate, the Monitoring Group for Eritrea and Somalia, which blames the Eritreans and the OLF for the January bombing attempt at the African Union summit in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Identical lies about a nearly identical “terrorist attack”, all accepted as fact by the western media. This should also deliver another body blow to the Obama White House and its claims that Eritrea supports terrorism in the Horn of Africa.