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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Abadula Gemeda ( Speaker of the House) and Diriba Kuma (Mayor of Finfine ) have been forced to surrender their passport

Reports say Abadula Gemeda ( Speaker of the House) and Diriba Kuma (Mayor of Finfine ) have been forced to surrender their passport. It appears this is the beginning of TPLF's next phase of crackdown with aim of 'to cleansing internal enemies' aka OPDO. However, the target for this action is less likely to be the two individuals. TPLF knows that Abadula has no intention of running away. If he wanted, he would have done so in the last 4 years when he was subjected to all kinds of harassment. he traveled abroad in numerous times and returned. Therefore, the regime is going after the big guys in such symbolic action in order to send message to the rest of the upper and mid-level leadership. The
Aba Dula Gemeda
message is 'look we are going after even your seniors, get in line or get out of the country before we confiscate your passport.' Remember TPLF wins either way, by regaining submission or forcing disloyal ones to flee. My advise to Oromo bureaucrats of all level, is stay put! There is just no where to run and nothing can be gained by doing so. The impact of your defection does not last longer that a single news cycle. Departure of a single Oromo is removal of one threat to the regime. Stay there, fight if you can or just hibernate until the opportunity arises. The day where tyrants chase away Oromo intelligentsia and rob our homeland must come to an end!
Gabaasni Abbaa Duulaatifi Dirribaa Kumaatirraa paasportii fudhachuu kun, Wayyaanen duula Oromoo ukkamsuuf gootu kan marsaa lammataa eegaluu dhawwaaqa. Duula kana keessatti miseensotaafi hogganoota Dh. D.U.O shakkamaniifi sodaataman irratti aggamama. Tarkaanfin qondaalota ol'aanoo lamaanirratti fudhatame isaan miidhuuf jedhamee osoo hin taane, warra hafan sodaachisuun harka kennisiisuu ykn akka biyya dheessan gochuufi. Wayyaaneen, qondaalonni kun, keessattuu Abbaa Duulaa tasa akka biyyaa dheessuu hin barbaanne ni beeyti. Osoo dheessuu fedhii qabaatee waggota afran bifa fokkisaa ta'een itti duulamaa ture kana keessa biyyaa baqate ture. Garuu yeroo hedduu biyya alaa bayee deebi'uun isaa ni beekkama. Kanaafuu ergaan tarkaanfii ammaa kun qondaalota Dh.D.U.O sadarkaa adda addaarra jiraniin ' warra isinni oliitin jalqabnee, isiniifis dhufaa jirra. Dafaa amanamummaa keessan nufu mirkaneessaa ykn osoo paaspoortiin keessan hin fudhatamne biyyaa dheessaa' jechuun sodaafi weerara laphee isaanitti naquufi.
Obo Diriba Kuma
Dhaamsi gama qondaalota Oromoo sirna san keessa jiraniitifi dabarsuu barbaannu, tarkaanfii faallaa waan Wayyaaneen barbaadduu kana fudhachuun akeeka isii hongeessuudha. Biyya teessanirraa hin dheessinaa.Warri isin dura dheesselleen jiruu qananii jiraachaa hin jiru, dheesseetis oduu torban takkaa malee bu'aan qabsoo buuse hin jiru. Beekaa, yeroo Oromoon jarri shakku ykn sodaatu tokko biyyaa dheesse, hangasuma dubbiin jaraaf laaffatti. Kanaaf yoo dandeessan bakka jirtanii murannoon falmadhaa, yoo hin taane ammoo riphaatii ofirra dabarsaa. Hamma dandeessanitti yakka Oromorratti raawwatamaa jiru keessaa harka gabaabfadhaa, nama keenya miidhamaa jirus waan dandeessaniin gargaaraa. Tooftaan alagaan doorsiftee biyya isaatirraa Oromoo ariitu fashaluu qaba!

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