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Monday, December 25, 2023

Condemning abhorrent food aid theft by cutting aid is punishing victims twice. Death is staring in the face of millions in Ethiopia, rescue them now!

  Since the onset of a “reformist government” under the leadership of the ruling Prosperity Party in April 2018, Ethiopians are enduring a cocktail of deadly humanitarian crises, including wars and other forms of militarized violence that not only turned them against each other, but also opened the doors wide for foreign mercenaries to destroy their lives and livelihoods. Drought that is threatening to return famine in multiple parts of the country is devouring urban households and the peasantry indiscriminately. This has come about in the wake of the global COVID pandemic that already crippled Ethiopia’s economy built over the past three decades.

All of which have robbed millions of hard working Ethiopians the means to survive without aid dependency. Today, more than 20 million Ethiopians are in need of external food aid assistance.

That is why the news of industrial scale food aid theft involving corruption and mismanagement of food aid distribution in crisis-hit Ethiopia caught the word by a shock. The scale of this abhorrent practice, which involved a web of complex logistical and deliberate mismanagement of the food aid system between layers of different actors including government officials, required a drastic response from the so-called humanitarian partners.

To a degree, the decision by these major humanitarian partners, notably the USAID and the WFP, to bring food aid delivery to a screeching halt was understandable insofar it was meant to bring a quick fix to such malpractice. In many cases, weak governance compounded by multiple wars and militarized violence, as well as a crippled economy – Ethiopia’s trademarks as of late – lead to people who have access to food aid delivery logistics to resort to theft, partly out of desperation, but in most part due to lack of monitoring and accountability mechanisms. In other words, a dysfunctional food aid management system.

These factors are the exact opposite factors of why Ethiopia’s food aid management system in the past had been considered solid. This country has faced recurring food crises over many decades, which has given the government and humanitarian organizations extensive experience in managing food aid operations. With each crisis, they have learned and adapted their strategies, building a level of expertise in handling such situations.

Under the EPRDF-led government, Ethiopia had shown a strong commitment to addressing food insecurity issues within the country. It had exercised the tricky balance of keeping its sovereignty while closely working with international aid agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to mitigate food insecurity, distribute food supplies, and ensure assistance reached those in need. It is this collaboration with major international organizations, such as the USAID and WFP, and other humanitarian agencies that helped Ethiopia to establish an effective chain of logistics and food aid management, avoiding duplication of aid and food aid theft while at the same time ensuring resources are efficiently allocated and used for the intended purposes. Surely, there were malpractices, but they were far and between.

Abiy Ahmed  regime can't govern the nation!

Furthermore, adhering to early warning systems that help predict and monitor food shortages and enable the government and aid agencies to respond proactively to emerging crises; engaging local communities to ensure that the aid provided aligns with the specific needs and cultural preferences of the affected populations; and staying focused on the importance of long-term solutions to food security issues by investing in agriculture, infrastructure, and sustainable development projects to enhance food production and improve resilience to future shocks have all made Ethiopia one of the leading countries in the word where drought and conflict related shocks are best managed.

The ruling  Abiy Ahmed's party was never held to account when it deliberately blocked food aid to millions of Ethiopians who are vulnerable to malnutrition and starvation due to its wars. What should have been seen as a violation of international humanitarian law and human rights principles, as access to food is recognized as a fundamental human right, was allowed to run free in Ethiopia, not only leading to loss of lives, but also corrupting a system of food aid management that was painstakingly built and survived times of wars and famines.

It is now an open secret and a fact admitted by many with inside knowledge that instead of fighting against such deliberate food aid blockades by taking crucial steps to protect the smooth running of Ethiopia’s well established food aid delivery system, and implement a transparent and accountable food aid distribution to the most vulnerable, the west, which constitutes Ethiopia’s largest humanitarian partners, sat by idly and watched the system collapse. Those with knowledge of how we have reached here confided in this publication that such negligence and complacency by the very humanitarian partners operating on the ground has forced the system to succumb to rampant corruption and food aid mismanagement at a scale that was never seen before.

As such, when the news of massive aid theft hit the headlines, including by this publication, the drastic immediate measures taken by the USAID and WFP were to announce the cutting off food aid delivery until further investigations were conducted and the system was fixed.

There is a strong possibility of linkage between the rapidly expanding chronic food shortage with the rising social unrest, newly emerging conflicts, and even mass displacements across several parts of the country. If not addressed as a matter of priority, and urgency, this could have regional and global implications, as neighboring countries may also face an influx of Ethiopian refugees seeking relief from hunger and instability.

That is why the international community must accept the fact that despite the Ethiopian government not being in a position to rescue millions of its citizens from famine induced deaths, hunger and malnutrition, they should make the bitter decision to work with it to immediately restore food aid delivery to Ethiopia.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Gocha Suukanneessaa Ummata Nagaa Irratti Raawwatamaa Jiruuf Kan Itti Gaafatamu Mootummaa PP Dr.Abiyyii Ahmadiin Durfamuu Dha.

 Gocha Suukanneessaa Ummata Nagaa Irratti Raawwatamaa Jiruuf Kan Itti Gaafatamu Mootummaa PP Dr.Abiyyii Ahmadiin Durfamuu Dha.

Mootummaan PP yakka namoomaa itti fufiinsaan ummata nagaa meesha maleeyyii irratti raawataa turee fi jiruuf gafatama seeraa fi seenaa jalaa hin bahu. Ummata nagahaa jumlaan ajjeesuun, mana waliin gubuu fi ilmaan ummataa humnaan qabuun waraana hin feesifnetti naquun aangoon siyaasaa dheereffatamu hin jiraatu.
“Qurxummii bishaan keessaa bal’eessuuf galaana gosuu” dhaadannoo jedhuun waraana hin xumuramnetti xumura gochuuf ummata nagaa fi meesha maleeyyii lafa irraa duguuguu hojii guyya guyyaa godhatee itti fufeera. Hojii faashistummaa fi diinummaa ummata nagaa irratti raawwatnaan bishaan gogus, qurxummiin dhabamus hin jiru.
Badii ummata qulqulluu irraan gahaa jiraniif Biltsiginnaan gaafatama seeraa fi seenaa jalaa hin ba’u. Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)n hojii faashistummaa waraanni mootummaa Dr.Abiy ummata meesha-maleeyyii irratti raawwatu gadi jabeessee balaaleffata; duras dhaabbata.
Maqaa WBO waliin hidhata qabdan jechuun lolli mootummaan Dr.Abiyyii Ahimad waggoota shanan darbaniif goleelee Oromiyaa cufa keessatti ummata Oromoo irratti banan daran jabaatee itti fufuu isaa gabaasaalee guyyuu nu dhaqqaban irraa mirkaneeffanneerra.
Akka kanaan, Giddu-gala Oromiyaa Godina Shawaa Lixaa Ona Abuunaa Gindabarat gandoota hedduu keessatti waraanni mootummaa PP ummata nagahaa irraatti ajjeechaa jumlaa raawwateera. Muddee 10 fi 11, 2023 Ona Abuunaa Gindabaratitti gandeen Irjaajjoo, Caffee Erer fi Finnootti waraanni mootummaa, ummata nagaa magaalaa walakkaatti rasaasa itti roobsuun namoota 8 yoo ajjeesan, 3 ammoo madeessaniiru. Kanneen ajjeefaman kunniinis:
1) Obbo Guutaa Baay’isaa - nama dhukkubsataa sammuun fayyaa hin taane
2) Obbo Tasfaayee Guddataa - umurii 56,
3) Hirkoo Hombossaa - umurii 56
4) Fufaa Goobanaa - umurii 60
5) Taammanaa Raggaasaa - umurii 47
6) Abarraa Dirribaa - umurii 52,
7) Guutaa Galmeessaa - umurii 42 yoo ta’an, namootni 4 eenyummaan reeffa isaanii hin baramin kanneen biroos keessatti argamu.
Immushee Kabbee umurii 16, dubree Baatuu fi Asaffaa Tarfaasaa umuriin 45 kanneen madaa’an keessatti argamu.
Muddee 12, 2023ttis Agamsa bakka Qorqobbee jedhamutti osoo bulchiinsi mootummaa jiruu ummanni nagaan hidhattoota Faannoo sirnichi gadhaabeen jumlaan ajjeefamaniiru. Dargaggoonni Oromoo Agaamsaa irraa konkolaataa Sinootiraakii tokkoon miidhaan gahe sassaabuuf gara Goojjam Lixaa imalan Mormor gamatti bakka Qorqobbee (Dhagaa walbaata) jedhamutti namoonni 13 ol ajjeefamaniiru. Abdallaa Waaqjiraa, Maatiyoos Nugusaa fi Shuumatee Maammoo kan jedhaman keessatti argaman.
Sadaasa 25, 2023 ajjechaan jumlaa Lixa Oromiyaa Godina Qellem Wallaggaa magaalaa Gidaamiitti waraanni mootummaa Biltsiginnaa ilmaan Oromoo 9 mana amantaa Makaana Yesuus keessaa fuudhuun ganda baadiyyaa Maleekkoo jedhamutti ajjeesaniiru. Isaanis:
1) Taliilaa Lammeessaa,
2) Tolinaa Lammeessaa,
3) Tammiraat Lammeessaa,
4) Jireenyaa Dingaataa,
5) Solomoon Dingaataa,
6) Qabbanaa Bulchaa,
7) Siraaj,
8)Hiikaa Ayyaanaa fi
9) Geetaachoo Beekkataa kannen jedhamanii dha.
Sadaasa 24 fi 25, 2023 Kibba-baha Oromiyaa Godina Arsii Bahaa Ona Sirkaa gandoota Waajii Raphasaa, Biduu Baalaa, Heellaa Amajaa, Heellaa Xareetaa, Gallabee Amajaa, Macarraa, Sojjii Saadee, Gallabee Hulul fi kanneen birootti haleellaa ummata nagahaa irratti taheen, maatii mana tokkoo kan ijoolleen xixinnoon keessatti argaman dabalatee lubbuun ummata 50 olii galaafatamuu fi manneen hedduun gubachuu mirkanaa’eera. Kanneen ajjeefaman keessaa kan maqaan nu dhaqqabe:
1) Usmaan Daawud,
2) Ibraahim Haaji Issaa,
3) Sheek Awwal Mohaammad,
4) Qaasim Ahmad,
5) Fattash Aloo kanneen jedhaman keessatti argamu.
Sadaasa 25, 2023 magaalaa Dambi Doollootti waraanni PP dhukaasa ummata nagahaa irratti bananiin lubbuu namoota hedduu galaafataniiru. Kanneen lubbuun dabarte keessaa kan maqaan nu dhaqqabe:
1) Lalisee Dibaabaa - ganda Sayyoo Minkoo,
2) Lalisee kennaa - Danbi Doolloo gan da 05,
3) Hundattuu Heenok – Dambi Doolloo ganda 04 ,
4) Meskeram Yohannis Danbi Doolloo ganda 05 keessatti argamu.
Sadaasa 24, 2023 Godina Gujii Lixaa Ona Galaanaa ganda Giwwee baadiyaatti ilmaan Oromoo ja’a (6) haala suukanneessaan ajjeefamaniiru. Kanneen Ajjeefaman:
1) Maanguddoo Badhaanee Lolee - umriin 60,
2) Nugusee Gannaalee - umriin 38,
3) Bushaa Ataraa - umriin 35,
4) Halakee Hoxxeessaa - umriin 35,
5) Chuuchuu Areerii – umriin 26,
6) Taarikuu Miiraa - umriin 24 keessatti argamu.
Sadaasa 23, 2023 Kibba Lixa Oromiyaa Godina Buunnoo Beddellee Ona Cawwaaqaa mana barumsaa Odaa Kanniisaa jedhamu irratti haleellaa xayyaara nam-maleessaa (drone) raawwateen barattoota dabalatee ilmaan Oromoo 52 ol ta’an ajjeesan.
Godina Wallagga Bahaa Ona Haroo Limmuu ganda Sankooraatti dhuma baatii Sadaasaa darbe keessa waraanni mootummaa qonnaan bultoota kan ta'an namoota saddeet gara jabinaan iddoo tokkotti ajjeesaniiru. Kanneen ajjeefaman:
1) Dirribaa Waqgaarii,
2) Addisuu Walee,
3) Dojaa Ayyalaa,
4) Roobaa Dassaalee,
5) Ibrahim Ahmadii fi
6) Obbo Magarsaa kanneen jedhaman keessatti argamu.
Tibbuma kana qofa waraanni mootummaa PP tarkaanfii suukaneessaa ummata nagahaa irratti fudhateen, Kibba Baha Oromiyaa Gidina Baaleetti manneen 109, Arsii Lixaa Ona Gadab Hasaasaa ganda Hulluuqqoo gooxii Asaabalee jedhamutti gaafa Muddee 5, 2023 manneen ummataa lakkoofsaa 7 tahu gubaniiru. Arsii Lixaa Ona Qoreettis gaafa Muddee 7, 2023 manneen 11 gubaniiru. Godina Arsii Lixaa Ona Adabaatti manneen 8, Ona Gadab Hasaasaa Ganda Coofira Shaasheetti manneen 7, Godina Arsii Bahaatti manneen 14 ol gubaniiru. Akka walii galaatti tibba kana qofa keessaa Godina Kibba Bahaatti manneen ummataa 156 ol waraana mootummaa PPn gubachuu caasaa keenya irraa mirkaneeffanneerra.
Wal yaadachiisuuf, Hagayya 7, 8, 10 fi 11, 2023 Giddu gala Oromiyaa Lixa Shaggar Onoota Amboo, Daannoo, Iluu Galaan, Liiban Jaawwii, Midaa Qanyii, Ilfata, Cobii fi Gindabaratitti walduraa duubaan yakka suukanneessaa ummata nagahaa irratti raawwatan. Fulbaana 08, 2023 Lixa Oromiyaatti dargaggoo Tamasgeen Dhinaa jedhamu ajjeesuun gatan. Lixa Oromiyaa Godina Wallagga Bahaa Ona Giddaa Ayyaanaa fi naannootti Fulbaana 13, 14 fi 15, 2023 tarkaanfii suukanneessaa ummata nagahaa irratti fudhataniin ajjechaa raawwataniiru.
Godina Kaaba Shawaa Ona Warra Jaarsoo gandoota Migiroo Baddeessaa fi Gitoo Milkii jedhamanitti Onkoloolessa 14, 2023 maqaa deggertoota WBO jedhuun namoota nagaa 20 ajjeesan.
Giddu-gala Oromiyaa Godina Lixa Shawaa Ona Jalduu ganda Kibeetti Onkoloolessa 15, 2023 sababa tokkoon ala ummata nagahaa irratti rasaasa roobsuun namoota 20 ol bakka tokkotti fixuu ABOn ibsa Onkoloolessa 18, 2023 baaseen ifoomsuun ni yaadatama.
Mootummaan Dr.Abiyii Ahimad yakka namoomaa fi ajjeechaa jumlaa itti fufiinsaan ummata nagahaa irratti raawwataa turee fi jiruuf gaafatama jalaa hin bahu.
Dhaamsa maayiin, hiraarsaa fi hararaafama itti fufiinsaan mootummaan PP ummata keenya irratti raawataa jiruuf, ummanni Oromoo bal’aan, lammiileen Oromiyaa, sabaa fi sab-lammoonni, ummatoonni biyya kanaa dinne didaan dura dhaabbachuu qabu jenna. Hawaasi Idil-addunyaa fi dhaabbileen mirga dhala namaatiif falman mootummaa Dr.Abiy Ahmadiin durfamu dhiigaa ummataa soorataa jiruu fi kanaanis aangoo siyaasaa dheereffachuuf abjootu kana gocha isaa irraa akka dhaabbatuuf dhiibbaa gama isaanii akka godhan Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)n waamicha taasisa.
Injifannoo Ummata Bal’aaf!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Muddee , 2023

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Ending the War in Oromia is the only viable solution and Abiy Ahmed regime must stop the killing


The resumption of the second round peace talks between the Ethiopian government and the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) early last month brought in a collective sigh of relief not just in the restive Oromia region, but across the country with many expecting for a positive outcome that will see a negotiated settlement to end a war that is ravaging lives and livelihoods with little to no attention from the international community.

The people of Oromia and millions on both sides of the warring parties were reassured by the mere fact that the talks brought together the top-most military leaders from both sides face-to-face for the first time in the presence of credible third parties as mediators.

But to the dismay of millions, the talks that took place in the Tanzanian capital Dar es Salaam collapsed after two weeks; what was more unsettling was the final statement from both sides, which left no sign of willingness to continue the engagement to end a war that continued causing harrowing human rights violations ever since it started five years ago.

The failure by both sides to realize this unmistakable reality and to make the necessary concessions through negotiations is not only an act of indifference to the Oromo people’s ordeals, and the overwhelming desire for peace to prevail, but also poses a significant risk to undermine Ethiopia’s national security. In a country that is being ravaged by natural disasters, disease outbreaks and economic hardships as a result of both, peaceful settlement of man made wars is not a matter of choice, but of necessity.

Not finding a negotiated settlement to the war in Oromia is also having a reverberating effect in extending the ongoing conflict.

In November, the United Nations Office of High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) revealed that drone strikes by government forces in the  region including on a school and a bus station resulted in the deaths of at least 20 civilians, sounding the alarm about gross human rights abuses in the context of conflict.

What’s less talked about is the fact that the fighting has resulted in road closures, severely disrupting the timely delivery of vital food aid and fertilizers to communities devastated by the conflict, drought and disease outbreak.

If the recent hearing by the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee titled “Ethiopia: Promise or Perils of the U.S. Policy”, and the remarks made at the hearing are anything to go by, the lasting impacts of these military conflicts in Oromia are above and beyond the suffering of civilians; they pose a direct threat to the country’s national security interests.

The diplomat also reiterated his country’s continued commitment to the peaceful resolution of the war in Oromia. It is time all sides seize on this opportunity to negotiate and resolve the conflicts without further delay.

Sunday, November 26, 2023

From nonviolent social movements to armed conflicts: How Abiy Ahmed ’s rule pushed youths from the city to the bush in Oromia

 The peace talks that began on 07 November, 2023 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania between the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and the federal government of Ethiopia formally ended on 21 November, 2023 without any deal for the second time. It has been five years since the military confrontations broke out between the two forces. In this piece, I will shed light on how a promising nonviolent social movement in the history of Ethiopia which began in Oromia and unexpectedly transformed into armed conflicts.

In recent history, spontaneous youth protests in Oromia have been seen as normal extracurricular responsibilities of high school and college students since 1992. However, the movement changed its organizational networks and tactics following the announcement of the infamous Addis Ababa integrated master plan in 2014 which was first opposed by Oromia regional officials and then followed by large scale nonviolent movements across Oromia. The demands of the new wave of movements in the region rose from a narrow protest against the capital city master plan to demanding a complete state transformation by 2016.

Abiy subsequently chose to crackdown against Oromo youths and opponents of his new party both within and outside the government. These all counter-revolutionary measures intensified in Oromia following the assassination in 2020 of Hachalu Hundessa, an icon and leading new generation resistance singer. The new administration of Abiy closed all political spaces that tolerated nonviolent struggles by arresting Oromo opposition figures, organizing election in August 2021, running unopposed and declaring itself the sole winner in Oromia restoring a complete single party rule in the region.  As a result, the Oromo youths were left with no option and they were forced to consider as the last resort, armed insurgency.

Down the road, if there is any vision to restore peace in Ethiopia, layers of negotiations in different regions with different conflicting parties, I believe, are imperative. Peace could only come to Ethiopia if it is restored in each region first. For sure, the traditional way of governing Ethiopia through a centralized administration of one-man rule from the capital city is unthinkable.

Sunday, November 19, 2023

OLF Denounces the Assassination Attempt Against the Senior OLF Member and Former Leadership, Dr. Degafa Abidsa, in Norway.

 OLF Denounces the Assassination Attempt Against the Senior OLF Member and Former Leadership, Dr. Degafa Abidsa, in Norway.

On November 17, 2023, a group of criminals perpetrated inhumane beating and assassination attempts against a senior member and former Executive Committee member of OLF, Dr. Degafa Abdisa Tuchoo. The OLF asked what went around and in his house on November 17, 2023 and here is his account of the incident. Four men (three of them masked their faces while one white man, with a mark on his face) put off power from Dr.Degafa’s residence in Oslo, Norway. When he went out from his breakfast table to see what was going on around in the compound of his residence, the criminals pushed him back into his house beat him several times, knocked him down, tied his hands on his back, and drugged him on the ground. When Dr. Degafa screamed in the bid for help, the criminals left him on the floor unconscious. He was taken to the hospital but is currently in a critical condition.
Such a horrific act has been committed by those who detest our genuine quest for political right several times through the last decades in many parts of the world. In the 1970s, Mr Fayisa Ejeta in Khartoum was a victim of an assassination attempt. In the 1980s, Dr. Fido (Taddasa) Ebba, Reverend Hassal Blat, and Mr. Taye Tafera were subjected to grenade attacks; however, luckily, they survived. In 1993, Jatani Ali was mercilessly assassinated in Nairobi; while Mr. Mul’is Gada a member of OLF Executive Committee member was assassinated in Mogadishu in 2000 GC. What is so worrying this time is that the attempt against Dr. Degafa’s life has happened in the heart of the world’s most peaceful and one of the most democratized nations, Norway, where people are respected for their views.
Dr Degafa is a peaceful person who serviced his fellow Norwegian citizens and the Oromo people for decades through his professional career as a medical doctor. Back in Oromiya, he served as a medical director of the famous Black Lion Hospital for years, where he managed to transform the hospital’s service into one of the best hospitals in the country. He has traveled to several African refugee camps to help his fellow helpless Oromos and other refugees. Dr. Degafa is a selfless human being who sacrificed his whole life to ethically and humanely discharged his responsibility as a medical professional.
Denouncing this criminal act, we have high hope and expectation that the Norwegian Government takes every action to conduct a thorough and independent investigation against perpetrators and bring the culprit to the court of law.
We also call upon all Oromos in Norway and everywhere in the world to denounce this barbaric act and support our comrade while he is in hospital and stand by his families and friends.
Victory to the Masses!
Oromo Liberation Front
November , 2013

Sunday, November 5, 2023

Detention, displacement in Bosat, Oromia region following tragic murder of three including a mother of seven



Three civilians including Kuli Hawas, a mother of seven, have been tragically killed allegedly by members of the national defense forces in Garri Nura Dhera village in Bosat district of East Shoa zone, #Oromia , residents witnessed. The other two victims were identified as Gada Godana, and Boru Bekele. 

One of Kuli’s seven children, told that their mother was arrested from her home on 25 October 2023 and found dead together with the two other victims on the morning of 29 October 2023. 

“Members of the defense forces arrested her and took her to a military camp at a place called Sogido. When they arrested her, they told her that her son, who she feeds and his comrades, are causing harm to the defense forces,” they stated, adding that there has been active fighting between the OLA and government forces in the area prior to her arrest.

A resident of  the village who requested not to be named fearing repercussions told that while the three were shot dead, another individual named Tufa Edao, 87,  survived a gunshot and is currently receiving treatment in Wolanchiti town.

The resident added that following the arrest of Kuli and the other three individuals on 25 October, the entire residents of the Garri Nura Dhera village, 1,900 households (around 7 thousand people) were forced by members of the defense forces to evacuate the village. 

“We were forced to leave. They told us we would be hit,” the resident said, adding that they are currently living in makeshift plastic homes near Sogido military camp and a place called Chancho, enduring difficulties including bad weather which their plastic homes cannot withstand.

He also added following the murder of Kuli and the two others, the security situation has worsened leading to the arrest of 25 civilian villagers who are currently detained at Bosat police station, being denied family visit and any form of outside contact.

“We learned of their killing from social media. Unless it is uncovered by investigation, we don’t know who committed these killings,” the regime official  told the BBC.

The murder of the three civilians has sparked outrage on social media with many demanding justice.

Saturday, October 28, 2023

Press Freedom crisis and the regime detention of journalists in Ethiopia

 For decades, Ethiopia has been closely scrutinized by international organizations advocating for journalists’ rights. The country’s long-standing struggle with freedom of the press has been a cause for concern, particularly during periods of political turmoil like the one unfolding over the past four years.

A global leader in press freedom and press protection, the Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ), has consistently highlighted the deteriorating press freedom in Ethiopia while documenting multiple press freedom violations, including the arrests of numerous journalists.

The recent conflicts in the Northern region between the federal government and the non-state militia, , have further worsened the situation, resulting in the imprisonment of more journalists and media professionals.

A month ago, the CPJ expressed deep concern about the arrest of three journalists during the state of emergency declared in the conflict-ridden North region. Abay Zewdu, , Yidnekachew Kebede, , and Fekadu Mahtemework , were all arrested between late August and early September.

In October 2016, the Ethiopian Media Council firmly stated that “even in a state of emergency, journalists and media should only be held accountable in accordance with the law. Failure to do so tarnishes the country’s international image.”

Detained journalists often languish in prison for months without formal charges as authorities attempt to suppress critical coverage. Press freedom advocates argue that such injustices indicate that the government’s motive behind these arrests may stem from dissatisfaction with certain journalistic viewpoints rather than actual criminal activities. This oppressive environment has led to a troubling trend where journalists and media experts feel compelled to seek asylum abroad, not only for their safety but also to protect their families.

One such voice is Tewodros Asfaw, a political analyst . After being accused of terrorism, imprisoned, and subsequently released, Tewodros chose exile, citing “government harassment” as the main reason for his decision.Tewodros disclosed, “The repeated imprisonment and harassment due to my profession were the primary reasons for my exile.”

One of the recent victims of government persecution is Dawit Begashaw, one of the founders and public relations head of the association, who remains in prison currently. Tibebu, who is also the Executive Director of Ahadu Radio and Television, further highlighted that several media entities have been forced to shut down, leaving a sense of apprehension among those still operating. “In this climate, simply being identified as a journalist can be intimidating,” he said.

An interesting trend observed in Ethiopia’s media sector in recent times is the prioritization of entertainment content by numerous domestic media outlets, seemingly at the expense of in-depth socio-political coverage. This shift is notable considering the need for a more thorough exploration of pivotal issues in the current societal context.

Particularly during periods of political turmoil, several media outlets prefer to engage in echoing government narratives instead of providing an independent and unbiased account. Academics like Matheos argue that an atmosphere of apprehension may be forcing media outlets to tread cautiously, avoiding sensitive political topics.

The domestic media’s focus on entertainment is the direct consequence of the challenges faced when attempting to cover politics without bias.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Abiy Ahmed regime Kill innocent civilians in Oromia and displaced many

 Conflict in #Oromia region displaces 1.3 million, causes devastating impact on communities

According to the Center for Development and Capacity Building (CDCB), the ongoing instability in the Oromia region has resulted in the displacement of approximately 1.3 million people. In a recent report released by the organization, it was revealed that the violence has not only led to displacement and loss of life but also caused significant destruction of property, disrupted development works, and eroded the communal fabric of the region. The #CDCB report highlights that out of the 1.3 million displaced citizens in the #Oromia region, 374,400 individuals (29%) are currently residing in shelters, while the remaining 71% are scattered throughout the community. The report further emphasizes that a staggering 859,000 people (66%) have been displaced from just two zones: #East_Wollega and #West_Wollega. The consequences of this conflict extend beyond displacement. The report reveals that 739 schools in the region have been forced to cease operations, impacting more than 210,000 children who have been unable to attend school due to their displacement. Furthermore, the conflict has resulted in the loss of employment for 1,117 teachers and education professionals. Moreover, the report highlights the devastating impact on healthcare facilities, with 208 of them being completely destroyed and an additional 788 partially damaged. Disturbingly, 10 ambulances have been stolen, 45 have been burnt, and 25 are currently out of service.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Abiy Ahmed led Regime of Ethiopia has continued its barbaric mission of killing innocent people at their homestead.

 Abiy Ahmed's Prosperity Party-led government of Ethiopia has continued its barbaric mission of killing innocent people at their homestead.

On 15 October 2023, the government security forces massacred 20 civilians in West Showa Zone, Jaldu District, Kibbetti Kebele. The following are some of the victims whose names have been identified so far. 1) Worku Alemu (student from Salale Univerity, 2) Meskerm Birhanu (12th-grade student), 3) Chamera Qaani, 4) Dirro Urgessa, 5) Baqala Assafa, 6) Diribsa Abidisa Dabala, 7) Abdisa Dabala Mucha ( killed with his son mentioned under number 6), 8 Teshome Bisira ( also killed with his child), 9 Dabaltuu Tashoma Bisira, 10) Bashana Muluna, 11) Motuma Guta, 12) Qanani Barsisa, and 13 Abbitti Biranu.
On 14 October 2023, again, the armed forces of the government of Ethiopia also opened fire against the residents of North Showa Zone, Warra Jarso District, Migiro Baddessa, and Gito Milki kebele and killed more than 20 people, including a mother with her four children. Some of the victims whose name has reached us are 1) Gabayyo Gammachu, 2) Shuree Habtamu (aka Suyume, with her four children), 3) Irrana Yayya (with his two children), and Demise Sagu. Twelve people were severely beaten, and their lives are currently at risk. Moreover, the security forces abducted over 30 people from the same kebele. Some of the abductees’ names are 1) Shallama Gammachuu, 3) Tolera Masqala, 4) Taddass Tolera, 5) Jima Dirribe, and 6) Kasahe Taffasa and 7 Amde Abarra. Their whereabouts are not known so far.
In South Eastern Oromiya, Western Arsi Zone, Adabba District, Haqoo Kaarraa Kebele, at a particular place called Balloo Gadabba, the Ethiopian National Defense Force, on 17 October 2023, mercilessly set fire to the residential homes of eight innocent civilians and incarcerated several of them, accusing them of feeding the Oromo Liberation Army(OLA). Those victims whose names we have identified so far are 1) Abubakar Sade Weeboo, 2) Batuli Tusa, 3) Qasim Batuli Tusa, 4) Bakar Ambee, 5) Xaha Sheik Hassan, and 6) Bamud Dube. In the same kebele, more than 25 people were incarcerated without legal charges. A few of the names of those jailed are: 1) Baqqala Damee (elderly), 2) Abdulkarim Bariso (elderly), 3) Jamal Qasure 4) Gazza Kasa 5) Mahmmad Husien Abdulkarim ( head Youth League) 6) Madina Usman 7) Tamima Abdulqadir 😎8)Gishe Qasure 9) Nasru Qumbusa 10) Hamza Qasimo 11) Rijal Sh/Ahmad 12) Jamal Jarso 13) Kamiso Fattoo 14) Siraj Adam 15) Usule Allo, 6) Isaa’il Mammade 17) Adam Abdullahi and 18 Janbaru Kabbada.
These are new and recent assaults on innocent civilians. It should be remembered that similar and more severe barbaric acts have been perpetrated against the Oromos in the last five years. We have been earnestly documenting those atrocities and making them known to the world's peace-loving people and human rights organizations. We reiterate and strongly underline that the Prosperity Party-led government and its security forces are responsible for the crime perpetrated against innocent civilians.
Last but not least, we call upon the Oromo people to intensify their struggle to clear off this rogue regime that tries to survive on the tears and blood of innocent people. We also remind our international friends and allies that a government with such an inhumane disposition could not be a dependable ally and will surely be doomed to historical oblivion sooner or later. We call upon all peace-loving people to support the victims in all possible means.
Victory to the Masses!
Oromo Liberation Front
October 2023

Tuesday, October 17, 2023

It is impossible to pay buck their favours of oromo heros who sacrifice their lifes for oromo Freedom/Namoota wareegama guddaa kafalanii uummata Oromoof oolmaa guddaa oolan otoo lubbuun jiranii maaliif gargaaruun hanqatame?

 Namoota wareegama guddaa kafalanii uummata Oromoof oolmaa guddaa oolan otoo lubbuun jiranii maaliif gargaaruun hanqatame?

Oromo heros who sacrifice their life.

Ummanni Oromoo qabsaa’ota isaa osoo lubbuun jiranii kunuunsuun olmaa isaanii deebisuu qaba jedhan qaamoleen hawaasaa garagaraa biyya keessaa dubbise.
Qabsaa’onni Oromoo lubbuu isaanii qaalii fi maatii isaanii dirree irratti facaasanii bilisummaa ummata Oromoo barbaaduuf aarsaa kafalaniif ummanni Oromoo gatii isaa beekee osoo lubbuun jiru kabajaa maluuf itti horu qaba jedhan.
Imala diddaa gabrummaa fi qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo keessatti qabsaa’onni jireenya isaanii guutuu kaayyoo qabsoo saba Oromootiif jiraatan danuudha.
Kaayyoo qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo dhaloota dhaalchisuuf osoo qabsoo tarkaanfachiisanii kanneen dirree qabsoo keessatti kufanii fi achi buuteen isaanii dhabame danuudha.
Hooggantoonni qabsoo bilisummaa Oromoo kanneen akka Nadhii Gammadaa, Baqqalaa Dawaanoo, Guutamaa Hawaas, Laggaasaa Wagii, Baaroo Tumsaa, Jeneraal Taddasaa Birruu, Jeneraal Waaqoo Guutuu, Koloneel Aliyyii Cirrii, Jeneraal Huseen Bunee, Soorressa Jaarraa Abbaa Gadaa, Elemoo Qilxuu, Abubakar Muussaa, Kumaalaa Jaatanii Ali dabalatee kumaataman maatii fi jiruu isaanii dirree irratti facaasanii bilisummaa ummata Oromootiif aarsaa ta’anii jiru.
Artistoonni Oromoo kanneen qabsoo bilisummaa ummata Oromoo fi cunqursaa sirna gita bittaa sagalee isaaniitiin mormaa turan kanneen akka Eebbisaa Addunyaa, Yoosef Gammachuu, Abdii Qophee, Usmaayyoo Muussaa, Musxafaa Harawwee, Daadhii Galaan, Halloo Daawwee, Ibraahim Aadam, Nuhoo Goobanaa, Doktara Kabajaa Alii Birraa, Zarihuun Wadajoo dabalatee kumaatamni saba kanaaf jiraatanii addunyaa kana irraa boqatanii jiru.
Addatti artistoonni Oromoo jireenya isaanii guutuu saba Oromootiif kennuun, gabrummaa ummata Oromoo irra jirtu walleen ibsuu fi ummata daandii qabsoo irratti dammaqsuu keessatti shora olaanaa taphatani jiru.
Haa ta’u malee ummanni Oromoo qabsaa’ota, weellistootaa fi maatii qabsaa’otaatiif gaaddisa ta’ee kunuunsaa fi kabajaa maluuf kennuu hanqachuun hedduun isaanii jireenya gadadoo jirataani addunyaa irraa boqatanii jiru.
Artist Halloo Daawwee kan Onkolooleessa 14 bara 2023 boqattee, Onkoloolessa 16 bara 2023 sirni awwaalchaa ishee raawwate osoo lubbuun jirtu "saba koo of biraa dhabe, gaafa du'e dirree irratti na hin dhiisinaa na awwaalaa, alagaan nutti kolfaa" jechuun dhaammattee turte.
Dhimma kana irratti Oromiyaa bahaa irraa yaada kan kennee dargaggoo Raabaa Doorii, Ummanni Oromoo qabsaa'onni isaa rakkatanii sadarkaa kana irraa hanga gahanitti ilaaluun sirri miti, qabsaa'ota isaatiif osoo lubbuun jiran xiyyeefannaa guddaa kennuufi qaba jedhe.
Qabsoo Oromoo keessatti artistoota dabalatee qabsaa'onni bilisummaa ummata Oromootiif aarsaa guddaa kafalan kabajaa fi kunuunsa maluuf saba Oromoo irraa argachuu qaban kan jedhu dargaggoo Raabaa Doorii, keessattu weellistoota Oromoo kan adda taasisu bilisummaa ummata Oromootiif weellisuu isaaniiti jedha.
“Mirga qabsaa’uu fi afaan Oromootiin baratanii hojjachuu kan argamsiisan qabsaa’ota kaleessaa fi yuubota har’aati” kan jedhu Raabaa Dooriin, ummata Oromoo wallee isaaniitiin wal barsiisuun Oromiyaa fi Oromoo har’aa uumuu danda’anii jiru jedha.
Maatii artistoota saba kanaaf wareegamani kanneen akka Eebbisaa Addunyaa, Usmaayyoo Muussaa, Musxafaa Harawwee, Daadhii Galaan, Eebbisaa Addunyaa, Haacaluu Hundeessaa dabalatee kanneen du’a umamaatiin boqatan kanneen akka Zarihuun Wadajoo, Ibraahim Aadam, Halloo Daawwee, Nuhoo Goobanaa, Doktara Kabajaa Alii Birraa fi kanneen biroo maatii isaaniitiif sabni kun gaaddisa ta’uu qaba jedha.
Maatiin qabsaa'ota qabsoo sabaa keessatti aarsaa ta'anii dirree irratti faca'aniif sabni gaaddisa ta'uun abdii qabsaa'ota birootiif ta'a kan jedhan namoonni dhimma kana irratti yaada kennan, qabsaa'aan Oromoo tokko gaafuma inni du'e awwaalcha isaatiif bakka tokkotti yaa'uu irraa osoo lubbuun jiru bira dhaabbachuu wayya jedhan.