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Sunday, May 19, 2024

Prosperity Party’s ‘National Defense Force’ has continued its Appalling Atrocities Against the Civilians.

 Prosperity Party’s ‘National Defense Force’ has continued its Appalling Atrocities

Against the Civilians.

The Prosperity Party’s commanded army that is scorching Oromia has continued its atrocious intimidation, killings and looting of helpless civilians in every corner of the region. With its publicly declared motto of ‘drying the ocean’, it purposely and systematically continued atrocious acts against the defenseless civilians and in particular the peasantry when one expects an army that presents itself as a national army to protect the civilians.
On 16 May 2024, in Sululta District of North Shewa Zone at a Kebele called Ganda Lilloo Chabeqa, the army looted 50 head of cattle and more than 20 quintals of grain from farmers who happened to be three brothers. They are:
1. Taddase Tsega
2. Abbay Tsega
3. Gaddisa Tsega
Realiable sources also indicate that several innocent civilians were kidnapped and whose whereabouts are unknown.
Likewise, in two zones of Bale, Arsi and East Shewa, the Prosperity Party’s army and party cadres ordered every peasant household to contribute 25kg of grain for the military, which was dearly running short of logistic supplies. In the same zones, the military ordered students from 5th grade to 12th to contribute 100 birr each to the army. They are intimidating and threatening the civilians who are unable and unwilling to contribute by accusing them of supporting OLA.
These are only the tip of the iceberg. There are numerous instances of such barbarism in every corner of Oromia and other regional states of the country. We thus call upon the internal and international human rights organizations and peace-loving people to stand by these agonized peasant population and stop the horrendous brutalities and make them known to the world. The lives of the peasantry are being destroyed in millions in an imaginable scale across the country in Ethiopia. We call upon the Oromo people to record all the atrocious acts being perpetrated against them.
Victory to the Masses!

Oromo Liberation Front

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

EHRC forced to quit investigation over the assassination of politician Obbo Bate Urgessa

 Commission ‘forced to quit’ Meki investigation into Bate Urgessa's assassination after gathering witness testimonies implicating security forces

's witness statements revealed a chilling detail of accounts, including testimonies that after Bate left the Pension he was staying in at approximately 5:30 PM on same night he was shot and killed, a vehicle pulled into the same Pension’s compound, and four security personnel “armed with weapons”, wearing security uniforms commonly called ‘Ranger’, [military camouflage] and “red bonnet” dismounted the vehicle with “two officials” who appeared to be accompanied by the security personnel. A total of six people rented bedrooms in the same Pension, the letter chronicles.
Unlike other days, around 5:45 PM on the same day, the security forces of the city started “preventing the movement of three-wheeled vehicles (Bajajs) and pedestrians.”
On the same night, at a location outside the city where Bate’s lifeless body was found, one camouflage-painted, double-cabin pick-up vehicle “sped and exited the main road” and stopped without turning off its lights at around 12: 00 midnight, according to EHRC’s accounts gathered from eyewitnesses. Four men wearing ‘Ranger’ uniforms, red bonnets, and armed with weapons got out of the vehicle, dragged one person from the back of the vehicle, shot the person repeatedly, and left, the letter revealed. On the morning of 10 April Bate’s body was found with his hand “tied behind his back, shot in the head, chest, and abdomen areas.”

EHRC’s team continued its investigation, and on 11 April tried to contact the same witnesses the team spoke to earlier to ask additional questions, but “learned that the witnesses have been arrested by the police.” The police said they had detained the witnesses “for their safety.” However, the Commission was barred from speaking to the witnesses.

EHRC’s letter further stated that although the Commission made “great efforts to ensure the safety of our witnesses” during the investigation process, the police did not only arrest the same witnesses whom the Commission’s investigators spoke to but when the Commission’s team moved around in the city of Meki to carry out the investigation, “unidentified people and vehicles followed the investigation experts and disrupted the movement…”. Furthermore, the police also detained Bate’s family members who were cooperating with EHRC’s investigation.

The OLF has condemned the “brutal murder” of Bate, describing him as “eloquent, selfless, and brave Oromo soul.” it also appealed to “all human rights organizations and peace-loving people to undertake an immediate neutral and impartial investigation.”

Several countries, including the US and the EU, issued similar calls calling for investigation into the killing.

Among the calls was a statement issued by U.S. Senator Ben Cardin, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. “The killing of Bate Urgessa on Tuesday night was shocking and upsetting. I offer my deepest condolences to the family for their loss and urge Ethiopian authorities to allow a credible, neutral international body to conduct a thorough investigation into Bate’s death,” Senator Cardin said.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

ፍትህ የተነፈጋት ነብስ፤ ዛሬም የጋዲሳ ሂርጳሳ ቤተሰቦች ሰለፍትህ ይጣራሉ


በ1990ዎቹ በማዕከላዊ እስር ቤት ታስረው ተሰቃይተው ከሞቱ እስረኞች መካከል አንዱ የነበረው የፊንፊኔ ዩንቨርሲቲ ተማሪ ጋዲሳ ሂረጰሳ ዛሬም ድረስ ፍትህ እንዳጣ ቤተሰቦቹ ገለፁ።

ለውጡን ተከትሎ ማእከላዊ እስርቤት ለህዝብ እይታ ክፍት ሲደረግ ተማሪው በታሰረበት ክፍል ግድግዳ ላይ '‘ከእኔ እና ከከሳሾቼ ማነው ወንጀለኛ?'' በማለት የፅፎ ስሙን ከስር ያሰፈረበት መልእክት የብዙዎችን ልብ ነክቷል።
በኢህአዴግ ዘመን በማእከላዊ እስር ቤት ታስረው ከሞቱት እስረኞች መካከል ጋዲሳ ሂርጰሳ አንዱ ነው።
የማእከላዊ እስር ቤት ወደ ሙዚየምነት ይቀየራል ተብሎ ከአራት አመታት በፊት በተከፈተበት ወቅት በእስር ቤቱ ግድግዳ ላይ ተፅፎ የተነኘው ''ከእኔ እና ከከሳሾቼ ማነው ወንጀለኛ?'' የሚለው የጋዲሳ ፅሁፍ በአብዛኞች ዘንድ መነጋገሪያ ሆኖ ነበር።
በማእከላዊ እስር ቤት ውስጥ በስቃይ ላይ የነበሩ ሰዎች በቤቱ ግድግዳ ላይ የተለያዩ መልዕክቶችን ይጽፉ እንደነበር ተገልጿል።
የማካላዊ እስር ቤት በተከፈተበት በቅት በፊንፊኔ ዩኒቨርስቲ የላቀ ውጤት በማስመዝገብ የሚታወቅ ተማሪ የነበረው ጋዲሳ በ1998 ከዚህ አለም በሞት ቢለይም ስሙ ከስር ሰፍሮ በተለጠፈ የአማርኛ ጽሁፍ በማህበራዊ ድህረ ገጽ መነጋገሪያ በመሆን ህይወቱ ያለፈበትን ሁኔታ አመላክቷል።
የጋዲሳ ታላቅ ወንድም ታየ ሂርጰሳ ጋዲሳ ተማሪዎችን ለተቃውሞ አስተባብሯል በሚል መታሰሩን ለቢቢሲ ተናግሯል።
በ1997 የኦሮሚያ ክልል መቀመጫ ከፊንፊኔ ወደ አዳማ ሲዘዋወር በፊንፊኔ ዩኒቨርስቲ ተማሪዎች የተደረገውን የተቃውሞ ሰልፍ ተከትሎ ከተባረሩት 300 ተማሪዎች መካከል ጋዲሳ አንዱ መሆኑን ወንዲሙ ገልጿል።
ከዚያም ሳይቆይ ተማሪዎችን ለተቃውሞ አነሳስተሃል በሚል ወደ ማከላዊ እስር ቤት እንዲገባ መደረጉን ተናግሯል።
ያኔ በፊንፊኔ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የአምስተኛ ዓመት የቴክኖሎጂ ዲፓርትመንት ተማሪ እንደነበርና በዩንቨርሲቲው የላቀ ውጤት ካላቸው ተማሪዎች መካከል ግንባርቀደም እንደነበረ አክሎ ገልጿል።
ጋዲሳ በእስር ቤት ተመላልሶ ስጠይቀው እንደነበር የገለፀው ታላቅ ወንድሙ፣ የእስር ቤቱ ሁኔታ በጣም አስቸጋሪ እንደነበር ከሱ መረዳቱን ተናግሯል።
በኋላም በድብቅ ጨለማ ክፍል ውስጥ እንዲሰቃይ በማድረግ፣ መላ ሰውነቱ ሽባ ሆኖ እና ለተለያዩ ሌሎች በሺታዎች ተጋልጦ ህክምና ሳያገኝ በመቆየት በመጨረሻም በሽታው ስጠናበት ሆስፒታል ተወስዶ ህይወቱ ማለፉን ተናግሯል።
ጋዲሳ ከሰኔ 1996 ጀምሮ ህይወቱ እስካለፈበት 1998 ድረስ በማእካላዊ እና አለም በቃ ተብሎ በሚጠራ እስር ቤቶች መቆየቱን የገለፀው ወንዲሙ፣ ህይወቱ ስታልፍ አጠገቡ እንደነበር ተናግሯል።
በእስር ቤቱ በደረሰበት ጉዳት መላ ሰውነቱ የማይንቀሳቀስ እንደነበር በመግለፅ በጊዜው የህክምና ማስረጃ ጠይቀን የሳንባ ምች ነው ብለው እንደከለከሉት ገልጿል።
የጋዲሳ ታላቅ ወንድም አቶ ታየ ሂርጰሳ ጋዲሳ ከማእከላዊ ስወጣ ለፍርድ ቤት አቤቱታ አቅርበው እንደነበር ገልፆ ነገርግን በህመም ህይወቱ አልፏል በማለት መዝገቡን መዝጋታቸውን ተናግሯል።
ክሳቸው ያላግባብ መዘጋቱን የሚናገረው ታዬ፣ ያኔ ማዕከላዊና ቃሊቲ እስር ቤቶችን ስያስተዳድሩ የነበሩ ሰዎች በህግ መጠየቅ አለባቸው ብሏል።
በወቅቱ የቀረቡት ማስረጃዎች ተጣርተው ወንጀለኞች በህይወት አሉ እና በሰው ህይወት ላይ ወንጀል የፈፀመው አካል በህግ መጠየቅ አለበት' ሲል የጋዲሳ ወንዲም ታየ ተናግሯል።
የጋዲሳ ወላጅ እናት ወይዘሮ ጃለሊ ድሮ በበኩላቸው በእስር ቤት በደረሰበት ጉዳት ህይወቱ አልፏል ነገር ግን ወንጀሉን የፈፀሙት ሰዎች እስካሁን ለህግ አልቀረቡም ብለዋል።
ለሀገር ይሆናል ብለን ስንጠብቅ ለአፈር አደረጉብኝ በማለት በሀዘን ተናግረዋል።
በኢህአዴግ መራሹ መንግስት ዘመን ሽዎች ታስረው የከፋ ስቃይ እንዳሳለፉ፣ አያሌዎች ደብዛቸው እንደጠፋና የብዙ ቤተሰቦች ህይወት በዚህ እንደተመሰቃቀለ ነው መረጃዎች የሚያመለክቱት።

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