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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

The Most Talked About Habashaa Election 2015;(Kennata Habashaa Hedduu Hodeefamaafii Jiru 2015)

By Ibsaa Guutama*
It is GOING to be five whole years sinceWayyaanee won all parliamentary seats, but one. The opposition condemned the election as not free and fair for that moment. But it could change nothing. It was usurpation of power under the façade of election, and no election was conducted. That TPLF strategy was endorsed for reasons by great powers can be guessed from the manner in which they reacted to the outcome. “No democracy no cooperation” of long ago was proved to be an empty promise. No wonder, initially the TPLF went for the pseudo-multiparty system with some external pressure. In addition, it was advised by a Western guru to form a dominant peasant-oriented party ignoring what was provided in the written Constitution. The advice was ACCEPTEDfor it fit the Habashaa political thinking in general, and Tigrawayi’s in particular. It is with that in mind that the 2015 May election has to be viewed. ALREADY, it is much talked about around the world by friends and enemies of the regime. It is election in a one-party system; however, it may pretend to be otherwise. That means, the result is predetermined. The complaints and lamentations by the opposition amount to what is said “much ado about nothing.”
Democratic countries ACCEPTED the rule of law after struggles that costed many lives. They found some points from the ancient Greek democracy, from which they developed and adopted their SYSTEM. Greek democracy was a practice among free men of Athens and did not include foreigners, women and slaves – groups which were in majority. This trait is still reflected in Western democracy, though not so flagrantly.De jure, everyone is equal, but de facto, some are more equal than others. This is more vivid in election campaign costs, which the have-not cannot afford. Anyone who has got power by force or through election would not hate to hang on to power forever. But the West has thwarted such thought by introducing constitutions that created a check-and-balance SYSTEM through the divisions of power. The Americans went further by limiting an elected president to run only for two terms. Countries which do not have such a system remain at the mercy of the leading elites. The Ethiopian empire is yet in the pre-Magna Carta era (1215) in its political practice.It might have been after a bitter struggle that the Oromo FOUNDED theGadaa democratic system of governance. Society is divided into pre-determined five parties (gogeessa) that could stay in power for eight years to come back only after forty years with different actors on the saddle. Since the sequence is arranged GENERATIONALLY, there was no overshooting the eight years; the Office has to be evacuated immediately. To see that political tradition is honored, there is a party of previous rulers for overseeing. Three generations: Raabaa Doorii, Luba and Yuba, check the balance of power, and respect for the rule of law and tradition. In that way, ancient Oromo prevented autocratic rule. The present Oromo GENERATION has a system to fall back to and emulate, if it desires.
Wayyaanee had set up guiding rules for its own ACTIVITIES and that which it wants the world to consider as a Constitution. It is a document imposed on the people, not the vise-versa. It is written more for international recognition than to guarantee rights for peoples in the empire. According to this document, it has created a federal administrative structure. It has also created an Election Board of its own choice and the federal police. The federal police are its long arm, without limited jurisdiction and authority. It has proclaimed many oppressive laws, the most flagrant of them being the proclamation against terrorism. All organizations that oppose its Constitution are branded as terrorists. The West is shying to endorse it, probably for not yet defining terrorism based on its own democratic tradition. But, it is tacitly ACCEPTING what itsterrorist turned disciple fed it.
Any PERSON that the Wayyaanee did not like “colors of their eyes,” their walks, talks or their sneezes – any of those designated as terroristswill be subjected to assassination, disappearances, persona non grata, or imprisonment. It also commits genocide. Because it has proclaimed OLF as a “terrorist” – under that pretext, it is putting in jeopardy Oromos who are not members of that party. Wayyaanee will do anything that it thinks will make it maintain the monopoly of power forever. It will CONTINUE manufacturing terrorists as long as its international partners WANT TO use it. That is the nature of power and the unbridled powerful. It is up to the Habashaa people to keep their house in order. They are the ones who have to put a leash on their leaders. The way the empire is ruled cannot CONTINUE as it is used to be. The world is not in the 19th or in the 20th century, but in the 21st century – which is an era of advanced information technology. Foreign relations are no more in the confines of government alone, but open to world public scrutiny. This has added more vigor to the rising political consciousness of the peoples to demand for their legitimate rights.Every subjugated people want to be independent and free. To recognize this without further blood shade REQUIRESunderstanding of how serious the consequence would be. As a signatory to the UN Charter and its conventions on people’s rights, Habashaa rulers have a duty to help subjugated people anywhere to be free. When the case is of their own empire, they become more duty bound to release them if they have to CONTINUE as a legitimate partner to the world body. It is by understanding this and accepting freedom as dictates of natural law that the Oromo demand for the independence of Oromiyaa, not for fair and free election – while colonized. The election is an internal affair of Habashaa.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Oromo Political Prisoner Bekele Gerba Freed; the Ideals (Anti-Land-Grabbing, Environment, National Equality) He Got Imprisoned for Still Unresolved(Bekele Gerba: "I'm Honored to Struggle for the Oromo People")

Oromo media outlets, OMN and Radio Afuura Biyyaa, have CONFIRMED the release from prison of the Oromo political prisoner Ob. Bekele Gerba, who was the Deputy Chairman of the opposition Oromo Federalist Democratic Movement (OFDM) at the TIME of his arrest in AUGUST 2011. Ob. Bekele Gerba had been unjustly imprisoned for about three and half years. According to INFORMATION we have received, his fellow prisoner Ob. Olbana Lelisa, the high-ranking leader in the Oromo People’s Congress party (OPC) at the TIME of his arrest with Ob.Bekele Gerba in August 2011, remains imprisoned unjustly.

Issues Ob. Bekele Gerba Imprisoned for Remain Unresolved …
In 2010 – a year before his arrest, Ob. Bekele Gerba passionately debated during the General Election about land-grabbing, especially land-grabbing around Finfinne, and the appallingenvironmental pollution in Oromia and beyond (listen BELOW); his firm stand on these issues had brought land-grabbing around Finfinne and environmental pollution to the forefront of the people’s consciousnesses at the time and since then.

His firm STAND on national equality has been also widely reported by the media (listen BELOW)Ob. Bekele Gerba made the appeal for NATIONAL equality for Oromos and OTHER oppressed nationalities in Ethiopia as a political prisoner facing the Ethiopian government’s politically biased and motivated court in NOVEMBER 2012

Sunday, March 29, 2015

TPLF Deggeruun "Warqee" OLF Deggeruun "Dhiphoo" Maaliif Jechisiisa?

Malkaa Caffee irraa* | Bitootessa 2015
Dhaadannoo ABO Faana Hiriiree Kan Jiru Eenyu? Saba Oromoo ti.
Kun Maal Irraa Kan Madde? Ilaalcha Dhiphummaa Ummatichaa Irraahi.”
Abbaay Tsahaayyee (Gorsaa Muummicha Ministeeraa Itoophiyaa)
Ummata dhiisii dachii dhuunfadhu, lamaanuu dhabda. Dachii dhiisii Ummata qabadhu, Lachuu qabaatta/argatta.” jedha yaadni tarsiimoo qabsaawota Chaayinaa tokko. Bu’uuressitootnii fi hoogganootni TPLF (Tigray People’s Liberation FRONT) miidhaa mootummoota Itoophiyaatiin (Dargii fi warra isa dura turan) Ummata Tigiraay irra gahaa ture hambisuuf oggaa qabsoo jalqaban Ummatni Tigiraay Kaayyoon TPLF waan isa amansiiseef jecha jaalalaa fi deggersa guutuu kenneefii isaan faana hiriire. Deggersa cimaa Ummata Tigiraay irraa argataniinis (haalli mijjataa fi deggersi gara biraa irraa argatanis haa jiraatu malee) bakka har’a jiran kana dhaqqaban. Ummatni Tigiraay TPLF faana hiriiree qabsoo gaggeessee fi wareegama baaseen bu’aa/faayidaa gama polotikaa, dinagdee fi hawaasummaa hedduu argatetti dabalee jajjabeessaa fi faaruu afaanii kan miira qor-qalbii isaa gammachiistu “Ummata Warqee/Meeta” (ወርቅ ሕዝብ) jecha jettu badhaafameera. Jecha faaruu kana Ummata Tigiraayiin kan badhaasan gaafa lubbuudhaan jiran (Bakka jiranitti gatiima hojii isaanii haa kennuuf) Obbo Mallas Zeenaawwii turan.

Haaluma fakkaataadhaan Ummatni Oromoos bu’uureffamuu ABO irraa eegalee Kaayyoon ABO daandii gara Bilisummaatti isa geessu tahuu waan amaneef jaalalaa fi deggersa isaa Dhaaba kanaaf arjoomuutti jira. Dhaabotni kun lamaan (TPLF fi OLF) walumaan Ummata isaanii hiriirsanii Mootummaa Dargii kuffisuu keessatti qooda gurguddaa kennan. Oggaa Mootummaa Dargii kuffisanis walumaan Mootummaa Yeroo Cehumsaa dhaabanii haala Sirni Empaayerummaa Itoophiyaa diigamee mootummaan Ummatootaa itti hundeeffamu (haala mirgi HIREEmurteeffannaa Ummatootaa itti fiixa bahee naannichatti sirni haqaa fi dimokiraatawaan gadi dhaabbatee nageenyi waaraan mirkanaawu) irratti hojjechuu jalqabanii turan. Yeroo yaalii gabaabduu sana keessatti Dhaabotni lamaan mata mataatti Ummatoota bakka bu’anii dhufan biratti, waloodhaan ammoo Ummatoota Empaayerattii hunda biratti dhageeytii, jaalalaa fi deggersa (sadarkaa fi ayinaan isaa haa wal cacaalu ykn. buburratu malee) horatanii turan jechuun ni danda’ama.
Seenaa duubbee ifii keessatti aadaa dimokiraatawaa, kan wal-qixxummaa fi wal danda’uutiin kan hin himamne hoogganootni TPLF garuu oggaa bakka masaraa mootummaa sana gahame “tiyyaa” malee “teenyaan” akka eebichaatti itti hadhaawuu jalqabde. Kanaaf hatattamaan Dhaabota Ummata isaanii biratti dhageeytii, jaalalaa fi deggersa qaban (keessattuu ABO) of irraa fageessuuf murteeffatanii lola itti banan. Lola kanaanis miseensota ABO (keessattuu WBO) irra, akkasumas waliigala Ummata Oromoo irra miidhaa gurguddaatu Wayyaanotaan geessifame. Har’as geessifamaa jira. Akeeka barreeffama gabaabduu tanaa waan hin tahiniif garuu amma waa’ee miidhaa lola kanaa tuttuquutti hin seenu.
TPLF (Wayyaanotni) caalmaa humna waraanaa qabanii fi tumsa ofittoowwanii fi farreen dimokiraasii haqaa warra tahan irraa argataniin hoogganoota ABO of irraa fageessanii Oromiyaa (Dachii isii) humnaan toohatan illee, Ummata Oromoo qabachuu garuu gonkumaa hin dandeenye. Kun ammoo wareegama gurguddaa isaan baasisee har’as baasisaa jira. Hoogganootni TPLF hedduun ibidda dhaamsuu hin dandeenye qabsiisuu isaanii of irratti waan beekaniif, jireenyi polotikaa isaanii hirriba muka irraa itti tahee dhiphina sammuu keessa galuu mudataniiru. Garii isaaniitti haalli kun ‘brain cancer’ itti uumee yeroo malee addunyaa irraa godaansiseera. Hegereen warra lubbuudhaan jiraniis maal akka tahuuf deemu kan hin beekamnee fi yaaddessaa dha.
Jaalalaa fi deggersa Ummata Tigiraay maaliif laaftuutti horanne? Jaalalaa fi deggersa Oromoo fi Ummatoota biroo maaliif horachuu dadhabne?” gaaffiin jettuu fi deebisaan sirriin gaaffii tanaaf argamtu silaa rakkina amma TPLF keessa jiru qofaaf osoo hin taane rakkinoota Gaanfa Afrikaa hedduudhaaf furmaata taati turte. Hoogganootni TPLF garuu gaaffii tana of gaafachuu hin barbaadan? Akka waan jaalalaa fi deggersi ummataa meeshaa saamamuu ykn. booji’amuu danda’u taheetitti qawweedhaan argachuuf tattaafatan. Sobuudhaanis tahe sossobuudhaan, ykn. doorsisuu, hidhuu fi ajjeesuudhaan jaalalaa fi deggersi barbaadamu dhabamnaan ija dhiibanii qawwee isaanii qofaan jiraachuuf murteeffatan. Adeemsa akkasiitiin ammoo, deemanii deemanii, har’aan tana rakkinni isaanii inni kaleessa Ummata qabachuu dadhabuu ture sun sadarkaan isaa guddateeUmmata of irraa qabuu dadhabuutti tarkaanfachaa jira. Jal-bultii Lamaanuu (Ummataa fi Dachiis) dhabuu.
Amanuu fi dubbachuun isaanitti haa hadhaawu malee, hoogganootni TPLF sadarkaa hamtuu har’a irra gahanii jiran kana garaan isaanii ni beeka. Kana irraa kan ka’e yeroo ammaa “Namni bishaanni nyaate hoomacha qaqqabata.” akka jedhamu hoogganootni TPLF waan qabatanii fi gadi dhiisan, waan dubbatanii fi dhiisan wallaalaniiru.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Sagalee Bilisummaa Oromoo (SBO) Bitootessa 28,2015.

Basaasa wayyaanee yeroo dheeraa kan ta'ee fi barattoota Oromoo irratti tarkaanfiin ajjechaa fi hidhaa akka fudhatamuuf yakkoota gugurdaa hojjechaa kan ture diinni Kadir Yuusuf/Dachaasaa Gulummaa jedhamu tarkaanfii gidduu kana irratti fudhatameen ajjeefamee jira.
Basaasa wayyaanee jabaa kan ta'ee fi harka isaa dhiiga ilmaan Oromootiin dhiqataa kan ture Kadir Yuusuf kan ajjeefame magaalaa D.Dhawaa keessatti akka ta'es beekuun danda'ameera.
Kadir Yuusuf bara 2004 barattootni Oromoo Yunversitii Finfinnee jumlaadhaan wayyaaneen wayta ari'amanitti barataa fakkaatee seenuudhaan kan basaasaa fi ajjeesisaa ture akka ta'e hubatameera.
Basaasni wayyaanee yakkamaan Kadir Yuusuf hojii basaasummaa fi dalagaa yakkaa ilmaan Oromoo irratti hojjetuun galateeffatamee bara 2004 ammas karaa dhaaba ergamtuu wayyaanee OPDO keessaan dirqamni tikaa itti kennamee Godina Harargee Bahaa magaalaa Hararitti waajjira OPDO keessatti ramadamee maqaa Dachaasaa Gulummaa jedhamuun socho'ee ilmaan Oromoo irratti yakka dalaguu jabeessee itti fufe.
Wayyaaneedhaaf tika ykn basaasaa amanamaa ta'uu irraa aangoon kennameefii bakka bakkatti socho'ee akka hojjetu kan taasifame diinni ilmaan Oromoo Kadir Yuusuf/Dachaasaa Gulummaa, haaluma kanaan Yunversitiilee gara garaarra deemuudhaan barattoota Oromoo hiisisaa fi ajjeesisaa kan turee dha. Barattuu Oromoo Daraartuu Abdataa Gumii Afaan Oromoo Yunversitii D.Dhawaa keessaa akkasumas barataa Nimoonaa Caalii Gumii Afaan Oromoo Yunversitii Haramaayaa keessaa kan hiisise basaasaa fi tika wayyaanee Kadir Yuusuf kana akka ta'e oduun arganne ni mirkaneessa.
Yakka ilmaan Oromoo irratti raawwataa tureef tarkaanfiin ajjechaa kan irratti fudhatame basaasnii fi tiki wayyaanee Kadir Yuusuf/Dachaasaa Gulummaa, reeffi isaa wayyaanotaan magaalaa Hararitti kan argamu Hospitaala Hiwot faanaatti akka geeffames bira gahuun danda'ameera.
Tikootnii fi basaasotni wayyaanee naannootti argaman tarkaanfii kanaan guddoo akka rifatanii jiran hubatameera.
Miseensa waraana Agaazii fi basaasa wayyaanee jabaa kan ture Dargee Nugusee bara 2014 keessa sochii gaaffii mirgaa barattootnii fi ummatni karaa nagaan gaafachuuf ba'anitti rasaasa roobsuun

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Sirni Ibidda Qabsiisuu Malee Dhaamsuu Hin Beekne Ibiddaan Dhabama

Ijoo Dubbii ABO
Itophiyaa keessatti hannii fi saamichi haayyamamaa fi deggeramaa dha. Empaayera qabeenyi ummatootaa fi biyyaa miliyoonotaan itti saamamu waan taateef. Empaayera Wayyaanee keessatti lubbuun lammiilee kabajaa hin qabu. Sirna garee shiftaan durfamu mormuun, mirga ofiif qabsaa’uun seeraan ala jedhamee bakkayyutti ajjeefamuun, hidhamuun, dhaanamuu fi balaa ulfaataaf saaxilamuun gochaa guyyuu lammiilee irratti raawwatamaa jiru waan taheef. Bittaa bulchiinsa alagaa jalatti dararamni Saboota mirga uumaa fi seeraan qaban dhaban irra gahu ammoo hunda irra ulfaata.
Gaaffiin sabummaa ummatni Oromoo kaasee waggoota dheeraaf irratti qabsaawaa jiruu fi gaaffii hangafaa tahe silaa kan deggeramuu qabu, gaaffii cubbuu taasifamee, kabajaa ummata Oromoo xiqqeessee, salphisee fi qaanessee gaddaa fi hiyyummaa salphaatti keessaa bahuu hin dandeenye keessa isa seensisee argama. Ajjeechaa, hidhaa fi dararamni diinaan irra gahu hammaatus ummatni Oromoo gaaffii kaaseef hanga deebii quubsaa fi isaaf malu hin argannetti kan qabsoo itti fufu tahuu tarkaanfii diinaa fi lukkeelee diinaa irratti fudhatuun agarsiisaa jira.
Diinni baay’ina meeshaa waraanaa hidhatee fi humna farra ummataa ijaarratetti abdatuun ummata irraan miidhaa geessisu, hanga gateettii isaa irraa hin buufamnettis ummatni Oromoo nagaa, tasgabbii fi guddina kan hin arganne tahuu haalaan hubata. Ummatni biyya isaa irratti sababa weerartootaan kabajaa dhorkatame, qabeenyaa fi biyya isaa irratti abbummaa dhabe, cunqursaa, hacuuccaa fi tuffii jalaa of baasee walabummaan jiraatuun ammoo haqa isaa fi kan seera addunyaan deggeramu dha. Furmaatni isaas walabummaa fi bilisummaa mirga hiree murteeffannaa kabajsiifatuu irraa argama.
Har’a walii galli Empaayerri Itophiyaa addatti ammoo Oromiyaan bakka yakki olaanaan itti raawwatamuu dha. Albuuda Oromoo saamuun kan ittiin duroomaa jiru alagaa humnaan Oromiyaa bitaa jiruu fi shariikota isaa akka tahan ifatti mul’ata. Bosona Oromiyaa gaddaan alatti kanneen ciranii ittiin badhaadhan ammas kanneen alagummaa isaanii of irratti beekan, hiree arganneen saammanna jedhanii fi deggertoota isaanii ti.
Hundaan olitti yeroo ammaa kan ifatti mul’ataa jiruu fi gaddisiisaan duula bosona Oromiyaa irratti diina Oromoon banamee dha. Har’a kallattii adda addaan bosona Oromiyaatti ibiddi qabsiifamee gubataa jira. Gochaan kunis haa tahu jedhamee kan hojjatamaa jiru akka tahe dhokataa miti. Bosona gubataa jirutti dabalee kan gaddisiisu ammo kanneen qabeenyi keenya barbadeeffamuu hin qabu jedhanii kaka’umsa isaaniin ibidda bosonatti qabsiifame dhaamsuuf tattaafatan akka yakkamaatti ilaalamanii hidhamuu fi reebamuu isaanii ti.
Lammiileen Oromoo ibidda bosona Baalee, Harargee, Dhiha Shawaa, Wallaggaa fi bakkoota biraatti qabsiifame dhaamsuun fedhii mootummaa Wayyaanee akka hin tahin, dandeettiis kan itti hin qabne tahuu hubatuun dhaamsuuf yaalii godhaniin hidhaa fi reebichi irra gahaa jira. Balaa ibiddaa kana to’atuuf yaalii godhaniin kan lubbuu dhabanis jiran.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

ODF Statement on the Recent Visit of its delegation to Addis Ababa

March , 2015
Official ODF Logo
A senior delegation of the Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) was dispatched to Finefinne (Addis Ababa) on March 18, 20015 to kick-start stalled peace talks with the Ethiopian government. Regrettably, despite verbal overtures, no face-to-face talks could be held. Hence, our delegates had to RETURN prematurely to Europe on the 22nd of March 2015. After two years of relentless efforts to engage the Ethiopian government from outside, the ODF took the unilateral action of sending a high-level delegation led by its President, Mr. Leenco Lata. The delegation arrived in Addis on 19 March 2015.
The Oromo Democratic Front (ODF) decided from its inception to pursue the path of peaceful political struggle to defend the rights of the Oromo people and secure freedom, democracy, and prosperity for all peoples in Ethiopia. Accordingly, basing itself in the country and establishing itself among its constituents at home, and REGISTERING and legalizing it as a political party able to play its part in the country’s democratization has been and continues to be ODF’s highest priority. To this principled end, we have been trying to engage all political actors in Ethiopia including the ruling party and the government. But, despite out best efforts, negotiations with the government to resolve outstanding issues and facilitate our re-entry into the political process could not commence in earnest.
This incident does not mark the end of the road but rather only the start of our efforts to ground our organization among our people in our country. Acutely realizing that the road of peace is long, treacherous, and complicated and paved with innumerable obstacles, we are determined more than ever before to stay the course. Accordingly, we would relentlessly CONTINUE with our efforts to engage all political actors in our country, in order to establish a just and genuinely democratic order and a sustainable and equitable development in Ethiopia.
Ethiopia is once again at a crossroads. Preventing a relapse and moving the country along the road of peace, democracy, and sustainable development REQUIRES political will, especially on the part of the ruling party. Reaffirming our unwavering commitment for peaceful and democratic transformation, we therefore call upon all actors,