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Democratic countries ACCEPTED
the rule of law after struggles that costed many lives. They found some points from the ancient Greek democracy, from which they developed and adopted their SYSTEM
. Greek democracy was a practice among free men of Athens and did not include foreigners, women and slaves – groups which were in majority. This trait is still reflected in Western democracy, though not so flagrantly.De jure, everyone is equal, but de facto, some are more equal than others. This is more vivid in election campaign costs, which the have-not cannot afford. Anyone who has got power by force or through election would not hate to hang on to power forever. But the West has thwarted such thought by introducing constitutions that created a check-and-balance SYSTEM
through the divisions of power. The Americans went further by limiting an elected president to run only for two terms. Countries which do not have such a system remain at the mercy of the leading elites. The Ethiopian empire is yet in the pre-Magna Carta era (1215) in its political practice.It might have been after a bitter struggle that the Oromo FOUNDED
theGadaa democratic system of governance. Society is divided into pre-determined five parties (gogeessa) that could stay in power for eight years to come back only after forty years with different actors on the saddle. Since the sequence is arranged GENERATIONALLY
, there was no overshooting the eight years; the Office has to be evacuated immediately. To see that political tradition is honored, there is a party of previous rulers for overseeing. Three generations: Raabaa Doorii, Luba and Yuba, check the balance of power, and respect for the rule of law and tradition. In that way, ancient Oromo prevented autocratic rule. The present Oromo GENERATION
has a system to fall back to and emulate, if it desires.
Wayyaanee had set up guiding rules for its own ACTIVITIES
and that which it wants the world to consider as a Constitution. It is a document imposed on the people, not the vise-versa. It is written more for international recognition than to guarantee rights for peoples in the empire. According to this document, it has created a federal administrative structure. It has also created an Election Board of its own choice and the federal police. The federal police are its long arm, without limited jurisdiction and authority. It has proclaimed many oppressive laws, the most flagrant of them being the proclamation against terrorism. All organizations that oppose its Constitution are branded as terrorists. The West is shying to endorse it, probably for not yet defining terrorism based on its own democratic tradition. But, it is tacitly ACCEPTING
what itsterrorist turned disciple fed it.
that the Wayyaanee did not like “colors of their eyes,” their walks, talks or their sneezes – any of those designated as terroristswill be subjected to assassination, disappearances, persona non grata, or imprisonment. It also commits genocide. Because it has proclaimed OLF as a “terrorist” – under that pretext, it is putting in jeopardy Oromos who are not members of that party. Wayyaanee will do anything that it thinks will make it maintain the monopoly of power forever. It will CONTINUE
manufacturing terrorists as long as its international partners WANT TO
use it. That is the nature of power and the unbridled powerful. It is up to the Habashaa people to keep their house in order. They are the ones who have to put a leash on their leaders. The way the empire is ruled cannot CONTINUE
as it is used to be. The world is not in the 19th or in the 20th century, but in the 21st century – which is an era of advanced information technology. Foreign relations are no more in the confines of government alone, but open to world public scrutiny. This has added more vigor to the rising political consciousness of the peoples to demand for their legitimate rights.Every subjugated people want to be independent and free. To recognize this without further blood shade REQUIRES
understanding of how serious the consequence would be. As a signatory to the UN Charter and its conventions on people’s rights, Habashaa rulers have a duty to help subjugated people anywhere to be free. When the case is of their own empire, they become more duty bound to release them if they have to CONTINUE
as a legitimate partner to the world body. It is by understanding this and accepting freedom as dictates of natural law that the Oromo demand for the independence of Oromiyaa, not for fair and free election – while colonized. The election is an internal affair of Habashaa.
Several parties that have ACCEPTED
Wayyaanee’s “constitution” are going to take part in the election in May 2015. There are powers that advocate for the MAINTENANCE
of the STATUS
quo in the NAME
of peace and stability of the region. But, there will be no peace and stability if there is intra-regional harmony. It is not something that could be imposed from outside. On the contrary, Wayyaanee’s unruly nature is helping the rise of Amaaraa extreme right wing Fascism that could create more devastation than its own. On the other hand, Oromo value Nagaaand Araaraa (Peace and Conciliation) more than anything else. There are no extremists among their nationals, but freedom lovers. Wayyaanee’scry of “terrorist!” is meant to serve as a scarecrow designed for the international community. Whether one is Waaqeffataa, Christian, Muslim or others, Oromo have the same national character and ethical standard or “safuu” when it comes to human rights – irrespective of their faith. It issafuu (taboo) to attack anyone that is not armed, and that did not come to deny them their freedom. The Oromo are not what their subjugators propagate, but are people of the highest moral principle by any standard. Therefore, all who have biases against them in the past prompted by the influence of Habashaa and cronies have to pause, inquire and reconsider their position.Whichever party wins in the election, it has to ANSWER
the Oromo question for independence. That could be theWayyaanee, OTHER
Habashaa groups orgaltuu, it does not matter. But by design, it is and must be Wayyaanee that wins the election; it cannot commit suicide by subjecting itself to dictates of the ballot box. All criminal codes APPLIED
by international courts of justice seem to have been adopted to try it. Tempted by that, Amaaraa elites have already started inflammatory propaganda against Oromiyaa and the Southern States. They are crying about ethnic cleansing of the Amaaraa at different spots of the empire state. Clashes among national groups have been and are happening everywhere in the empire. It is Habashaa inherited policy of divide-and-rule that is the culprit; so they cannot wash their hands off the crimes for which they were the major actors in instigating. Genocides against Oromo like those in Gujii area during the Darg era, the recent massacre in Dhiddheessaa valley, and the evictions and attacks on Oromo peasants throughout Eastern Oromiyaa, are issues nobody should overlook. It is inexcusable to condone or hide suffering of the innocent for any reason. TRYING
to use such events for group propaganda is also no less a crime. Habashaa Election 2015 is not of Oromo concern, except for information it imparts. The struggle for independence shall CONTINUE
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the LIVING
and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Kennata Habashaa Hedduu Hodeefamaafii Jiru 2015
Ibsaa Guutama irraa*
Wayyaaneen erga kennata parlamaan barcuma tokkoof malee hunda moo’atee waggaa shan guutuuf adeema. Mormitooti bilisaa fi tolaa hin turre jedhanii balaleffafatanii .Garuu homaa jijjiiruu hin dandeenye. Fakii kennata sobaa duubaan finqilcha aangoo gaggeeffame malee kennati hin turre. Akaataa isaan hobbaatii kennatichaa itt ilaalan irraa aanga’ooti akka gocha TPLF deggeran heduun ni dandahama. “Demokraasiin hin jiru taanaan gamtaan hin jiraatu” kan jedhamaa ture jecha konkaa tahuun ni saaxilame. Wayyaaneen jalqaba irratt dhiibbaa alaan sirna golahedduu fakkeessaa fudhachuun nama hin dhibu. Sanatt dabalamee heera barruun jirun kan kenname utuu wayitt hin hedin, akka gola olhantummaa qabu qoteebulaa irratt hundaawe ijaaru waabeekaa Dhihaan gorfame. Gorsichi yaada malbulchaa Habashaan wan walitt tahuuf ni fudhatame; kennati 2015, Caamsaa keessa gaggeeffamuu sanaani walitt ilaaluu dha. Firaa fi hamajaajii bulchichaan waa’een kennata 2015 qaata naannaa addunyaatt ballinaan hodeeffamuu eegale. Waan biraa fakkeessuu haa yaalu malee kennatich kennata gola tokkooti. Kanaaf hobbaatiin saa dursee kan murtaawee. Komee fi gadoodi mormituu “lafa duwwaatt wacabbara” isa jedhani.
Biyyooti demokratawoon seeraan bulmaata kan fudhatan erga qabsoon morma hedduu galaafatee booda. Sirna Grikii keessa tuqaalee argatan tokko tokko gabbisuun kan isaaniif tahu guddifatanii. Demokrasiin Greeekii dhiirota bilisa Ateenaa gidduutt shakalamaa ture malee halagaa, dubaroo fi garboota kan walitt qabaan wayyaba tahan hin dabalatu ture. Qacceen kanaa shaakala demokrasii Dhihaa keessatt ni mullata. Seeraan hundi walqixeedha garuu mirkaniin tokko tokko kaan caalaa walqixxee dha. Kun dhaadhessa kennataa kan waa hin qabne keessatt dorgomuu hin dandeenye caalaa bakki inni itt mullatu hin jiru. Kan humnaan haa tahu kennataan angoo irra bahe utuu barabaraan itt hafee ni jibba hin jedhamu. Garuu Dhihi heera hirmannaa aangoo uumuun madalaa kan to’atu itt tolchee, sun akka hin taane doomsee. Amerikanooti caalaattuu akka Presidantiin tibba lama caalaa kennataaf hin dhihaanne dangahanii. Biyyooti sirna akkasii hin guddifanne akka gurguddoon saani godhan tahuutt hafani. Empayerri Itophiyaa shakala malbulchaan ammayyuu bara Magna Kaartaa Inglizii (1215) duraa keessa jiraa.
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