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Monday, June 3, 2024

Caucus of Opposition Parties accuses National Dialogue Commission of ‘political bias’ and ‘failure to ensure inclusivity’

 The Caucus of Opposition Parties (CoP), an umbrella of eleven opposition groups in Ethiopia, has accused the National Dialogue Commission of failing to fulfill its stated purpose of facilitating an “inclusive” national dialogue, alleging that the commission has instead been “used for political purposes” by the ruling Abiy Ahmed party.

CoP indicated that the commission was formed with the purpose of working towards “justice, national unity, understanding, and reconciliation among the people of Ethiopia.”

However, CoP alleges that the commission has not met the requirements outlined in its powers and duties, which call for the preparation of “an accessible, inclusive, and equitable forum for peace talks.”

The caucus claims that the commission’s members were appointed “against the spirit of the declaration” and that the entity has been used to “improve relations with the international community to secure loans and aid,” rather than focusing on its core objectives.

The coalition of opposition political groups argues that this has led to a lack of inclusivity and transparency in the national consultation process.

Furthermore, the statement questions the government’s attempts to portray an image of lasting peace and stability by engaging in what the caucus describes as “impracticable reconciliation” with armed groups.

It asserts that the government has set conditions that “cannot lead to an agreement” with the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and has issued a “transitional justice policy” without a genuine transition.

The CoP expressed its concern, stating that the National Dialogue Commission is “moving forward without proper oversight or investigation into the process.” They argue that this lack of accountability contributes to the “ever-expanding armed conflicts, economic recession, high cost of living, and widespread social chaos” in the country.

The caucus pointed to a recent statement by U.S. Ambassador Ervin Masinga, made alongside the U.S. Special Envoy to the Horn of Africa, as “further proof” of the government’s failure to uphold human rights and facilitate genuine dialogue.

“The ruling party/government’s effort to confuse the public inquiry and the US government’s recommendation…cannot cover up the reality,” the statement asserted. It called on the government to “accept the request and the call and enter into an honest negotiation.”

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