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Thursday, June 6, 2024

What is the question of Oromo in Ethiopia?


The question of Oromo in Ethiopia is the question of the right of self-determination, the question of language and history, the question of the land and equality, the question of peace and development, the question of identity and democracy, the question of politics and history,

The change that came in 2018 in Ethiopia is not expected to answer the questions of Oromo.
Oromo has been struggling for more than one and a half centuries to remove slavery in Ethiopia and to become a father in his own country, to get the right to decide and to bring equality, identity and democracy in the country.
Although the 2018 political reform that came to Ethiopia was brought by the blood of Oromo youths (qeroo) , even if it didn't answer the questions of Oromo.
The questions of Oromo struggle are not being answered and the struggle field is disturbing by the government of Abiy ahmed regime prosperity party "Biltsignna" and the youths are making the struggle bitter in ADWUI system to join the armed struggle.
The armed struggle that has been going on in Ethiopia for years including Oromia has reached a big point and it is witnessed by experts who investigated the conflict and the human rights organizations.
The aim and objective of Oromo struggle is to focus on the questions of economy, identity question, question of self-governance and question of the land ownership.
Oromo struggle has three objectives. The first is the question of economy. Oromo has a big economy and a well developed land. However, oromo's was not used their property/land, they were displaced from their land, killed and jailed by the regime. there for there should be a question of his economy.

"The 2nd question is a question of identity. Oromo has its own history, culture, language, identity and system, in its country, it is the question of Oromo people. Oromo is the largest ethnic group in Ethiopia but in practice the people live as a second citizen in his own land.
The question of self governance is one of the question of Oromo people.
It is the question of Oromo to have the right to govern himself without any interference from the regime.
"The question of Oromo people in Ethiopia is the question of the right to live, self-administration, ownership, use of his property, language, representation. Question of democracy and equality is the question of Oromo people .
However, the regime leader Abiy Ahmed has traveled to western Oromia last month and said that Oromo is liberated, his question is answered.
While the speech of the prime minister in west Oromia raised a lot of criticism, Oromo is not being liberated rather still struggle to get his freedom.
The question that Oromo people have been struggling with is not being answered, the question of Oromo people is the power of Oromo people, weakening the identity and nationalism of Oromo .
Since the question of Oromo people has not been answered, the Oromo people have to continue their struggle because of the question of the heroes who sacrificed for the political and economic question of Oromo people, the Oromo people will continue their struggle.

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