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Sunday, April 14, 2024

Why Bate Urgessa’s murder shocked many to the core

 The news of the murder of prominent politician Bate Urgessa that engulfed the social media since early morning on Wednesday, has been a shocking and unprecedented event that left many in utter disbelief. 

According to multiple accounts, Bate was taken out of his hotel room in his hometown Meki, in the East Shoa zone of the Oromia region, around midnight on Tuesday, 09 April 2024, and his body was found dumped by the road on the outskirts of the town the next morning. 

Doctors have confirmed that the politician succumbed to multiple gunshots in the head and other parts of his body. Pictures showing the body of Bate lying on the ground at the site of his murder, widely circulating on social media, depicted his hands tied behind his back and bullet wounds can be seen on his head and around his lower back.

Family members have told the media that people who took Bate from his hotel room on Tuesday night “looked like government security forces”, alleging their potential involvement in his murder.

In his short-lived political career, Bate had made a name for himself as a calm, collected and articulate politician, who earned respect not only from his supporters but also his rivals. A staunch advocate of non-violent struggle, as he was, his killing and, even more, the circumstances surrounding his murder sent shockwaves across the country, leaving many perplexed as to how his civility was paid back in such a brutal act of violence.

In a sentiment shared widely, prominent politician Jawar Mohammed posited that Bate’s “cruel cold-blooded assassination is not just a killing of a prominent political leader, it is an assault on decency, civility, and moderation in our politics.”

“Batte was one of the few political figures who remained cool-headed and committed to nonviolence at a time when many succumbed to war-mongering and extremism. Despite being subjected to repeated imprisonment and torture, he resisted the politics of revenge,” Jawar 

Joining the calls and urging “a full investigation into the killing of Bate Urgessa”, the US in a short statement released through the State Department’s Bureau of African Affairs, underscored  that “justice and accountability are critical for breaking the cycle of violence” in Ethiopia. 

Furthermore, in a statement issued late on Wednesday, US Senator Ben Cardin, Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, urged Ethiopian authorities to allow “a credible, neutral international body to conduct a thorough investigation” into the circumstances of Bate Urgessa’s killing.

The senator criticized the Ethiopian government’s actions against political opposition figures, media personnel, and dissenting voices, stating these measures have contributed to insecurity and instability in the country.

Bate officially joined the OLF in 2018 as a finance officer and later served as interim party public relations head following the mass imprisonment of senior OLF leaders. His role as interim PR head opened up doors for Bate to reinvigorate the party’s relations with the media and advocate for his imprisoned comrades, which didn’t go well with the authorities and resulted in his arrest in March 2021.

He spent a year in detention during which he faced harrowing torture and encountered a serious health issue that led to his release in March 2022. Most recently, on 06 March 2024, he was released from prison on 100,000 birr bail after being detained for two weeks .

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Killing our Political leaders will not stop the struggle for Freedom !

 OLF Condemns The Killing of Jaal Battee Urgeessaa and Appeals for Impartial and Neutral Investigation.

The OLF learned today the brutal murder of its member and political officer Jaal Battee Urgessaa with agony and grave sadness.
The unwarranted and extrajudicial killing of conscious and active Oromo political and cultural figures has been a systematic and irresponsible act of silencing the Oromo throughout years and decades.
Up on our fresh memory of the killing of the renowned and beloved iconic Oromo artist Hachaluu Hudeessa, we again, as people, are experiencing another tragic death of our eloquent, selfless, and brave Oromo soul, Battee Urgeessaa.
Hachalu, his family and the Oromo people have not yet got justice, and his killers were not brought to the impartial court of law. The Oromo people are waiting for this to happen.
Jaal Battee Urgessa was born in the Meki area of Central Oromiya and was murdered in the same place. OLF sources and the media (Addis Standard) so far say that he was shot dead.
The OLF is conducting its further investigation into the killings, though circumstances are so difficult for all of us as people.
OLF express its deep condolence to Batte’s Family and call upon the Oromo People to stand by the side of his wife and children.
We appeal to all human rights organizations and peace-loving people to undertake an immediate neutral and impartial investigation.
Victory to the Masses!
Oromo Liberation Front
April 2024

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Yakki Waraanaa, Aangoo Siyaasaa Afaan Qawween Dhuunfatan Afaan Qawween Tikfachuuf Jecha Mootummaa PPn Ummata Nagaa Irratti Raawwatamu Kan Daangaa Darbee Dha.

 Yakki Waraanaa, Aangoo Siyaasaa Afaan Qawween Dhuunfatan Afaan Qawween Tikfachuuf Jecha Mootummaa PPn Ummata Nagaa Irratti Raawwatamu Kan Daangaa Darbee Dha.

Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)n tarkaa)nfii suukanneessaa waraanni Biltsiginnaa walitti fufiinsaan Oromiyaa keessatti ummata meesha maleeyyii irratti fudhataa ture yeroo irraa yerootti jala bu’ee hordofuun ibsa irratti baasaa turuun ni yaadatama. Waraanni paartii Biltsiginnaa impaayerattii keessatti dhiiga ummatootaa dhangalaasuu hojii guyya guyyaa godhate, ammas marraa biraaf Oromiyaa keessatti ajjeechaa jumlaa ummata siiviilii irratti raawwachuu ABOn mirkaneeffateera.
Akka kanaan, tibbana Giddu-gala Oromiyaa Godina Kibba-lixa Shaggar Tolee keessatti Raayyaan Ittisa Biyyaa jedhamuu fi PPn hoogganamu tarkaanfii suukanneessaa ummata nagaa irratti fudhateen namoota 20 ol ajjeeseera. Kanneen jumlaan ajjeefaman keessaa namoota 20 maqaa isaanii arganne:-
1) Nugusee Leellisaa
2) Addunyaa Gaaddisaa
3) Dajanee Iddoosaa
4) Sayidoo Katamaa
5) Shawulaa Taaddasaa
6) Xiluu Tasammaa
7) Muhaammed Bashiir
8)Asaffaa Jaamboo
9) Hundee Guutaa
10) Sabboonaa Kumaa
11) Nagoo Dabalee
12) Lammaa Guddataa
13) Baacaa Guddataa
14) Dhugumaa Adaraa
15) Qaallasaa Adaraa
16) Dhaabaa Wasanuu
17) Rattaa Qaallasaa
18) Daraaraa Damee
19) Mul'ataa Dambalii fi
20) Taaddalaa Kaasayee kanneen jedhaman keessatti argamu.
Kanaan duras Amajjii 21 fi 22, 2024tti Giddu-galuma Oromiyaa Godina Kibba-lixa Shaggaritti waraanni partii Biltsiginnaa dhukaasa irraa jalaan xiyyara nama-maleessa (Dirone), dabalatee boombii summii fe’atee fi meeshaa gurguddaa ummata nagaa irratti dhukaasuun lubbuu ummataa hedduu galaafatanii, kaan madoo fi fayya-dhabeeyyii taasisanii, manneen ummataas ibiddaan gubuu ibsa Amajjii 23, 2024 baasneen ifoomsuun keenya ni yaadatama.
Yakka waraanaa ummata meesha maleeyyii irratti walitti fufiinsaan waggoottan 5n darbaniif ajaja Biltsiginnaan waraanni sirnichaa ummata nagaa irratti raawwataa bahe ABOn akkuma jabeessee balaaleffataa bahe, ajjechaa jumlaa tibbana Kibba-lixa Shaggar keessatti raawwatames gadi jabeessee balaaleffata; duras dhaabbata.
Kanuma waliin gochaa suukanneessaa Biltsiginnaan waraana ummata keenya irratti bobbaasuun lubbuu dhala namaa akka baalaatti harcaasaa jiruu fi qabeenyaa ummataa ibiddaan daaressaa jiru kana, ummatni Oromoo bal’aan, lammiileen Oromiyaa, akka waliigalaatti ammoo ummatootni Itoophiyaa akka dura dhaabbatanii fi balaaleffatan ABOn ammas irra deebi’ee yaamicha dhiheessa.
Xumura irratti, jaarmiyaaleen siviilii, dhaabbileen mirga namoomaa fi hawaasni Idil-addunyaa yakka waraanaa mootummaan paartii Biltsiginnaa biyyattii keessatti raawwataa jiru kana akka dura dhaabbatan akkuma kanaan duraa irra deebinee yaamicha goona.
Injifannoo Ummata Bal’aaf!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Ebla , 2024