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Tuesday, January 23, 2024

The Irresponsible act of the Army of the Prosperity Party in Oromiya is Tantamount to Crime against Humanity

 The Irresponsible act of the Army of the Prosperity Party in Oromiya is Tantamount to Crime against Humanity

The Prosperity Party’s Military called the National Defense Force of Ethiopia (ENDF), continued its inhuman and criminal acts against innocent civilians in different parts of Oromia. This time around, it has scaled up the use of Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV) or drones in targeting civilians irresponsibly and callously.

On January 21, 2024, in North Showa Zone, Degam District, Qindo Agamsaa kebele, this irresponsible army killed five civilians and injured two individuals. The deceased innocent civilians are: 1) Mr. Fiqiru Hordofa, 2) Mr. Shawa Shifarrawu, 3) Mr. Fiqadu Dadi, 4) Mr. Seyume Gada 5) Mr. Shifaraw (second name to be identified). The injured ones are named 1) Mr. Lami Gadaa and 2) Mrs. Dinqe Tarfa. In the same Zone, in a place called Yayya Haro, the houses of innocent civilians named: 1) Tarfa Tufa, 2) Darajje Mamo, 3) Zawude Ashine, 4) Shifarew Ashine, 5) Addisu Asaminew, 6) Fiqadu Teshome were burnt to ashes.
Likewise, on January 21, 2024, in the South-West Shewa Zone, Qarsa Malima District, Gibbiso Kebele, a vast Drone attack of three rounds using poison gas was conducted against civilian settlements where several lives were lost and the belongingness of civilians destroyed.
On January 22, 2024, in Southern Oromia, East Guji Zone, Adoola Rede District, Abbullo and Qararoo kebeles, many rounds of drone strikes killed several noncombatants civilians and demolished several houses. In these kebeles, too, the use of poison bombs has caused incalculable damage to the lives and property of innocent civilians.
Lastly, we would like to emphasize that Prosperity Party’s so-called National Defense Force of Ethiopia has shown its barbarism and recklessness several times in different parts of the country. We have tried to inform the peace-loving and human rights organizations occasionally. The world community has the responsibility to be a voice for the innocent, especially for those civilians who have become a target of the rogue regime’s military actions. Above all, the use of poison bombs against civilian settlements and groups is a crime against humanity. Several UN and international conventions have banned the use of poison bombs, let alone against civilians but against any combatant group.
We thus call up all peace-loving and human rights organizations and the UN to denounce this barbarism. We call upon the responsible organ of the UN to investigate the type and extent of the poison gas used in Oromiya in general and those places mentioned above in particular.
We also call upon the Oromo people to scale up their resistance against the rogue regime that has staged a barbaric act of using a poison bomb against their fellow kin in Oromiya. An attack on one of us is an attack on all of us.
Victory to the Masses!
Oromo Liberation Front
January , 2024

Monday, January 15, 2024

HRW World Report 2024 exposes Ethiopia’s humanitarian despair, global inaction


 In its most recent World Report 2024, Human Rights Watch (HRW) has thoroughly exposed the extensive wartime atrocities and humanitarian crises that have plagued Ethiopia, overshadowing the Horn of Africa for the duration of 2023.

The report, which examines human rights practices in over one hundred countries, draws attention to the inadequate international aid afforded to the region, which continues to grapple with longstanding historical grievances and a pervasive culture of impunity for severe criminal acts.

The HRW contends that the peace agreement signed in northern Ethiopia in November 2022 has not led to significant international actions to ensure accountability and an end to human rights abuses.

The organization has noted that Ethiopia’s international partners, such as Western countries and the European Union, are resuming normal relations with the Ethiopian federal government. This is occurring despite ongoing reports of crimes against humanity and other serious abuses.

The report further emphasizes the extensive displacement crisis throughout the Horn of Africa, which has been intensified by ongoing conflicts and climatic events.

In Ethiopia, the conflict has compelled in excess of 1.2 million individuals to flee to adjacent countries, thereby intensifying the pre-existing substantial refugee populations from South Sudan, Eritrea, and various other nations that have found refuge within Ethiopian territory.

In the face of pressing humanitarian needs, the region’s calls for assistance have received profoundly inadequate funding, according to the rights group.

In Ethiopia, intentional measures taken by the conflicting factions have exacerbated the humanitarian situation. Accusations have been leveled against Eritrean forces for obstructing the delivery of humanitarian aid to populations within Tigray that fall under their jurisdiction.

The report additionally underscores the regressions in advancing accountability within Ethiopia. The cessation of United Nations oversight concerning the human rights conditions by the European Union, notwithstanding a critical evaluation from the International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia, coupled with the African Union’s cessation of its independent investigation, has elicited apprehensions.

The HRW underscores that the Ethiopian government’s opposition to international examination has resulted in a focus on instituting an internal transitional justice mechanism. “However, this approach is regarded with suspicion by victims of abuse who harbor mistrust towards the nation’s institutions,” reads the report.

Mausi Segun, the Africa director at HRW, has highlighted that Ethiopia and Sudan serve as distressing instances where government forces and armed factions contravene international law with minimal repercussions. Segun advocates for enhanced international and regional measures to protect civilians and cease the persistent violations and impunity that endanger civilian lives.

Nevertheless, the report emphasizes that the Security Council, concerned nations, and regional entities, especially the African Union and its human rights organ, ought to give precedence to accountability within any political settlement of the conflicts.

Friday, January 5, 2024

Prosperity Party is responsible for the killing of innocent civilians /Lola deddeebiin ummata keenya irratti banamee lubbuu qulqullootaa galaafateef kan itti gaafatamu mootummaa PP ti.

 Lola deddeebiin ummata keenya irratti banamee lubbuu qulqullootaa galaafateef kan itti gaafatamu mootummaa PP ti.

Mootummaan Biltsiginnaa waggoota shanan darbaniif gaaga’ama ulfaataa ummata keenya irraan gahaa tureera. Addatti bara darbe 2023 ummata nagahaa jumlaan ajjeesuu, qe’ee fi qabeenyaa waliin gubuu, jumlaan hidhuu fi manneen hidhaatii baasee ajjeesuun reeffa bineensa nyaachisuu hojii guyyuu godhatee dabarse.
Bara haaraa 2024 itti seename kanas ummata nagahaa maqaa WBO deeggartu jedhuun hidhuu fi hidhaa baasee ajjeesee bosonatti gatuun reeffa bineensa nyaachisuu itti fufeera.
Wayta ammaa kanas waraanni mootummaa (RIB) fi finxaaleyyii Faannoon mootummichi ijaaree fi hidhachiise Oromoo Walloo irratti lola banuun hedduu ajjeesanii hedduu madeessuu Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo (ABO)n mirkaneeffateera.
Finxaaleyyiin saamicha lafaa fi qabeenya ummata Oromoof bobba’anii fi waraanni mootummaa aangoo siyaasaa mootummaa Dr.Abiyyii eeguuf bakka adda addaatti yakka raawwatu Amajjii 03 fi 04, 2024 Kaaba Oromiyaa Godina addaa Walloo Ona Jiillee Dhummuuggaa bakka addaa Waaccuu jedhamutti lola eegalan. Wayta ammaa kana guutummaa Godina Wallootti ummata nagahaa irratti lola bananiin lubbuu qulqullootaa 17 ol ajjeesanii, 78 ol ammoo madoo taasisaniiru. Ammas lolli ulfaatan walitti fufiinsaan ummata irratti deemaa jira.
Godina Addaa Walloo Ona Jiillee Dhummuugaa fi Haxaayyiitti kanneen waraana Faannoo fi Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaan (RIB) ajjeefaman namoonni 10 maqaan isaanii nu dhaqqabee jira. Jiillee Dhummuugaatti kanneen ajjeefaman keessaa:-
1) Muhaammad Aliyyii Muusaa
2) Diingoo Umarshaa
3) Ahmad Umaree Aadamuu
4) Wommaad Yaadalii
5) Abdallee Hasuu Abdallee
6) Alii Womaad Alii
7) Hasan Sa’id
8. Xaahir Huseen
Haxaayyitti kanneen ajjeefaman keessaa:-
1) Muhee Hasanuu fi
2) Hasan Alii ti.
Kanneen madaa’anii ciisaa jiran keessaa kan maqaan argame:-
1) Aliyyoo Umar Womaad
2) Oromiyaa Hammee
3) Yaasin Sheek Umar Alii
4) Umar Xiqoo
5) Arbiyee Muhitaa Haajii
6) Muhaammad Umar
7) Haajii Umar Haajii
8. Hedar Muhaammad Foros
9) Aliyyii Muhaammad Saalii
10) Umar Alii Usee
11) Ahmed Quraan
12) Aadam Ahmad Kurfoo
13) Jamaal Ahmaduu Abdallaa
14) Muhee Umar Aliyyii Jaarraa
15) Ahmad Siddiiq
16) Ahmadee Haajii Baayyuu
17) Hassan Usman Abdallaa
18) Ahmed Hasolii Umar
19) Arbiyyee Sulxaan
20) Rugii fi
21) Hammee Aliyyoo kanneen jedhaman keessatti argamu.
Bifuma walfakkaatuun gaafa Amajjii 01, 2024 waraanni mootummaa PP Lixa Oromiyaa Godina Wallaggaa Lixaa gandoota Ona Begii jala jiran keessaa ummata nagahaa maqaa WBO waliin hidhata qabdan jedhuun funaananii hidhan keessaa namoota 8 halkan hidhaa baasuun ajjeesanii bosonatti gatuun bineensi akka nyaatu taasisuun hubatameera.
1) Mahaammad Mahaammad Alii – Ganda Karmaa Foojjee irraa
2) Eliyaas Abdulqaadir – Ganda Karmaa Foojjee irraa
3) Qees Dirsa’uu Tarrafaa fi
4) Marsii Jibbaa – Ganda Oofa Koobbaree irraa kanneen ajjeefamanii bineensa nyaachifaman keessatti argaman.
Mootummaan Biltsiginnaa Dr.Abiy Ahmediin durfamu waraana isaan lola qindaawaa ummata siviilii irratti bansiisuun luubbuu hedduu galafatanii, hedduus madeessaniif gaafatama jalaa hin bahan.
Addi Bilisummaa Oromoo gochaa suukanneessaa fi bineensummaa akkasumas lola cubbuu walitti fufiinsaan waraanni mootummaa Biltsiginnaa ummata keenya irratti raawwatu cimsee balaaleffata; duras dhaabbata.
Kanuma waliin, gocha gara jabeennaa Biltsiginnaan waraana isaa itti gaafatamummaan itti hir’atu ummata nagahaa irratti bobbaasuun lubbuu ummataa akka baalaatti harcaasaa jiruuf, ummanni Oromoo bal’aan keessaa fi alaa, lammiileen Oromiyaa, waliigalatti ummatootni biyya kanaa haqaa fi kabajamuu mirga dhala namaaf jecha mootummaa ummataaf naatoo hin qabne kana akka balaaleffatanii fi gocha isaa kana dura akka dhaabbatan jabeessinee dhaamna.
Jaarmiyaaleen siviilii, dhaabbileen mirga namoomaa fi hawaasni Idil Addunyaas akka dura dhaabbatan yaamicha keenya haaromsina.
Injifannoo Ummata Bal’aaf!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Amajjii , 2024


Monday, January 1, 2024

Abiy Ahmed regime must stop killing innocent Oromo civilians .


Over 5300 killings of Oromo civilians have now been recorded by OSG since Abiy Ahmed began his campaign at the end of 2018 to wipe out the Qeerroo movement and then the Oromo Liberation Army (OLA) and its support base.

The neglect of news from Oromia Region and the near impossibility of obtaining information from the areas where most of the killings have occurred is borne out by the scanty coverage of Oromia in the report from the UN International Commission of Human Rights Experts on Ethiopia (pp.6-11).
The majority of killings, over 3200, occurred during 2022 and 2023. Over 1300 were in the four Wallega zones in western Oromia and more than 1300 in the central zones of Showa.
Fano and other forces are responsible for most of the 700 killed in Oromia Special Zone, in the last three years, and nearly all of the 900 killed in Horo Guduru and East Wallega in the last two years, in acts of ethnic cleansing.
Militia forces have also played a role in the killings and ethnic cleansing in East Showa but most of the lethal violence in North and West Showa, which has claimed over 1300 Oromo civilian lives in the last two years, and the majority of the 1000 or more killings in Qellem and West Wallega since early 2020 have been perpetrated by government forces; operating out of Command Posts in the case of Qellem and West Wallega zones.
ENDF, and recently Fano, have particularly targeted young Oromo men, especially those at school or university, because of their potentially becoming members or supporters of OLA.
Killings in North and West Showa and in the four Wallega zones are also described in this report.
The utter desolation of areas under Command Post rule is evidenced by the catastrophic effect of this year’s malaria epidemic , where a combination of violence, severe malnutrition, economic collapse and record numbers of IDPs have left the population so vulnerable that thousands have died, without government help or acknowledgement.
The Ministry of Health has misled the international community and prevented the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs from describing the extent of the disaster.
While Oromo and other peoples need peace, government and Fano forces are fomenting inter-ethnic violence, which has alerted UN experts to the heightened risk of genocide .

Ammas Ajjeechaan Gara Jabinaan Ummata Nagaa Irratti Deemaa Jiru Dhaabbachuu Qaba!


Mootummaan biyya bulchaa jiru PPn, biyya keenya Oromiyaa dirree lolaa godhee, dhiiga ummata nagaa dhangalaasuu, lubbuu dargaggootaa abdii egeree sabichaa ta’an dabaa fi cubbuun bal’eessuu kan yeroo kamii caalaatti har’a hammeessee argama. Kanas ibsoota keenya tibbana walduraa duubaan baasaa jirruun ifa gooneerra.

Maqaa Waraana Bilisummaa Oromoo (WBO) deggertu, odeessa laattuu fi nyaachistu jedhuun ummatni keenya roorroo fi gidiraan mootummaa PP itti gaafatamni itti hin dhaga’amne jalatti keessummeessaa jiru sadarkaa ulfaataa irra gahee jira. Hidhaa fi ajjeechaan maqaa kanaan irratti raawwatamaa jirus amma sadarkaa yaadchisaa irra jira. Hunda caalaa ajjechaan geggeeffamaa jiruu fi bifti ittiin ijoollee Oromoo ajjeesaa jiran haalaan gaddisiisaa, suukanneessaa dha.
Godinoota Oromiyaa keessaa Giddu-galli Oromiyaa (Shaggar) iddoo itti yakki namoom-dhabaa, ajjeechaa suukanneessaan maqaa WBO nyaachistu ykn odeessa laattuuf jedhuun ummata keenya nagaa irratti Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa (RIB) fi poolisoota sirna Biltsiginnaan raawwatamaa jiru keessaa isa tokko dha.
Haaluma kanaan gaafa 10/04/2016 ALItti Godina Shaggar Kibba-lixaa Ona Iluutti dargaggoota maqaan isaanii Gammadaa Caalaa fi Tasfaayee Hundee jedhaman mana isaanii irraa qabanii magaalaa Ona Iluu kan taate Tajii keessatti guyyoota 6f hidhan.
Gaafa 16/04/2016 dargaggoota kana hidhaa baasanii gabaa bakka ummatni bittaa fi gurgurtaa itti gegeeffatu keessa dhaabuudhaan haala suukanneessaa fi gaddisiisaan fuula ummataa duratti rasaasaan tumanii ajjeesan. Ijoolleen kun haala laphee nama cabsuun WBOf nyaata kennan jedhamanii hidhattoota sirna PPn akka rashanaman hubatameera.
Mootummaan PP gocha bineensummaa fi abdii kutannaa akkanaa ummata nagaa irratti raawwatu jiru kun, haalli har’aa jijjiiramee bor haala biraan bakka bu’uu akka danda’u hubatuun, gocha isaa abaaramaa kana irraa akka dhaabbatuu fi ummata keenya irraa harka isaa dhiigaan faalame kana akka kaasu ABO ammas irra deebi’ee jabeessee hubachiisa.
Osoo ummatni keenya dabaa fi cubuun akka baalaa harca’aa jiruu hamilee ittiin cal’isnee ilaalluu fi bira dabarru waan hin qabneef, ummatni keenya bal’aan darbees hawaasni idil addunyaa fi falmitootni mirga dhala namaa mootummaa PP dhiiga ummataan harka dhiqataa jiru kana gama hundaan dhiibbaa akka irratti godhan ABOn ammas gadi jabeessee yaamicha isaa dhiheessa.
Injifannoo Ummata Bal’aaf!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo
Mudde , 2023