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Sunday, July 3, 2022

OLF Statement on the Deepening Violence in Oromia.

 OLF Statement on the Deepening Violence in Oromia.

The conflict-ridden Horn of Africa is facing a critical moment in this period. An incident in one part of the region drags more chain of violence in another. OLF believes the issue must be handled ingeniously. Yet the Ethiopian Prosperity Party leaders are behaving recklessly. The suffering of people, death, displacement and hunger are seen as habitual. Repent of past mistakes is not thought of.
Recently, Presidents of Amhara and Oromia regional states announced, in Bahir Dar, a new pact to conduct war to wipe out the “rebels” (Oneg Shane) in Oromia. Following this pact, military convoys of the Ethiopian National Defense Force (ENDF) with heavily armed security forces have entered Oromia in a different directions from Amhara Regional State.
Several rounds of such brutal and violent responses against the deep-rooted political problems in Ethiopia have turned out to be futile. What featured were killings of civilians, children, youth, older men and women, burning of villages, destruction of crops on the field and in the granaries, suffering and displacement. Currently, Ethiopia harbors the largest internally displaced people in the Horn of Africa. The hunger of thousands of people is already recorded. Famine is looming. Attempts at resolving political problems through violent means have proved inconsequential in Oromia over the last 50 years. This time around, the impact of the violence would be much dearer than ever as the intensity of the response is huge.
We call upon the presidents of both regions to call off this offensive, end this violence and resolve the conflict through peaceful means. We would remind them that the responsibility for further bloodshed, deepening the already complex contradiction, suffering and displacement of the civilians is on the leaders.
We also call upon the other regions of Ethiopia not to take part in this action for the sake of our people's mutual benefit, friendship and fraternity and the peaceful coexistence of peoples that is so needed in this troubled region of the Horn.
Victory to the Masses!
Oromo Liberation Front
July 2022
Finfinnee, Oromia
Waraanaa fi Haleellaa Oromiyaa Keesssatti Hidda
Gad-Jabeeffachaa Jiru Ilaalchisee Ibsa ABO
Walitti bu’insaa fi wal-waraansi gaanfa Afirikaa tibbana sadarkaa yaaddessaa irra ga’ee jira. Naannicha keessatti bakka tokkotti rakkoon yoo dhalate iddoo biraattis rakkoo uumuudhaan wal harkisee babal’achaa deema. ABOn dhimmi kun of eeggannoo fi hubannaadhaan qabamuu qaba jedhee amana. Haatahu malee gaggeessitoonni Paartii Bilxiginnaa adeemsa maal na dhibdee deemaa jiru. Dararami, duuti, buqqaafamuu fi beellii uummataa bartee jireenya guyyaa guyyaa uummatichaa ta’ee jira. Dogoggorama baroota darban raawwatamaniif qaamni yaade ammallee hin jiru.
Tibbana pirezidantonni Mootummaa Naannoo Amaaraa fi Mootummaa Naannoo Oromiyaa Baahirdaaritti walga’anii mari’achuudhaan ‘Riphe loltoota” Oromiyaa keessa jiraatan kan isaan “Oneg Shanee” jedhanii waaman irratti waraana labsanii jiru. Kanumaan Loltoonni Raayyaa Ittisa Biyyaa meeshaalee gurguddoo hidhatan Naannoo Amaaraa irraa kallattii garaagaraan Oromiyaa seenaa jiru.
Rakkoo maddi isaa siyaasa ta’eef deebii akkanaa marsaalee hedduu deddeebi’anii yoo kennan yooimyyuu fala hin taane. Tarkaanfii akkanaa marsaa marsaadhaan deddeebi’ee fudhatamaa tureen uummata nagaa, daa’’imman, dargaggoota, namoota raagan fi dubartootatu ajjeeffama, mana namoota nagaatu gubama, midhaan oyiruu fi gumbii keessatti mancaafama, namootatu qe’ee fi qabeenya isaanii irraa buqqaafama. Yeroo kanatti Itoophiyaan baay’ina namoota biyya isaanii keessatti qe’eef qabeenya isaaniirraa buqqaafamaniin sadarkaa jalqabaa irratti argamti. Namoonni kumootaan lakkaa’aman beela’anii jiru. Ongeenis hammaachaa jira. Rakkoolee kanneen humna waraanaan furuuf yaaluu bu’aa tokkollee hin qabaanne waggoota 50 darban arginee jirra. Keessumaa ammo yeroo ammaa kana humna waraanaatiin rakkoo siyaasaa biyyattii furuuf yaaluun balaa baay’ee hamaa ta’e qabatee dhufa.
Waan kana ta’eef pirezidaantonni naannolee lamaanuu tarkaanfii lola labsuu kanarraa of qusatanii, marii fi karaa nagaatiin rakkoo jiru furuuf akka hojjetan waamicha goona. Kana ta’uu baannaan dhiigga dhangala’uuf deemuu fi rakkoo inumaa uummata gidduutti hammaachuuf jiruu, dararamaa fi buqqaafamuu uummata nagaa kanaan walqabatee dhufuuf gaggeesitoota kanneentu itti gaafatama.
Naannooleen Itoophiyaa biroon dantaa waliinii, obbolummaa, hariiroo fi nagaan waliin jiraachuun uummata sabaaf sablammoota biyyattii gidduu jiru akka hin boorofneef gocha kana keessatti akka hin hirmaanne hubachiifna.
Injifannoo Uummata Bal’aaf!
Adda Bilisummaa Oromoo

Finfinnee, Oromiyaa

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