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Thursday, June 12, 2014

Oromo struggle for identity and Freedom | Oromummaa fi Qabso Oromo Eenyummaa fi Birmadummaaf

By Ibsaa Guutamaa | June 9, 2014
The enemy is trying to erase Oromo identity as independent people to deny their claim over Oromiyaa. But gallant Oromo that have thirst for freedom are shaking the earth from mountains and valleys of their country. The enemy is a wobbling tooth that has no remedy except pulling it out. Oromoo Oromiyaa irratt mirga dhabsiisuuf diinni eenyummaa isaan akka ummata walaba tokkoott qaban haquun Oromiyaa irratt abbumaa saanii haaluu fedha. Garuu jagnooti Oromoo bilisummaa dheebotan gaarreenii fi sululoota biyya abbaa saanii keessaa lafa raasaa jiru. Diinni ilkaan raafame buqqisuu malee fala hin qabne. Garuu sana eenyutu shaffisaan godha?
But who will do that fast? Most national political organizations that claim Oromo names are avoiding concentrating on what they were supposed to do. Instead of daring to implement what they have been declaring, call for unity and merger and alliance seems to become their raison d’être. The objectives declared on their political programs are only for public relation purposes. That is why there is incongruity between their words and deeds. That is why the teetering Wayyaanee is causing undue damage when it could have been seen off long ago. We should not get bored to remind each other as to who we are, from where did we start and where did we reach and where we are bound to head? Oromo is one of the branches of Kuusaa or Kush. Kush, if not the oldest is at least one of the oldest cradles of human civilization. Without any doubt Oromo civilization branches out from this civilization. When one talks of being Oromo it will not be complete without mentioning this connection with the ancient civilization the traits of which it still manifests. The symbols, which surviving Gadaa Fathers use and their rituals are remnants of that civilization’s practices which in many places are now extinct. For the Oromo that is a reminder of the long way they travelled in history, the denials, treachery and hostility they encountered. It is such rich history that fuels Oromummaa in the search for lost land, identity, independence and freedom.After the downfall of the Kushitic Empire centered in Barabra (Nubia) it seems communication was lost among the different branches. The Oromo probably started a separate development after that and Gadaa system also started to take shape and replace the Candace system of governance. Oromo movements to the south have left footprints throughout the eastern half of Africa from north to south. Ancient Oromo (Oromdur) left behind from southward migration of part of the population were subdued and taken over by Habashaa and Adel forces until well-organized Oromo army returned and rescued them in the 16th century. That was the time when Oromummaa reached the highest level and shook the enemy. But later with internal and external pressures authority of Gadaa system started to wane. Finally for Gadaa in particular as a political system the death knell was sounded by the occupier at the end of the 19thcentury. Oromummaa also came under attack from which it was unable to recuperate until the 1960s.
Oromiyaa lost its land and independence to the colonizer. Without land the claim to be human remains hollow. The colonizer divided Oromiyaa into compartments called “Awuraajjaa” and distributed the land to its nationals and Oromo collaborators. It also dismantled the political, social and economic fabrics of Oromo society. National identity of any sort that could bind the nation was buried. It was a painful experience that was going to stay for more than a century. Under that situation it became easy for them to destroy Oromo culture, tradition and political organization. The types of abuse in all the Awuraajjaa were directed from the same headquarter subjecting them to similar agony that prepared them for common challenges. As mucha as they enjoyed all the good together they also tasted the most bitter together. Though much damage was done by the occupation it was not able to make them forget pain of subjugation and erase memory of their glorious Gadaa past from memory. Oromummaa transcended all obstacles to bind the nation once again.

That was how Maccaa and Tuulama Association were able to bring together Oromo people to discuss about wellbeing of their nation. Then the OLF came with a political program for the first time in Oromo colonial history. It had members, cadres, leadership and followers. Cadres had taught the essence of Oromummaa as related to liberation of Oromiyaa and its relation to the world. Thousands of adherents were produced and thousands were sacrificed in the process. With banishment of 1992 only few members of the leadership and leading cadres were exiled. Most members, cadres and population that were agitated remained in the country and continue the struggle. Thus the Kaayyoo is still surviving with a great latent force lying low but bursting at times.
It would be disservice to Oromo revolution not to recognize that force and reach out to them. Sometimes our personal frustrations and poor judgment may drive us into utopia without realizing it. Oromo struggle is not about activists involved in it at certain time. No one denies those activists matter but one has to try to see the bigger picture and all that it took to grow and what it requires to flourish. It took the activists we know to reach where we are. There is no guarantee that what was problem for them will not be problem for future ones as well. Be it imagined or real weakness related to actors should not distract the struggle from its set goal. There is no word “impossible” in the dictionary of revolutionaries. Therefore there should be no reason for them to run away from internal problems and come out with untested ideas to solve human relations problems. They should have rather tried to wage internal struggle to revive national tradition of “Ilaa fi Ilaamee” (dialogue or discourse) while moving on.
One is not required to start from the scratch when there is already in place political structure that has won good will and an infrastructure built with blood and bones of martyrs. If we have new ideas and technics, let us enrich and fill the gap created by human frailty and material shortcomings. Let no one assume as if there is total vacuum in the field of Oromo struggle. The enemy had never thought it that way. It is out to destroy the vanguard of Oromo liberation movement that still advocates for independence of Oromiyaa, the OLF and all symbol of Oromo liberation. For TPLF nothing that reminds the Oromo people days of their past independent existence should be left hanging around. It would be unwise for Oromo activists to misconceive such enemy machination and unintentionally become instrumental to its success.
Oromummaa is rising as Oromo world outlook for liberation advocating for free and independent democratic Oromiyaa. True to Gadaa tradition Oromummaa prophesies, equality for all human beings, peace and calmness to the world and a situation in which there is no group that claims superiority over any other because of race, creed, gender or any other differences. Now, conscious of their national identity after years of slumber, many are rising to join those activists that are already in the jungles of Oromiyaa. Oromummaa is ideology of liberation not a racist ideology; the Oromo does not believe in purity of race for comradery but in the willingness to defend the democratic principles of Gadaa, sovereignty of Oromiyaa and believe in equality, justice and freedom.
Oromo highly appreciate courage, wisdom, justice, peace, freedom, tolerance and patriotism and are proud of their glorious common history, culture, tradition, myth, language and common Gadaa heritage. These they back with appropriate organization to implement and safe guard them as well. Oromo have laws for all living things not only for human beings. Oromo had no cruel and inhuman practices except probably those learned from the enemy and perfected. Even that was not ruled by Gadaa Assembly. All human beings are considered as equals. No one because of wealth, caste or because one is captive shall be treated outside authority of the law. That is considered Safuu. Oromummaa is the culmination of these elements of character and the rule of law.
Oromo had a political system in which assembly of the people or their representatives is supreme. All offices are filled with elected officials for term of eight years. Each generation has a role to play in affairs of the nation. Governance is done in turns the younger replacing the older every eight years. Thus every Oromo national has the opportunity to participate at every level of political and social echelon. The people had the power of pulling back or impeaching a representative at any time during his term of office. Office holders are respected because of their office. But nobody worships them. Oromoo respect one who is truthful and trustworthy, one that does not build and demolish ever y other day, who does not keep on bouncing from here to there like flea sniffing opportunity.
Oromo means people; their system is open for all peace loving humans. The Gadaa has systems of giving other peoples or individuals temporary asylum and permanent naturalization. Those were known by terms like “Luka Kennaa, Moggaasa, Guddifacha and Luba Baasaa”. Once you are accepted into the system you pledge loyalty to constitution of Gadaa and to no one else. Ones accepted a person becomes a member of a tribe and through it that of the nation. It is safuu for him and for anyone else to mention background history of the naturalized to avoid discrimination and regrets. Naturalization is a voluntary assimilation never a forced one. Even captives are given the choice of going back to their people or apply for citizenship after completing their terms. Those that are naturalized into the different states of the world in modern times should understand how Gadaa system was advanced on this issue.
Thus the Gadaa outlook has genetic traces from ancient Kushitic civilization and self-developed values for courage, wisdom, justice, peace, freedom and patriotism. That is the fountain head of Oromummaa the unifying ideology of the Oromo nation. Oromummaa was defined by the same writer in Gubirmans Publishing website as “∙∙∙ a passionate manifestation of patriotism for liberation, peace, equality and independence of Oromiyaa.” It is rooted in love of humanity, country, people’s glorious common history, valor, culture, tradition, myth and common language. It is the way Oromo see themselves in relation to human community in general. Oromummaa is anti-dehumanization, anti-domination and anti-injustice. Above all it is anticolonial.
When one thinks of one’s country the first thing that one recollects is the field in which he or she grew up frolicking with peers. It is from there that the whole picture of the country starts to build up. Without that field you have no memory or personality to remember about. It is that field that the colonizer wants to deny you and with it the memory of belonging to somewhere, a country or a village. Even the dead if they can afford they will be inserted temporarily into rented locker like structure “FUKAA”, the days of burial grounds are gone under Wayyaanee. Those alive are thrown into the streets from their ancestral holdings. Customarily there is no more harm than to be denied land to burry umbilical cord and to get permanent burial place after death. Unless one has control over one’s country’s land it would be difficult to talk about Oromummaa and Oromiyaa. It is from there that Oromummaa has to radiate out and cover the world.
Many Oromo political organizations, are like “Aayyer Baayyer Marchants ” (non-producing, non tax paying individuals) because they do not have connection with the producer or distributers on land. They are seen making frequent air to air calls for alliance, which is of no use even if they succeed to be heard. It will be that of quantity not quality. The same people that previously said they were unable to move together are now calling each other for another round of entanglement. Except the outburst of Oromo masses nothing ever changed in the group since they parted. Any one who wants to make a sincere call, before anything else has to show action on the ground in Oromiyaa. Otherwise it will not be different from “carpetbagger” practice in US history. Why did they breakup if they cannot go it alone to start what they vowed to set in motion? They rejected the initial kaayyoo (objective) and said they have different approach for the Oromo, now are they going back to the original or how are they going to reconcile the different positions? Calling OLF and those believe in kaayyoo or for OLF to answer such a call, tantamounts to mocking on independence of Oromiyaa.
To be worthy of the name all Oromo political organization must function from Oromiyaa. Example usually given for nation to exist without a country was the Jewish nation. Almost the whole population was evicted from their country and lived scattered all over the world. The strong common bond they had was their ancient faith based on Scriptures, the discrimination they faced as the Diaspora, their limited options, business and education that kept the spirit of nationhood in absence of territory. Even those, after so many testing times to their existence as a people were forced to look for place they call their own. Throughout their period in exile they have never lost hope in promises of their faith.
The Oromo are being displaced in their own country; those that were pushed out for political reasons were insignificant in numbers when compared to those left behind. Any struggle to reclaim their country has to be lead and executed there itself. The Jewish model is beyond imagination for Oromo “Diaspora” for it has no historical or factual similarity. The Hayila Sillasee’s model expects foreign interference and guidance. That becomes superimposing of a group that had been away from its people and country for long. There can be no difference between such group and a colonizer. From Hayila Sillasee’s return to Ethiopia helped by British forces, one can learn how victories of home fronts could be hijacked. They were the patriots that liberated Ethiopian empire but later they were the exilees and the Bandaa (traitors) that benefited from it. No one in the right mind could condone the hanging of the great patriot Balaayi Zallaqaa by the runaway returnees for expressing his mind.
Oromo everywhere need strong organization social or political. In particular it will be advantageous for those living in foreign land (The Badii) to build strong community organization to maintain cohesion among members of the group and also protect their descendants from future identity crises. With strong community it will be easier to lobby for their ethnic interest. It also helps design relevant common program to teach children their history and language. For many children it may be difficult to adjust to third world life after experiencing the comfort of the first world.
For this reason if there are those who cannot go to see or work in their country at least something has to be formulated so that the memory of their ancestor’s land is kept in their memory. They can build strong federation of worldwide Oromo Badii community to coordinate and exploit their human and material resources for the common good. A strong community formation based on Oromummaa can prop up national struggle back home. It is advisable to note that to love one’s country is not manifested only by participating in politics. It is good to play the role that one can perform best and encourage others to do the same. Something good could come out from combined talents to solve chronic problem of their country. Most of the time what comes to mind is the deeds of organizations like Madda Walaabuu Media Foundation, OMN and Afaan. They are engaged in what they can contribute without controversy. They have become voice and object of pride for Oromo people. Other than that it is good to be able to say to each other “Go and collect grave stone for you are not fit for lamenting”.
At this juncture of the nation’s history most functions of a political organization can operate only underground. What is legal abroad is criminal at home. What we plan under freedom of western democracy is sure to harm someone in a target country. This is not with political party in mind but a liberation movement that is engaged in fighting the national enemy. At home even to be Oromo and have independent thought is crime. It is those at home that can understand where it hurts. To share their pain leaders and knowledgeable must be available nearby at all times. Compatriots abroad have a lot to contribute to raise the domestic capability.
Historical development had brought Oromiyaa to the stage where she finds herself now. Oromummaa was the driving force throughout the long journey. Learned activists could take the role of giving it philosophical basis and shape. The occupier had done all it could to destroy Oromo national identity. Political and social structures were destroyed and only the language barely survived to rejoin the nation again. It is now almost half a century since self-awareness developed fueled by Oromummaa that set on anti-colonial resistance movement breaking Awuraajjaa boundaries. Oromummaa is thus anticolonial liberation world outlook not a racist ideology like ultranationalists of many countries. It is based on Gadaa philosophy of freedom, human dignity, supremacy of law and equality. The Oromo love peace and freedom. Their elected offices, limitation of group power to eight years, People’s Assembly being the supreme authority, check and balance of generations are all meant to protect those aspirations of the people. Oromo struggle should not be viewed as Badii based risk free adventure. It has to be lead from where the problem is by courageous patriotic nationals. The swarming of political activists and discourse they make in foreign land cannot be of use unless totally transformed. As it is they are similar to the flea that said, “Cup me on the hip let them say she said that and died” Land is declared to belong to colonial government. Oromo is put out of balance by land grab and abuse of human rights. The enemy is on the heels of nationalists and destroying symbols of national identity and the liberation movement. That is the problem at hand that is driving Oromo people into fury and the colonizer to genocide. Indepenent minded Oromo are being harassed because OLF was declared as terrorist. The remedy is unequivocal commitment and relentless struggle with determination and iron discipline.
Honor and glory for the fallen heroines and heroes; liberty equality and freedom for the living and nagaa and araaraa for the Ayyaanaa of our fore parents!
Ibsaa Guutama
June 2014 Caalaan dhaabotaa malbulchaa maqaa Oromoo dhahatan Oromiyaa keessatt hojiin silaa irratt xiyyeeffachuu malan irraa maqa jiru. Ugganii waan labsatan hojiirra oolchuu utuu hin ta’in waamicha “tokkummaa, walitt baquu, walii tumsuu”jedhu tarrisaa ooluuf waan umaman fakkaata. Akeeki sagantaa malbulchaa saaniin labsame hariiroo ambaa qofaa jedhameetu. Kanaafi afaanii fi hojii saanii gidduu walfincilli kan mullatu. Kanaafi Wayyaaneen bitintiraa jirtu kan silaa duri gaggeeffamtu badisa hin eegamne kan geessisaa jirtu. Nuti eenyu, eessaa kaanee eessa geenye, eessatt qajeeluuf jirra? jennee wal yaadachisuu nuffuu hin qabnu. Oromoon dame Kuusaa keessaa tokko. Kuusaan isa caalaa dullacha yoo hin taane ulumaa dhaloota qarooma ilmoo namaa dullachoota keessaa tokko. Mamii tokko malee qaroommi Oromoo lata qarooma sanaati. Yeroo waa’een Oromoo dubbatamu yoo hiddi qarooma dullacha kanaa waliin qabu, qacceen saa ammalee keessaa mullatu, hin dhahamne guutuu hin ta’u. . Mallattooti Abbooliin Gadaa badisa irraa oolan dhimma itt bahanii fi hoodi saanii horcowii shakala qaroomicha bakka hedduu badanii. Sun Oromoof qaabachiisaa karaa fagoo seenaa keessaa imalanii fi haalama, ganamaa fi hamaa isaan mudateetii. Seenaa dureessa kan Oromummaa, barbaacha lafaa, eenyummaa, ofiinbulummaa fi birmadummaaf qabsiisuu.Mootummaan Kuusaa Barabra ture erga kufee booda qunnamtiin dameelee gidduu ture kan cite fakkaata. Tarii, yero sana ta’a Oromoon misooma addaa eegalee sirni Gadaa sirna bulcha Kandaasee bakka bu’uun faara goddinaa kan mullisuutt kan ka’ee.. Sochiin Oromoo gara kibbaatii jalqabe baqqaana baha Afrikaa kaabaa kibbatt faana dhahamu of duubatt dhiiseera. Godaansa gara kibbaatt godhame irratt Oromdur bakka bakkatt qubachiifaman hanga raayyaan Oromoo jabaatee ijaaramuun jaarraa 16faa keessa birmatuufitt garri tokkoon saanii humnoota empayera Habashaa fi Adaaliin dhuunfatamanii turani. Yeroo sana Oromummaan sadarkaa olhaanaatt guddachuun diinota kan rommisiise. Booda garuu dhiibbaa alaa fi keessaan aaboon Gadaa laaffataa dhufe. Dhumarratti, Gadaan, keessaayyuu akka dhaaba malbulchaatti jalqaba jaarraa 20ffaa keessa koloneeffatan raawwachiifame. Oromummaanis haleellaa jala seenee hanga 1960mootaatt dandamachuu hin dandeenye ture.
Oromiyaan lafaa fi ofiinbulummaan see koloneeffataan irraa mulqame. Lafa malee ilmoo namummaa himachuun hofonfola ta’aa. Koloneeffataan kutaa Awuraajjaa jedhamutt Oromiyaa kukkutee lafa isaa firoota saa fi Oromoo galtuuf hire. Akkasumas dirii fi foo’aa malbulchaa, hawasomaa fi diinagdee hawaasa Oromoos gargar ciree. Eenyummaan sabummaa kamuu kan sabicha walitt guduunfu ni awwaalame. Muuxannoo laalessaa jaarra tokko caalaaf jiratu ta’e. Haala kana jalatt aadaa, dudhaa fi dhaaba malbulchaa Oromoo balleessuun salphaa ta’eef. Akaakuun roorroo Awuraajjota hunda irra diriirfate battala tokko irraa kan ka’u ture. Kanaaf hundi gadadoo walfakkaataa jala waan tureef didha walfakkaataa seensisee. Hammuma gaaddisa tolaa walfakkaataa jala turan rakkina hongee walfakkaataas waliin dhandhamatani. Qabamuun manca’a dhaqqabsiisullee laalaa gabbarsiifama irraanfachiisee qaabannoo Gadaa boonsaa durii Oromoo keessaa haquu hin dandeenye. Oromummaan sabicha deebisee walitt guduunfuuf gufuu halle irra qaari’uu danda’e.
Akka sanatt ture kan Waldaan Maccaa fi Tuulamaa Oromoo walitt fiduun waa’ee nageenya biyya saanii mari’achiisuu kan danda’e. Itt haansee seenaa kolonooma Oro moo keessatt jalqabaaf ABOn sagantaa malbulchaa qabatee gadi ba’e. Miseensota, dabbaloota, hooggansaa fi hordoftoota qaba ture. Dabbalooti barbaachisummaa Oromummaa fi frummaa inni bilisummaa Oromiyaa fi addunyaa waliin qabu barsiisaa turani. Yaa’a kana keessa kan itt amanan kumootii horatamanii, kumootis Kaayyoof wareegamaniiruu. Ari’ama 1992n miseensota hoggansaa fi dabballooti gurguddaa biyyaa bahan yartuu turani. Hogganooti, dabbalootaa fi ummati dammaqfaman caalaan qabsoo itt fufuuf biyyatt hafani.
Humna sana beekanii dhaqabuufii dadhabuun warraaqsa Oromoo ciiga’uu ta’a. Alii alii abdii kutannaan ofii fi murtoo dogoggoraan utuu hin beekin yaada bira hin gahamne keessa nama naquu dandaha. Qabsoon Oromoo waa’ee qabsaawota tibba tokko qooda fudhatanii qofa miti. Qabsaawoti sun barbaachisoo tahuu kan haalu hin jiru garuu nammi toko fakkaattii isa caalaa guddaa ilaaluu danda’uu qabaa, guddachuuf hangi inni fudhatee fi lalisuuf maal akka fedhu? Qabsaawota beeknu kanaan bakka jirru geenyee. Kan isaan rakkise kanneen egerees akka hin rakkisne iggitiin hin jiru. Dadhabbiin taatotaa dhugaan jiru haa ta’u kan se’ame, qabsicha itt gala akeekkate irraa maqsuu hin qabuu. Qooqaa warraqxotaa keessa qooqi “hin danda’amu” jedhu hin jiru. Kanaaf rakkoo keessaa baqatanii hariiroo namoota gidduu furuuf qormaata haala walii gala dagatuun gadi bahuuf maalifaan jirachuu hin qabuu. Fulduratt deemaa ilaa fi Ilaamee dudhaa deebfachuuf qabsoo keessaa gaggeesuu yaaluutu dursuu qaba.
Caasaa malbulchaa leelloo horatee qaata lafa jiru fi jalcaasa dhiigaa fi lafee dabaan kufootaan ijaaramee jiruu, haaraa lafaa kaasanii ijaaruuf barbaachisummaan saa hin mullatu. Yaadota fi mala haaraa qabna yoo ta’e gabbisinee kaara dadhabina namaa fi hanqina waatattaan dhalate haa guutnu. Nammuu qabsoo Oromoo keessa koonkaa guutuu jirra jedhee yaaduu hin qabu. Diinni akkasitt yaadee hin beeku. Kallacha sochii bilisummaa Oromoo, ABO fi mallattooti ofiin bulummaa Oromoo yaadachisan akka naannatt hin hafne haquuf wuxifataa. Shira diinaa kana akka biraatt ilaaluun utuu hin beekin dhooftuu milkaawina saa ta’uun gamnooma dhabuu fakkaata. Yaada fedhe haata’uu waan Oromiyaa ilaalu irratt Badii keessatt utuu hin ta’in achumatt bu’urfamuu qaba. Humnas dandeettii ofiis kan itt madaalan yoo achii ta’e.
Oromummaan akka ilaalcha addunyaatt, waa’ee birmadummaa fi ofiinbulummaa Oromiyaa labsaa, dagaagaa jira. Akka dudhaa Gadaatti Oromummaan kan raagu, walqixxummaa ilmoo namaa, nagaa fi araaraa addunyaa fi haalli sanyii, amantee, saala yk garagarummaa biraan qabatee, murni an hundaa oli ofiin jedhu tokko keessa hin jiraannee dha. Amma eenyummaa sabummaa saanii baruun sillimii waggaa hedduu booda bosona Oromiyaa keessa qabsaawota jiranitt makamuuf hedduun ka’aniiru. Oromummaan ilaalcha addunyaa bilisummaati malee kan sanyeessituu miti; Oromoon jaallummaaf qulqullooma sanyiitt utuu hin ta’in fedha akeeka Gadaa demokraasi eeguu, moo’ummaa Oromiyaa fudhachuu fi walqixxummaa, qajeeltuu fi birmadummaatti amanuu gaafata.
Oromoon jagnummaa, beekumsa, qajeeltuu, nagaa, birmadummaa, waldandahuu, dhugaa fi jaalbiyyummaa leellisuu. Seenaa waloo surraan guute, aadaa, dudhaa, hooda, afaanii fi dhaalmaa Gadaa waliin qabaniin hedduu boonu. Kanneen akka hojiirra oolanii fi eegaman jaarmiyaa barbaachisaan qopheeffatanii turani. Oromoon nama qofaa utuu hin ta’in uumaa hundaaf seera qabu. Oromoon, tarii, kanneen diina irraa baranii qaran yoo hin taane gocha hamaa hin qabani, sunuu Gadaan tumamne hin jiru. Nammi hunduu walqixxummaatt ilaalama. Qabeenyaan, hojiin yk boojummaan seera malee hin tuqamuu. Sun safuu dha. Oromummaan walitt qaba eegaloota miiraa fi seeraan bulmaata kanaati.
Oromoon yaa’iin ummataa yk Caffeen iddoosotaa sirna humna olhaanaa itt tahe qabu turani. Waajjiroti hundi namoota kennatamaniin waggaa saddeet sadeetiin gaggeeffamu. Dhalooti hundi dantaa saba saanii keessatt qooda kennan qabu. Bulchi, dhalooti duubaa isa duraa waggaa saddeet sadeetiin bakka bu’uun gaggeeffama. Kanaaf nammi Oromoo hundi sadarkaa malbulchaa fi hawaasomaa biyya ofii keessatt carraa qooda fudhachuu qaba. Ummatii iddoosaa saa waajjira saaniif jechuun kabaja guddaa kennaaf. Garuu nammi isaan ayyaaneffatu hin jiru. Oromoon nama dhugaa kan ta’e, amanamaa, hardha ijaaree bor diiggaa hin olle, akka tafkii gamaa gamanatti carraa foolii dhahuuf hin kukuruphisnee ulfeessa.
Oromoo jechuun ummata jechuu dha.; sirni saanii ilmaan namaa nagaa jaallatan hundaaf banaa dha. Gadaan ummata biraa yk abba tokkootaaf sirna golgaa yeroo yk Oromsaa dhaabbataa kennuuf qaba. Qooqoti “Luka Kennaa, Moggaasa, Guddifacha fi Luba baasa” jedhan sana agarsiisuu. Altokko sirnichaan fudhatamnaan amanummaa Heera Gadaaf malee eenyuufuu hin kakattu.
Fudhatamnaan miseensa gosa, isa keessaan kan sabaa ta’ama. Faanfanamaa fi gaabba oolchuuf nammi dhaabbataatt dhalootee tasifame yk guddifame haa tahu nammi biraa waa’ee seenaa saa darbee dubbachuun safuu dha. Oromsamuun waan fedhaati malee kan itt dirqisiifaman miti. Boojuun ulaagaa guutellee filmaata biyya ofiitt deebi’uu yk Oromsamuu akka gaafatu carraa qabaa. Namooti finnoota addunyaa adda addaa keessatt nambiyyummaa argatan sirni Gadaa qabattee kana irratt hagam tarkanfataa akka ture qayyabachuu danda’u.
Egaa ilaalchi Gadaa qaccee qarooma Kuusaa durii kan qabuu fi nafii ofii guddifate, ilaalcha addunyaa Oromoo hunda tokkomsu qaba jechuu dha. Maaljechi Oromummaa barreessaama kanaan Barlabsi Gubirmans irratt akka kennameti “Oromummaan mullisa mararfannaa jaalbiyyuummaa, bilisummaa, nagaa fi walabummaa Oromiyaati”. Innis jaalala namoomaa,biyyaa, ummataa, seenaa waloo surra qabeessa, aadaa, dudhaa, hoodaa, afaanii fi akaakilee tokkicha, dhahachuu irratt hundaawa. Oromummaan farra namoomaa baasaa, hacuuccaa fi dabaati. Hundaa olitt farra kolonummaati
Nammi tokko yeroo waa’ee biyya ofii yaadu kan jalqaba itt mullatu diida hiriyaa waliin keessa burraaqaa guddattee. Danaan waliigala biyyaa achii eegalee kan ijaaramaa dhufu. Diida sana malee qaabannoo haa ta’u nameenyaan yaadatamu hin jiraatu. Diida sana, isaa waliinis qaabannoo bakka kiyya kan ittiin jedhan, biyya yk gandaa, diinni dhabsiisuu kan fedhu. Kan du’an illee reeffa saanii girgijii walirraa jalatt ijaarame “fukaa” jedhamu yeroof kiraayyii fudhatan keessa suuqama malee bakka awwalaa dhaabbbataa dhabsiisaniru. Kan lubbbuun jiranis araddaa akaakilee saaniitii baasanii karaatt gad darbatu. Dudhaan nammi dhalatee lafa hidda handhuura itt awwaalan dhabu, du’ee awwaala dhowwamuu caalaa hamaan maaltu jira? Lafa biyya offii irratt aangoo qabatan malee waa’ee Oromiyaa fi Oromummaa dubbachuun nama dhiba. Achiiti kan Oromummaan biifee addunyaa waliin gahuu dandahu.
Dhaaboti Oromoo hedduun akka “Daldaloota Ayyer Bayyer” jedhamaniiti (abba tokkee hin homishnee fi gibira hin baafne). Jarri akkasii kanneen homishanii fi raabsan waliin wal argaa hin qabani. Bakka qubatan waan hin qabneef qilleensaa qilleensa irraatt waamicha tumsaa milkaawullee dhimma hin baafne tolchaa oolu. Hobbaatiin saa kan lakkoofsaa malee kan akaakuu hin ta’u. Kanuma kaleessa waliin socho’uu dadhabne jedhantu deebisanii wal xaxuuf walwaamu. Ummati Oromoo ballaan dilga’uu malee murnota keessatt erga addaan bahani wal muuduu yoo hin taane kan jijjiirame hin jiru. Kan waamicha dhugaa gochuu barbaadu hunda dura lafa Oromiyaa irraa gocha agarsiisuu qaba. Kana malee,”carpetbaggers” (ayyaan laallatoota Amerikaa bakka waa bu’inaa jedhanii hin dhibne) waliin kan adda isaan godhu hin jiru. Wan wareegan kophaa jalqabuu hin danda’an taanaan maaf gargar bahanii? Kaayyoon ganamaa nu hin baasu Oromoof mala addaa qabna kan jedhan isatt deebinaamoo amma ejjennoo lamaan maaliin walitt araarsuuf jedhu? ABO fi kanneen kaayyoott amanan waamuu haa ta’u ABOn fi kanfakkaatan sanaaf deebii kennuun walabummaa Oromiyaatt ga’isuu ta’a.
Maqaa ofiif yoo ni yaadu ta’e, biyya qabna yoo jedhu ta’es dhaaboti malbulchaa hundi Oromiyaa keesssaa socha’uu qabu. Yeroo hundaa sabi biyya malee jiraachuu isa fakkeenyi himamu kan Yihudotaati. Dilormaa harka caalaatu biyyaa ari’amee addunyaa irra faca’ee waggooota kumaa ol jiraate.Bakka biyyi hin jirrett ayyaana saboomaa cimaan isaan walitt hidhee turse, amantee saanii durii kitaabota irratt hundaawe, afaan Hibruu, faanfanama Badii irratt isaan mudate, filmata yartuu qaban daldalaa fi barumsaa ture. Isaanuu akka ummataatti qorumsa jireenyaa saaniitt dhufeen bakka keenya kan jedhan soquu dirqisiifamani. Hanga Badii turanitt irbuu amantee saaniitt abdii kutatanii hin beekani.
Oromoon biyya ofii keessatt buqqa’anii; kan biyyaa ari’amanii bahan kan hafaniin walitt yoo ilaalaman lakkoofsaan hamma hin jirree dha. Qabsoon biyya ofii deeffachuuf tolfamu kamuu achumaa hoogganamuu fi hojiirra oolchamuu qaba. Fakmishoon Yehuudii waan wal hin fakkaanneef Oromoo Badiin kan yaadamu miti. Waggootii kumii hafanii digdama keessattuu afaan addaa addaa dubbachuutt ka’aniiruu. Fakmishoon Hayila Sillaasee harka alaa fi masaka saanii gaafata. Sun murna biyyaa bade bara hedduu ture deebisanii biyya irratt fe’uu ta’aa. Murna akkasii fi koloneeffataa gidduu addumaan hin jiru. Hayila Sillaaseen Biritishootaan gargaaramee Itoophiyaatt deebi’un injifannoo adda biyyaa karaa irraa akka maqsee argameeraa. Kan Empayera Itoophiyaa bilisomsan jaalbiyyoota turanii, garuu duuba irratt Badii fi Baandaa gantuutu bu’aa itt argate. Nammi mataa nagaa qabu yaada ifsateef baqatttuu deebiteen fannifama jaalbiyyicha guddaa, Balaayi Zallaqaa hin deggeru.
Oromoon bakka hallett kan malbulchaa haa tahu kan hawaasomaa jarmaa cimaa barbaadu. Keessatuu kanneen ala jiraatan walitt dhiheenya saanii jabeessuu fi horee saanii jeequmsa eenyummaa egeree irraa baraaruuf jaarmaa hawaasaa cimfachuun anja qaba. Jarmaa cimaan lammii ofiif wan tokko tokko buusuuf saaqaa argachuu ni salphisa. Ijoollee saanii seenaa fi afaan ofii barsiisuuf sagantaa waloo baafachuu dandeessisa. Ijoollee hedduun biyya dhaqxee hojjechuu yk ilaaluu jireenya addunyaa tokkoffaatt bartee, sadaffatt gadeebitee baruun ni rakkisa taha.
Kanaaf kan qaamaan dhaquu hin dandeenye yoo jiraatan biyyi akaakilee saanii qaabannoo saanii keessaa akka hin haqamne falamuu qaba. Waldaa Hawaasa Badii Addunyaa Guutuu ijaaranii qabeenya namaa fi waatattaa saanii qindeessuun bu’aa tolaa waloof akka dhimma baasu gochuu danda’uu. Dhaabi hawaasaa jabaan Oromummaa irratt hundaawe qabsoo sabaa biyya jiru utubuu danda’a. Biyya ofii jaallachuun malbulcha keessatt qooda fudhachuu qofaan akka hin mullifamne hubachuun dansa. Abbaan qooda caalaa taphachuu danda’u yoo taphate misha. Dandeettii walitt qabame keessaa wanti nagaan bahee guboo rakkoo biyyattii buqqisuu dandaha ta’aa. Kan fedha qabu hundi sana akka godhan jajabeesuu dha. Yero hedduu kan mataatt nama dhufan jabduu dhaabota akka Bu’uursa Mediyaa Madda Walaabuu, OMN fi Afaanii. Nokkorro malee waan danda’anitt bobba’anii. Ummata Oromoof sagalee fi wan ittiin boonu ta’aa jiru. Sanaa alatt, “Booyicha hin beektuu dhaqii dhagaa guuri” waliin jechuu danda’uunis gaarii dha.
Marsaa seenaa sabichaa kanatt hojiin dhaabota malbulchaa garri caalaan lafa jala gaggeeffamu. Kan biyya alaatt seerawaa ta’e biyyatt wanjala ta’a. Wanti bilisummaa demokraasii lixaa jalatt karoorfannu biyya akeekatameef keessaa tokko akka hubuu dandahu hubachuu dha. Kun sammuu keessaa gola malbulchaa qabaachuun utuu hin ta’in sochii bilisummaa diina sabaa loluutt jiru herreguunii. Biyyatt Oromoo ta’anii yaada walaba qabaachuunillee yakkaa. Eessa akka dhukubuun kan beekan jara biyya jirani. Laalaa saanii qooddachuuf hogganootii fi beekoti t yeroo hundaa naannaatt argamuu qabu. Lammiin ala jiran dandeettii qeyee ol kaasuuf waan gumaachan hedduutu jira.
Guddina seenaa keessa, Oromiyaan bakka amma jirtu geesseettii. Tibboota sana hunda Oromummaan humna ittiin oofamtu ture. Koloneeffataan eenyummaa sabaa balleessuuf kan dandahu hunda tolchaa jira. Caasoliin malbulchaa fi hawaasomaa hundi burkutaawanii sabicha walitt fufuuf afaan saanii qofatu hafe ture. Erga of barri Oromummaan qabsiifamee sochii jala dhaabbachuu farraa kolonii ta’e eegalee, daangaa Awuraajjota gidduu cacabsuutt ka’ee, ammaa gara walakkaa jaarraa tokkoo ta’ee jira. Oromummaan akka sochii sabbonakarisoo biyyoota tokko tokkoo utuu hin ta’in ilaalcha addunyaa bilisummaan masakama. Malraaga Gadaa, birmadummaa, ulfina ilmoo namaa, olhantummaa fi walqixxumaa hundaawa. Oromoon nagaa fi birmadummaa jaallata. Wajjirooti saanii kennataan guutaman, daangaan waggaa saddeetii kan kennataman irratt buufamu fi Gumiin ummataa angoo olhanaa ta’un dharraa ummataa kanatt igitii tolcha. Qabsoon Oromoo akka dalaga Badii gaagaa hin qabneett ilaalamuu hin qabu. Sabboonota jaalbiyyootaa fi jannootaan bakka rakkoon jirtuu gaggeeffamuu qaba. Walmarri qabsawootaa fi qaaqi biyya alaatt toora galfaman yoo dimshashumatt jijjiiramuu baatan dhimma hin baasuu. Ammaaf tafkittii “Jettee duute haa jedhanii mo’oo na kooba” jetteen adda hin jirani. Lafti kan mootummaa koloneeffataati jedhamee labsamee. Oromoon lafti saanii butamuu fi mirgi saanii ugguramuun bitintirfamani. Diinni sabboonta koomeerra ijaajjaa fi mallattoo eenyummaa sabaa fi qabsoo bilisummaa mancaasaa jira. Sanaafi ABOn kan gooltuutt galmeeffame. Rakkinni harka irra jiru Oromoo finiinsuu fi koloneeffataa qaccefixaa tolchu sanaa. ABOn goolutuu dha jedhameef Oromoon hin fedhamne hundii ABO ta’ee gooltummaan dararamaa jira. Falli saa qabsoo dhiifama hin qabne kutannoo fi naamusa cimaa akka sibiilaan oofamu.
Ulfinaa fi surraan dabaankufootaaf; walabummaa, walqixxummaa fi bilisummaan kan hafaniif; nagaa fi araarri Ayyaana abboolii fi ayyoliif haa tahu!
Ibsaa Guutama
Waxabajjii 2014
Source: gubirmans

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